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  1. Valentino liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    this is a lana del rey fan forum, we have a 46 page thread dedicated to assumptions about her love life. this is an interesting topic imo, not just about lana's or lorde's views on feminism and empowerment but also our position on the subject. and i don't think we've overdiscussed at all so far
  2. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Sis she lives for the fabricated attention I give her and my unblemished record of never leaking anything
    + all you likers can suck this, fuckin mob jfc
  3. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    "Video Games" star Lana Del Rey admits, "playing Sonic on my boyfriend's Nintendo was the inspiration for that song."
    PepsiCo suffers bankruptcy, pulls drinks off shelves. Lana deeply hit by crisis, stating "now what am I gonna name my songs after?"
    Elizabeth Grant admits that's not even her birth name; stole it from dead Scottish songwriter.
  4. onetruelove liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    "Video Games" star Lana Del Rey admits, "playing Sonic on my boyfriend's Nintendo was the inspiration for that song."
    PepsiCo suffers bankruptcy, pulls drinks off shelves. Lana deeply hit by crisis, stating "now what am I gonna name my songs after?"
    Elizabeth Grant admits that's not even her birth name; stole it from dead Scottish songwriter.
  5. SparkleJumpRopeKing liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    "Video Games" star Lana Del Rey admits, "playing Sonic on my boyfriend's Nintendo was the inspiration for that song."
    PepsiCo suffers bankruptcy, pulls drinks off shelves. Lana deeply hit by crisis, stating "now what am I gonna name my songs after?"
    Elizabeth Grant admits that's not even her birth name; stole it from dead Scottish songwriter.
  6. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Viva in Would Lana be as well-liked if she wasn’t attractive?   
    I actually really liked Video Games, the music the whole conception about the video and off course her voice. Lana is not drop dead gorgeous in my opinion is more like a girl next door type of beauty. I also think that what makes Lana a incredible face for videos and photography is more that she is a chameleon and has a very interesting face that the camera loves and not only the fact that she is very pretty. Take Kate Moss and Gisele Bundchen for example. Both of them are 2 of the most sucessful models of all times.. There are several models that are a lot more beautiful than them. But they have a very interesting type of beauty that is easily captivated by the camera and both of them are huge chameleons. Both have very powerful eyes and expressions like Lana . Is something hard to explain but some faces are just born for videos and pictures. I think Lana has one of those faces.I think Katy Perry is quite beautiful but I don't think her face is interesting camera wise after a while becomes boring and plain. But if you look at Katy she is quite gorgeous even if that beauty is somewhat vanilla. Gaga in the other hand is not gorgeous or even very pretty but her face is interesting in ways that she becomes a interesting face camera wise. In my opinion Lana is more than beautiful she is interesting. The combination of beauty and being interesting is what makes her get all the attenton she gets. Music is meant to be heard after all not to be seeing. That is music wise so yes I think she would be successful. But if you ask me if she was going to be modeling, being the face of H&M or getting as many covers as she does if she wasn't beautiful I would say: Not a chance. All that extra comes with beauty and that extra makes your name be seeing a lot.
  7. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Viva in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Sadcore singer and SNL flop Lana Del Rey gets a restraining order against fanboard manager @@SitarHero
    After reading ,on her own fan board, a topic called Lanalyses Lana Del Rey was scared that the emotion manager was a in fact a crazy stalker obsessed with her love life. Lana now is requesting a large number of restaining orders against her so called fans.
  8. Valentino liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    The Artist Formerly Known As Lana Del Rey Formerly Known As Lizzy Grant Formerly Known as May Jailer: new name change of the chameleonic singer followed by legal battle against Prince; TAFKALDRFKALGFKAMJ unavailable for comment, still on media blackout; unconfirmed sources claim the singer was heard saying 'They're all flip-floppers, the lot of them. And I ain't got time for that shit'.
  9. Valentino liked a post in a topic by lola in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Lana Del Rey, Madonna & Lady Gaga Announce That They Like Each Other: World Collapses, Fandoms Have Nervous Breakdowns, Del Rey's Madonna Diss Track "Roses" Is Leaked By 4chan Users
  10. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Madonna and "So Legit" singer Lana Del Rey breaks records! Album debuted lower than Christina Aguilera's Bionic!
  11. Valentino liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Lana's gynaecologist urges star to reduce carbonated soda intake.
  12. Valentino liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Lana Del Rey Goes Nazi
    The arguably 27 year old American singer is channeling what appears to be an homage to nobody less than Nazi regime leader Adolf Hitler in a recently leaked song called "Manipulate Me." To many this may come as an abrupt and surprising change of topic since the singer, whose actual name is Elizabeth Grant and currently resides in Los Angeles with her homeless boyfriend, a street musician from Scotland, has continuously mentioned past dynasties of Hollywood stars and has earned a reputation of self-proclaimed "Hollywood sadcore" through her epic songs and looks.

    Lana Del Rey's iconic looks are a fusion of Hollywood glamour and pin-up kitsch 
    Sources close to Grant report that the mutinous chanteuse has even more controversial material in store for her upcoming album. According to an insider who preferred to remain unmentioned, Lana Del Rey has also written songs about Stalin and Mussolini. She is no stranger to controversy, as she just recently outed herself as anti-feminist saying she chose to have a dominant male figure in her life. Seems like the verbophile (a term currently being reviewed for inclusion into the Oxford English Dictionary) is now going to devote herself to a variety of different dominant men.
    Lana Del Rey's album which is reportedly called The Tale of Eve and seeks inspiration in the life of Hitler mistress Eva Braun, is expected for late 2016 release.
  13. Valentino liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Lana Del Rey dies, claims she, "still made it into the 27 club"
  14. Valentino liked a post in a topic by trashtrashtrash in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Lana Del Rey reveals K was her childhood imaginary friend, fan base shocked and confused
  15. Valentino liked a post in a topic by motelflowernation in Lana Confessions   
    I have so many of these that it is just downright embarassing. I'll start with tonight's. My fiance tells me his car is breaking down and the first words out of my mouth are, "Omg, please get a white pontiac or a chevolet." So legit.
    Oh my god what is wrong with me I can't evennnn.
  16. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Lana Confessions   
    I am always conflicted between being glad that Lana didn't "hit big" in the US and wishing that the general public gave her a real chance.

    Lana used to scare me in a sense because I felt that her frequent references to great/misunderstood musicians/celebrities who died young (most of their deaths being linked to drugs/overdose/suicide/etc.,) were very allusive and foreshadowing. Sometimes the thought will come out of the blue and linger, but I try to send out positive vibrations.

    I messaged Lana exactly one year ago, on this day, when I found out that she was initially considering leaving the music career. This was when I didn't understand the nature of leaks or how they happened, a few months before I discovered LB. The long to short is that I had asked her to release Hollywood's Dead and American Dream (Damn You) "before she left." Two days later, they leaked. It never said whether or not she read the message, I'd like to think she did. For a long time after, I was fairly certain Lana was behind a majority of the leaks because of that instance, which I guess may have been just pure coincidence, but I still entertain the thought from time to time.
  17. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Sir Taurean in Video Games : Recording [Behind The Scenes]   
    For those that know about Audio Engineering and those just wanting an inside look at the making of Video Games, this article is perfect for you!!
    Excerpt of Article from April 2012. :
    "‘Video Games’, the song that started it all, was co-written by Del Rey and Justin Parker, and was arranged, played and produced by Robopop, a then-unknown production duo consisting of Daniel Omelio and Brandon Lowry. Their contribution consisted of a serendipitous two-day romp through Cubase, Pro Tools, Ableton Live, IK’s Miroslav Philharmonik Orchestra and various dance music sample CDs, culminating in Omelio laying down the track’s electronic and orchestral arrangements in one inspired six-hour late-night session. He immediately realised he’d found a signature sound: “I remember coming home that night and telling my girlfriend that this was going to be a defining track for Lana. I knew right away that it was a pretty epic piece of work and that it would put her on the map and define her as an artist. It was such a heartfelt and real piece of music, that I felt sure that people would connect with it right away.”
    Two attempts later on by name mixers to ‘properly’ mix the track came to nothing, with everyone involved deciding that Robopop’s rough mix had the magic. It was released on the Internet and later made it to the album."   Image of the Pro Tools Edit Window. :     Link to entire article : http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/apr12/articles/it-0412.htm  
  18. Valentino liked a post in a topic by QueenofAlchemy in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    There needs to be a list of Lana approved stuff for the super stalkers
    Books: Lolita etc
    Artists: Nirvana, Nancy Sinatra etc
    Soft Drinks: Pepsi Cola, Diet Mountain Dew etc
    Alcoholic drinks: Slow Gin Fizz etc
    Accessories: Heart Shaped Sunglasses Etc
    Makeup: Blue Mascara, Pink Lipgloss Etc
    Cars: White Pontiacs Etc
    Hangout Spots: Chateau Marmont, Gas Stations e.g. Texaco, Indian Reservations Etc
    Drugs: Methamphetamines  Etc(Like OMG Im totally gonna do out and do some meth because Lana did some meth)
    Places: New York, Coney island etc
    Sun Lotion: Hawaiian Tropic
    Then once we have all that info, we can build our own cylon versions of her, and OMG it would be totez amazeballs
  19. Valentino liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    "i'm your national anthem: self-affirmation through patriotism"
  20. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    Whole World's Girl: How to Tell Your Gramma You're a Slut
  21. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    How to be a girl: Don't wait for heaven and put love first
  22. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    Singing "Million Dollar Man" Live: How to Hit Notes That Do Not Register to the Human Ear
  23. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    Cliche Songwriting: A guide to throwing the terms Coney Island, James Dean, Daddy, and Baby in every phrase
  24. Valentino liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    "Yes, Of Course I'll Buy You Diamonds: How To Get A Trophy Wife"
  25. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Matt in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    How to get ahead in the music industry without sleeping with a producer since this isn't 1952 anymore
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