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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. Nvm didn't realize there was a winner!
  2. Damn :/ I couldn't figure out how to tell when her tumblr posts were published, so I didn't know how recent her answers were regarding those things.
  3. I just discovered her on accident today and I've been absolutely obsessed. And she's mentioned on her Tumblr that soon she's going to release new music and explain while she's been off of the internet for so long.
  4. I'd love to see that masterpost. Hope it gets to see the light someday
  5. I was about to make a topic on this but I'm glad I looked it up first! I figured it was probably old news. I just find this entire thing so interesting and I wish I knew more. I would love to know the connection between the two. I also love that the cover of his book has a shoutout from Lana. This poem reminds me a lot of Stargirl
  6. I'm such a dumbass. I would've never made that connection if I had never read this. I knew she was talking about a wedding, but didn't realize she was describing wedding things in the chorus. I definitley think you hit the nail on the head with your interpretation.
  7. Divisive Princess

    Song vs. Song

    Break My Fall vs. She's Not Me
  8. Holding the Man is so good!! And the book is even better. But it'll fuck you up. Just a warning.
  9. I love their friendship, but they seem like the perfect couple tbh. It's true that their lyrics complement each other very well
  10. Have you SEEN the Honeymoon pre-release thread?? A pre-release thread cannot exist without mess
  11. I feel like you're not a doctor (sorry if you are... oops) 1.) I've seen Lana in concert twice 2.) I have 2 dogs 3.) I'm 5'4
  12. This thread needs to come back because this band is amazing and their latest album is bomb as hell. I also just met them the other day and they're sweethearts.
  13. He's sexy in a weird way... but like I'd only date him if I were going through a rough patch
  14. She's so cute. And I can't believe she invented coloring! What an iconic queen Can you imagine her covering Santa Baby
  15. My thoughts exactly! I guess on some level, the critiques she's getting on her weight feel personal. I have horrible body dysmorphia and I also am recovering from and ED. I think it's fair to say that since 2012, Lana has gained weight. But I've always almost found it refreshing in a sense. Like here's the beautiful woman who so many people love and she has a NORMAL body. I feel like a lot of people don't understand just how much it helps as a girl struggling with their body to look up to someone who looks more like them than most famous women. And that's why it's kind of heartbreaking to see people tearing her down on her weight and her body. Lana and I have extremely similar bodies (but I'm way shorter lol), so where does that leave me? It doesn't feel good. I know I've been a little preachy on LB lately, but seriously- think about how your harsh words might affect someone. Just because Lana might not be reading this stuff doesn't mean that it's not offensive or hurtful to someone else.
  16. This whole thread is so hateful. You'd think we were a Lana hate site the way you guys are talking. I can't imagine people picking apart my appearance while I'm out and about, saying I look bloated and ugly and fat. That would absolutely destroy me. All of you should be ashamed. Yes, we're here to discuss Lana, but seriously?? Have some consideration. She's still a person.
  17. How would you feel if this happened to Lana? She's rich. Does Lana deserve to have her life in danger because she sings about rich and glamourous lifestyles? You're so charitable, yet you have a complete disregard for the life of another human... I don't think I understand. She's a person just like all of us and none of us would deserve what happened to her. That "bitch" is a daughter, a sister, a mother, a wife, and a friend. Just try putting yourself in someone else's shoes.
  18. She has the best ass... And it really doesn't look like she's gained weight at all imo. If anything it's the jeans but I just don't see it
  19. Divisive Princess


    This album is SO GOOD. For some reason, the snippets didn't impress me and I wasn't expecting much but it's probably better that way because I was blown away when I was listening. Obviously Goddess is good, but she really outdid herself with this one.
  20. No one's necessarily saying they want it. It's an IF. It's all in fun...
  21. The title says it all. If Lana continues the theme of covering Nina on her albums, which Nina Simone song would you like to see her cover next? Personally, I'd like her to cover Do What You Gotta Do or Feeling Good.
  22. This is so fucking funny she is too much
  23. In a way... I think we're all Lolita14
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