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My Sparrow Blue

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Everything posted by My Sparrow Blue

  1. *trying to be patient for lDR5* i'll waaaait for youu Lana, it's allll I dooo lana,
  2. I am new to this tv show, it loosk weird and fun though! On what episode do they do 'The Snatch Game'? Sorry for being such a noob
  3. In Brooklyn Baby I always thought it said 'churnig out novels live beat poetry, don't know what it means' and I also thought the lyrics were 'My jazz collections rad'. Swan Song - 'Lets leave the world behind AND change everything' and 'It will be A swan song'.
  4. I realy want to listen to your music, lots of people say very good things about it! But for some reason when I click on any of the links for your music it says 'sorry this video is not available' or 'sorry this sound doesn't exist'. Do you know how I can fix this?
  5. I realy hope something happens tommorow, please Lana! But I would rather Lana take her time than rush a release and give us something incomplete and not representative of the creativity she and her producers have. However, it would make sense to do some teasing of lyrics e.g on social media, to keep some hype. Also I have been wondering about Lana's future music (after this album) and had loads of concepts in my head. I even started to make a fake album cover (I have too much time on my hands...) ). Is there a thread for that stuff?
  6. My Sparrow Blue


    Lorde says her next track to be released is her favourite song she has ever writtten. https://mobile.twitter.com/lorde/status/844035470279524352 Ribs 2.0?
  7. I think we will get teasers on each date, such as the album name and tracklist.
  8. I never said that, I just pointed out It was ironic. And just because it includes hipster kids, that doesn't make it the main message of the song.
  9. Funny how Lana released a song called 'Love' and some people on this thread are hating on each other and other artists.
  10. So tragic, why do people have to do these things? I hope all the injured people involved recover and are safe.
  11. Bc remember the list of dates she put on twitter that where to do with witchcraft?On the first date (24th) her website got updated, so maybe this time a release date will be put on her website?
  12. I think we will get news on the 26th of March (Sunday).
  13. I hope she performs at Glastonbury Festival this year:)
  14. The alternate West Coast makes me want Lana to do an acoustic album with her songs (her fans should be able to vote what ones).
  15. If Lana is going to continue a space theme with this album, I hope she covers 'Moonage Daydream' by David Bowie.
  16. I come on here are y'all speculating whether Lana is on her period and if she has a heavy flow. Mess.
  17. That is disgusting. Also if he has underage pics of her .. isn't that against the law? Won't he get arrested for both having and sharing them?
  18. What genre is 'Real Love Baby'? I need to know for homework
  19. 'Leafy' and 'nice guy' really do not belong in the same sentance okay.
  20. I have been hyped about this all day! I've had to ~restrain~ myself from telling all my friends at school.
  21. When I listen to 'Pure Comedy' idk whether to cry or laugh... I love it!
  22. My Sparrow Blue


    Lorde of Comebacks https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1577791865571861&id=508598672491191&__tn__=%2As
  23. I don't know if this has already been mentioned but by 'the next few weeks' I think she mean the 26th of March bc that is one if the dates of the Donald Trump witchcraft thing she posted on her twitter. Also on the first date her website got updated ... so maybe this date will be album name?
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