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  1. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in The Dreamland Sessions   
    She's not very good either. #BASIC
    It's nice to see you posting on the forum though. I take it you're lurking around to steal exclusives and then fail to give credit for them as always? 
  2. liam liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in The Dreamland Sessions   
    She's not very good either. #BASIC
    It's nice to see you posting on the forum though. I take it you're lurking around to steal exclusives and then fail to give credit for them as always? 
  3. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by harvestmoon in The Dreamland Sessions   
    Her photography is crappy :/ 
  4. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by harvestmoon in The Dreamland Sessions   
    I agree, finally someone who isn't asslicking chuck & her photography
    She isn't an amazing photographer unfortunately, i would prefer a noami shon shot or that spanish guy that she works with (he did GQ & Numero)
  5. harvestmoon liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in The Dreamland Sessions   
    After the monstrosity of the LDRakaLG and Kill Kill album/EP art, Lana is NOT ALLOWED to use Chuck's shitty photography as the future album art. I expressly forbid it. 
  6. missdecadence liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in So Legit   
    My thoughts on the matter, even though it's been talked about to death:

    Being bitter about someone's success is never a good look. While it's understandable that Lizzy may have been frustrated about her own stagnant career and most likely wrote this song in a sort of therapeutic attempt to get these feelings out, I sincerely doubt that this was the extent of her reasons for penning this, like @@TrailerParkDarling claims. I think she was specifically mad at Gaga, the pettiness of the lyrics coupled with the argument with Arthur over her gives me this gut feeling tells me otherwise. Girl was PRESSED. 

    I'm not a Gaga fan -- I don't mind her though -- but I really don't like this song because of the nature of its lyrics and I'd rather I never heard it. (Granted, it was never supposed to be heard anyway). It's too petty a song for me to enjoy. 

    As for the Gaga-Lana comparisons, @@SitarHero did a really good job of shutting down the poorly-thought ~criticism~ of Gaga. It was laughable that those comparisons were even made! I don't know too much about Lady Gaga (Sitar can attest to this, seeing as I can't even pronounce her name properly  ) but I always had the impression that despite the seemingly "huge ego", i.e., pretentiousness, being  ~avant garde~, Born this Way being the album of the decade, etc, that for the most part, these are calculated acts and I think Gaga possesses a lot more self-awareness than she is given credit for. I don't think Gaga thinks that she's the be-all and end-all of pop music. She's far more self-aware and intelligent to truly think that, but in the same vein as @'s speculation: it's a part of a marketing strategy, whether intentional or not: if you call yourself x or y enough times, your fans, and in turn, the media, picks up on it. I don't know if any of you follow Beyonce's career, but she has the words "(future) legend" following her in the media, and why? Her team purposely marketed her as A LEGEND. So while Beyonce is a now undisputedly a ~legend~ in the media, Gaga is ~the saviour of pop music~ and all sorts of other huge titles. It's cool and I respect that. I don't think Gaga herself honestly buys into huge hype surrounding her, but rather feeds the machine because it gets attention and sales. I don't think she really, truly believes a lot of the outlandish statements she makes, where as I read Lana saying something like this:
    and I think she 100% believes it. Gaga might say something akin to that but it's a part of an act she's too smart to believe or buy into.

    TL;DR: Lana thinks she's this special snowflake poet but appears to be more grounded due to a more restrained attitude with the media, Gaga talks herself up like she's a God of Pop Music but possesses the self-awareness to realize that in essence, she's just another artist turning the gears in the media/music-industry machine. (And why not do it under the guise of pretentiousness and a larger-than-life-ego?) I wouldn't take each artist at face value. Feel free to disagree.
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in So Legit   
    My thoughts on the matter, even though it's been talked about to death:

    Being bitter about someone's success is never a good look. While it's understandable that Lizzy may have been frustrated about her own stagnant career and most likely wrote this song in a sort of therapeutic attempt to get these feelings out, I sincerely doubt that this was the extent of her reasons for penning this, like @@TrailerParkDarling claims. I think she was specifically mad at Gaga, the pettiness of the lyrics coupled with the argument with Arthur over her gives me this gut feeling tells me otherwise. Girl was PRESSED. 

    I'm not a Gaga fan -- I don't mind her though -- but I really don't like this song because of the nature of its lyrics and I'd rather I never heard it. (Granted, it was never supposed to be heard anyway). It's too petty a song for me to enjoy. 

    As for the Gaga-Lana comparisons, @@SitarHero did a really good job of shutting down the poorly-thought ~criticism~ of Gaga. It was laughable that those comparisons were even made! I don't know too much about Lady Gaga (Sitar can attest to this, seeing as I can't even pronounce her name properly  ) but I always had the impression that despite the seemingly "huge ego", i.e., pretentiousness, being  ~avant garde~, Born this Way being the album of the decade, etc, that for the most part, these are calculated acts and I think Gaga possesses a lot more self-awareness than she is given credit for. I don't think Gaga thinks that she's the be-all and end-all of pop music. She's far more self-aware and intelligent to truly think that, but in the same vein as @'s speculation: it's a part of a marketing strategy, whether intentional or not: if you call yourself x or y enough times, your fans, and in turn, the media, picks up on it. I don't know if any of you follow Beyonce's career, but she has the words "(future) legend" following her in the media, and why? Her team purposely marketed her as A LEGEND. So while Beyonce is a now undisputedly a ~legend~ in the media, Gaga is ~the saviour of pop music~ and all sorts of other huge titles. It's cool and I respect that. I don't think Gaga herself honestly buys into huge hype surrounding her, but rather feeds the machine because it gets attention and sales. I don't think she really, truly believes a lot of the outlandish statements she makes, where as I read Lana saying something like this:
    and I think she 100% believes it. Gaga might say something akin to that but it's a part of an act she's too smart to believe or buy into.

    TL;DR: Lana thinks she's this special snowflake poet but appears to be more grounded due to a more restrained attitude with the media, Gaga talks herself up like she's a God of Pop Music but possesses the self-awareness to realize that in essence, she's just another artist turning the gears in the media/music-industry machine. (And why not do it under the guise of pretentiousness and a larger-than-life-ego?) I wouldn't take each artist at face value. Feel free to disagree.
  8. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Viva in So Legit   
  9. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Rebel in So Legit   
    Stars Are Blind > every song I've ever listened to
  10. Valentino liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in So Legit   
    My thoughts on the matter, even though it's been talked about to death:

    Being bitter about someone's success is never a good look. While it's understandable that Lizzy may have been frustrated about her own stagnant career and most likely wrote this song in a sort of therapeutic attempt to get these feelings out, I sincerely doubt that this was the extent of her reasons for penning this, like @@TrailerParkDarling claims. I think she was specifically mad at Gaga, the pettiness of the lyrics coupled with the argument with Arthur over her gives me this gut feeling tells me otherwise. Girl was PRESSED. 

    I'm not a Gaga fan -- I don't mind her though -- but I really don't like this song because of the nature of its lyrics and I'd rather I never heard it. (Granted, it was never supposed to be heard anyway). It's too petty a song for me to enjoy. 

    As for the Gaga-Lana comparisons, @@SitarHero did a really good job of shutting down the poorly-thought ~criticism~ of Gaga. It was laughable that those comparisons were even made! I don't know too much about Lady Gaga (Sitar can attest to this, seeing as I can't even pronounce her name properly  ) but I always had the impression that despite the seemingly "huge ego", i.e., pretentiousness, being  ~avant garde~, Born this Way being the album of the decade, etc, that for the most part, these are calculated acts and I think Gaga possesses a lot more self-awareness than she is given credit for. I don't think Gaga thinks that she's the be-all and end-all of pop music. She's far more self-aware and intelligent to truly think that, but in the same vein as @'s speculation: it's a part of a marketing strategy, whether intentional or not: if you call yourself x or y enough times, your fans, and in turn, the media, picks up on it. I don't know if any of you follow Beyonce's career, but she has the words "(future) legend" following her in the media, and why? Her team purposely marketed her as A LEGEND. So while Beyonce is a now undisputedly a ~legend~ in the media, Gaga is ~the saviour of pop music~ and all sorts of other huge titles. It's cool and I respect that. I don't think Gaga herself honestly buys into huge hype surrounding her, but rather feeds the machine because it gets attention and sales. I don't think she really, truly believes a lot of the outlandish statements she makes, where as I read Lana saying something like this:
    and I think she 100% believes it. Gaga might say something akin to that but it's a part of an act she's too smart to believe or buy into.

    TL;DR: Lana thinks she's this special snowflake poet but appears to be more grounded due to a more restrained attitude with the media, Gaga talks herself up like she's a God of Pop Music but possesses the self-awareness to realize that in essence, she's just another artist turning the gears in the media/music-industry machine. (And why not do it under the guise of pretentiousness and a larger-than-life-ego?) I wouldn't take each artist at face value. Feel free to disagree.
  11. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by DUKE in So Legit   
    Thank you for this insightful contribution, but how do you like the song "So Legit"? Or what was the purpose of this post? There didn't seem to be any kind of topic-related vision. 
    Here's a general thought: how about you guys just create a new topic in which you can get everything out of your Lady Gaga hate? Like, until your heads explode of rage and self-sufficient superiority towards this disgusting and retarded creature of a self-acclaimed artist.
  12. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in So Legit   
    I wonder if Gaga ever even thought about Lizzy.. probably not enough to make a song about her. lol
  13. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Sitar in So Legit   
    Disclaimer: I've been a Lana fan long enough to know she's not a sell out, but I'm just saying that everything he said about Gaga (that I believe to be untrue) can apply to Lana (and similarly be untrue). But with the right perspective, it's all pretty similar. It just depends on who you prefer. No one on here is saying this stuff about Lana because they enjoy her music, etc.
  14. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Sitar in So Legit   
    My fucking god, there are a few reasons Lana is better than Lady Gaga and you managed to list exactly zero. I can say all the same things about Lana; in fact, it's almost like you're begging me to.
    10-minute pretentious music videos?

    Generic crap dance songs?
    Considering herself to be an avant-garde artist?
     Playing the victim?
    No sell out required?

    Everyone keep doing the most, meanwhile I'm not allowing this to be some kind of uninformed circle jerk. I won't say some of the things you people are saying about Gaga are untrue but there is some self-awareness that is sorely absent.
  15. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Sitar in So Legit   
    You were the indie queen of Coney Island
    All the girls thought they could sing, but they’re really not shit
    I don’t get it
    You’re looking like a duck, you’re talking like a baby
    How the fuck is your song in a H&M commercial, crazy?
    I don’t get it, your taste once exquisite
    What happened to Brooklyn, what happened to New York?
    What happened to my scene, what happened to sadcore, core?
    You called me the queen of the downtown scene, babe
    How the fuck would you go switch it up and then replace me?
    I don’t get it, I’m so legit
    Tell me, was it ‘cause I wasn’t platinum in jewels?
    That perhaps you thought I was a little bit even uncool
    Kid, was that it?
    Elizabeth, you suck, I know you’re selling twenty million
    Wish they could have seen you when we booed you off at SNL
    You’re hurt, I know my words don’t hurt, yeah
    Oh, girl, I see you walking around in your diamonds
    Thinking that you’re number one
    You’re so funny, ‘cause honey, you’re not
    What happened to Brooklyn, the last frontier?
    They said you could make it anywhere if you could make it here
    But where, no magic in the air
    What happened to Brooklyn, what happened to our scene, baby?
    Have we all gone Lana crazy?
    Remember when the streets used to be dangerous and we were born bad
    And we were born bad?
    Sadcore, sadcore
    The boys used to punch each other in the face and girls were walking around wasted
    And everyone had a good night, come back in sunlight
    Sadcore, core, core
    I love you Lana but
    I'm inclined to believe what @@DUKE / Lady Gaga said about the Brooklyn scene. Idk, I don't think there's much you can do to discredit the earliest struggling beginning of Gaga's career (other than her killing Lina Morgana ).
  16. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by HunterAshlyn in So Legit   
    personally my thoughts on the whole thing after reflecting on both Gaga and Lana's EERILY SIMILAR career paths is that Lana's attitude and perspective must be drastically different now than it was when she wrote this song. If she still feels this way- there is a serious lack of self-awareness on this issue. Take out the gaga references and this could be any girl from that same scene writing about Lana now.
  17. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in So Legit   
    ('cause i'm a) jealous, jealous, jealous girl
    if i can't have you baby, if I can't have you baby
    jealous, jealous, jealous girl
    if I can't have you baby, no one else in this world can
    B-E A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E
  18. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by DUKE in So Legit   
    It's kind of funny that she sings about the scene changing because in early interviews, Gaga said that the only reason why she went into pop music is because the scene at the time was heavily focussed on fake-ass ~artistic singer/songwriter music. To be honest, that description seems a lot more accurate in opposite to Lana's highly romanced perception of it. Then again, who knows how "serious" she is about all this. In the end, it's a song and not a news report, but I think it gives an interesting new perspective.
    I'm relatively shocked at how explicit the lyrics are. She must have been one pressed bitch at the time. Another interesting aspect of this is that they indeed must have met back in the day, given that the lyrics are true.
    On a side note: I hope people realise this song is old, and wasn't written yesterday. Because if it was... thank you, Lana, for that insider info on Gaga's upcoming coke commercial.  #ARTPOP #labelmates
    And here we go again for people making this all about dissing Gaga...    This is something you will always be able to rely on on pop  alternative music forums. Now the question is: which mommy will win this year's award for Best Birthday Party Organisation?  
  19. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Sitar in So Legit   
    But this proves that Lana has always thought she was a special snowflake poet
    She's so legit. She is punk rock.
    I wanna know if she had a meltdown recording "Hit & Run" or if she transitioned to pop with a smile on her unique and artistic face
  20. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Viva in So Legit   
  21. BLURRYFACE liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in RIP Cory Monteith   
    Fuck you. Seriously. 
  22. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Cassie   

    I love RockaByeBaby, such a strong and cohesive mixtape, Paradise is so good 
  23. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Cassie   
    No love for RockaByeBaby?
  24. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Black Beauty   
    Is that the one about the best friends? Like a guy's best friend passes away? She spoke about that in an interview, I'll search 4 receipts 
  25. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by lflflflflflflflflflf in Angels Forever, Forever Angels   
    She's such an *sunglasses* Angel Headed Hipster.
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