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Everything posted by VegasBaby

  1. Weird and disturbing people on tumblr are joking about this tbh...
  2. She normally seems lovely. Maybe she was having a bad day..
  3. Always looking classy except the dark hair ages her a bit.
  4. I think they're measured by CD sales (including iTunes I think) using something called the Nielsen Soundscan which is detected in all purchases or something.
  5. VegasBaby


    Who is that? She is mega cute.
  6. Sadly, so true. Especially when one has been harrassed, molested or attacked before. I've been assaulted and harrassed before and this fear is all to real for me. I couldnt've said your post better.
  7. Of course not. But I just think, if God forbid, I or anyone I know had children and that happened to them, what I or they would think. Have you seen some programmes where people go to prison? Not the idea of what I would think a prison would look like, it seems too lenient to me. They can get free education and things like that. Those kids won't get the chance to graduate but people who go to prison may get out one day..
  8. Even if someone has taken away an innocent person's human rights? Where's the justice?
  9. Sounds like a racist thing to me. Why would she specifically hate Muslims and not Christians for example?
  10. Karma will eventually get these people, I believe. The death penalty isn't a black or white issue, either. However, I do understand how people can say that as he's devalued the lives of the people's he's killed and the families he's ruined and doesn't care a jot about it.
  11. People who say "they were just kids, they don't know what they were doing" need to be shown that. Disgusting.
  12. VegasBaby


    Just when I thought she couldn't be more arrogant. I've always wondered why she has legions upon legions of fans. I mean, some of her songs are catchy but that's it. Yeah, she has worked hard but didn't her father help her on the way, iirc? I respect her hard work and her stage routines are second to none but lbr.. Preparing myself for a tongue lashing from Bey fans now.
  13. The oversexualization of young girls is highly disturbing. I'm not saying it's just America that does this because it's probably not but when you're telling young girls to dress up like that and put make up on and to be judged by how cute they are, then that says a lot about the society.
  14. Rape culture is all around us and it's scary. This makes me feel absolutely sick and that some people are [inevitably] defending them. That's rape culture at work. Some people believe that it's the guys right to violate a woman's body when she is inebriated and that "no means yes". Disgusting. We are apparently fair game and a man's property, they can do what they like with us. And smh at people saying they don't have to prove she said/didn't say no. How could she say anything in that state? No means no, if a girl doesn't say yes or CAN'T say yes, then it's still NO. They saw an opportunity to take advantage and they did. Simple as that. Absolutely. Makes me feel physically sick. True in a way. I think people are more shocked when news incidents like these come up in America as America is supposed to be a civilized country. As we are reporting more and more news articles and incidents all across the world on social networking sites, it's easy to see now how prevelant the problem is. It's sad. Rape culture is a problem everywhere, not just America or the UK or India. It's just all too easy for people to brush the problem off by saying it's "feminist" and people don't like that word so they devalue the problem in itself. Really really sad.
  15. Uncharted and any Rockstar game. The last game I've played in full was Red Dead Redemption, though.
  16. VegasBaby

    Passion Pit

    Could listen to their stuff forever.
  17. You suffer for fashion, eh? Eh I like that she doesn't dress up to go out. Well, apart from putting on fake eyelashes lol.
  18. It's mentally cold here at the moment, though. She would prob freeze in one of her racing jackets.
  19. Bless you. Beautiful. Lana gives no fucks. Poor Lana. Lovely interview. The part about Synesthesia was so interesting.
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