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About Rafael

  • Rank
    quelle avante-garde!
  • Birthday April 17

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  • Fan Since
    lanas golden tooth era

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  1. bought tix with a friend, but i'll prolly be chillin in the back since i low-key wanna see billie too. really excited to see lana though, haven't seen her since bråvalla when i went with @Leo
  2. i honestly did NOT know this was a cover so i kept sitting here thinking she's was in a new relationship with a girl also didnt help the fact that i didnt know what lbc was so i now i just sing she's well qualified to represent the LGBT #lesbian anthem luv it tho
  3. Standard Edition: H O L ust for Life (ft. The Weeknd) L ove Y osemite W E I R D Deluxe Edition: Tomorrow Never Came (ft. Sean Ono Lennon) Whatever Song Announced That Isn't Fitting Into My Fan Theory Table (ft. Rafael).mp3
  4. Radio station: P3 Original Interview Link: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/388300?programid=4067 Date of Interview: June 26th 2014 Link to the original audio file got removed after 30 days or due to copyright according to the page though unfortunately. Even tried looking it up on Wayback Machine but to no prevail. Good thing I extracted it in due time I guess, hope it helps
  5. Updated! Added Serial Killer, Us Against The World, Chelsea Hotel No. 2 and Why Don't You Do Right. Massive thanks to @ for uploading the videos
  6. im actually considering going... i mean with such a killer lineup i wouldnt have to go to another concert for the rest of my life~~~ now, how does one get $$$ quick without auctioning out their organs?
  7. honeymoon, really? the moon obsession saga continues
  8. omg the fishtank. i remember it making its infamous cameo exit in the gramma #4 vid. although in the video we kinda get more of mr. carney btw, chuck should do interviews more frequently. my lizzi gramma trailer park heaven obsession just got bigger
  9. Rafael


    lel at that mention for my bittersweet lb arrival~ (it worked) no but umm, i aint got much to say but lucifer's eyes is one of my most played songs atm. those steel drums had me at my first listen (giving me them the xx-reunion feelings which im a total sucker for). in low light is kinda meh, but heaven is a grower for sure!
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