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  1. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by UltraviolenceBaby in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    remember when we used to think BAR is the title of the album and we kept holding it as secret we couldn't even share it there
    lmao i love our drama 
  2. C0neyIslandKing liked a post in a topic by gogodancer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    sign me upppp if there is one    need to practice cause I only speak English 24/7 and its sad I'm losing the language I grew up with after living abroad for so long (i know 0 spanish speakers) 
  3. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by TROPICUM in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    @Elle can there be a Spanish Thread? For Spanish speakers?  
  4. strange weather liked a post in a topic by gogodancer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    This morality high horse never ends by this logic. What about the phones and laptops we're using rn? We don't care about the poor children who got paid pennies in developing countries to make them? The world is shit and that's it.
  5. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by LanaTrailer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    La compañía discográfica es la que decide la fecha de lanzamiento.
    La responsabilidad de los managers es supervisar los negocios de un artista; aconsejarlo y asesorarlo en temas profesionales, planes a largo plazo y decisiones personales que puedan afectar a su carrera. En ningún momento el manager toma decisiones por el artista, su trabajo es exponer las oportunidades al artista y ayudarle a tomar la decisión que ambos crean convenientes para la carrera del artista.
    Asi que no es culpa de Ben.
    As far as I know it goes against the rules to write in languages ​​other than English.
  6. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by H E R O I N in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Así es el mundo de la música, si no hubiera sido por la filtración de LOVE todavía estuvieramos pensando cuando estrenaría el álbum. Lo mismo paso con UV toda su disquera la mando a hacer el álbum de nuevo por el simple hecho de no verlo como algo exitoso...
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by gogodancer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Guys look at this rare photo of Ben
  8. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    I only took two semesters of Spanish but I know exactly what "este album flopeé" means
  9. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by TROPICUM in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Yass queen.
    Acabas de decir todo lo que he pensado en los últimos meses aquí. Su manager no puede seguir jugando con nosotros de esta manera. En mi opinión, Lana SI dijo la fecha de lanzamiento en la entrevista en Kroq, solo que Ben (por alguna estúpida razón) lo edito y elimino. Tan solo pienso que si Lana llegara hacer un lanzamiento sorpresa, este album flopeé y quede tan solo como Honeymoon, una obra maestra reducida por sus ventas.
    En fin, al final del día tenemos que confiar en Lana y en nadie más.
  10. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by isthisadness in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Sorry but I have to say something in Spanish (u can use Google Traductor):
    Llevo esperando para este álbum casi 2 años, todas las emociones por las que he pasado en tan pocos meses me han llevado a una inestabilidad por culpa de sus managers incompetentes y de revistas o webs con fechas falsas. Simplemente estoy harto de mentiras, harto de que jueguen de esta manera con nuestros sentimientos, harto de ilusionarme para luego decepcionarme. Ben, el manager de Lana, ha sido en parte el responsable de todo esto, primero llega y quita el audio en el que Lana dice la fecha de lanzamiento y ahora va y comenta diciendo que el álbum no está terminado... Estoy cansado, no puedo más con esta situación... Solo espero que Lana diga algo hoy, mañana, el viernes o cuando sea. Algo para calmarme porque su estúpido manager no me está dando "ganas de vivir", me las está quitando.
    Por último, me gustaría decir que si Lana está preparando un lanzamiento sorpresa, que se prepare porque no va a vender todo lo que debería. Esta era se merece mucho más y por culpa de tres o cuatro gilipollas no va a acabar bien.
  11. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by isthisadness in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    No se malentiende, lo has dicho bien claro
  12. Terrence Loves Me liked a post in a topic by gogodancer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    This morality high horse never ends by this logic. What about the phones and laptops we're using rn? We don't care about the poor children who got paid pennies in developing countries to make them? The world is shit and that's it.
  13. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by gogodancer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    This morality high horse never ends by this logic. What about the phones and laptops we're using rn? We don't care about the poor children who got paid pennies in developing countries to make them? The world is shit and that's it.
  14. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by gogodancer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    This morality high horse never ends by this logic. What about the phones and laptops we're using rn? We don't care about the poor children who got paid pennies in developing countries to make them? The world is shit and that's it.
  15. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by H E R O I N in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Nunca pensé ver a alguien escribiendo en español 
    De todas formas, it's what she deserves,
  16. bluejeanbaby liked a post in a topic by gogodancer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    This morality high horse never ends by this logic. What about the phones and laptops we're using rn? We don't care about the poor children who got paid pennies in developing countries to make them? The world is shit and that's it.
  17. Solar Fields liked a post in a topic by gogodancer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    This morality high horse never ends by this logic. What about the phones and laptops we're using rn? We don't care about the poor children who got paid pennies in developing countries to make them? The world is shit and that's it.
  18. deepseagemini liked a post in a topic by gogodancer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    This morality high horse never ends by this logic. What about the phones and laptops we're using rn? We don't care about the poor children who got paid pennies in developing countries to make them? The world is shit and that's it.
  19. UltraviolenceBaby liked a post in a topic by gogodancer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    This morality high horse never ends by this logic. What about the phones and laptops we're using rn? We don't care about the poor children who got paid pennies in developing countries to make them? The world is shit and that's it.
  20. Terrence Loves Me liked a post in a topic by gogodancer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Guys look at this rare photo of Ben
  21. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by Yosemite in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    You guys are such hypocrites.
    Everyday there's terrorism, everyday there's people dying from hunger, from poverty and we still debate whether the album is coming on the 26th or not. But you're just worried now? 
    I mean...
    (I'm not trying to disrespect the attack by any means, I just don't get why some of you really like the drama- and yeah, this is about leaked_version)
  22. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    @@leaked_version Just because people are posting on here doesn't mean they don't care about what's going on.
  23. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by isthisadness in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Me das mucho asco, estás prejuzgando. Tú qué mierdas sabes lo que opino de los 20 muertos en el accidente de esta noche. Ahora mismo estoy indignado con Lana (por eso estoy escribiendo aquí) y triste por los accidentes de esta noche. Si no sabes lo que estoy diciendo lo traduces. Hostias.
  24. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    what the hell is this . where were you when people kept shitposting when worse occur in the middle-east or anywhere else ? life goes on 
    I swear it's like you guys enjoy every bit of occasion to make your stupid ego feel better after constantly tearing people down on a damn lana del rey forum. what a sad life 
  25. gogodancer liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    When you start to believe that maybe LFL won't be released this month

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