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Atom Heart

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  1. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by BLOODSHOT in Sky Ferreira   
  2. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Mauri8396 in Lorde   
    Could you send me the KCRW and iHeartRadio albums?
    Plus the Poisson Rouge album cover, please?
  3. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lorde   
    I really love it! I mean it's obv got the simplicity and impact of the original but with the nice addition of her face, which I enjoy unlike some people
    Give you what?
    It's a single, my dearest Nah but the wait isn't that long until the album and I understand wanting to hear a whole body of new music. Though technically I've heard every song already But even I have my restraint methods: I didn't rip the LQ "Glory and Gore" performance which has left me with only a vague memory of the chorus and I've listened to my copy of "Still Sane", like...once. However I need to belt the rest at her concert so
    You should buy Team
    I can upload the live albums tho Maybe Team I'll think about it
    EDIT: Here's the Echoplex set http://buzzcut-season.tumblr.com/post/57826497946/download-lordes-full-live-set-at-the-los-angeles
  4. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    I think is what drives a lot of the critics and also one of the things that make Lana interesting: she said from the beggining, several times, that her lyrics are auto biographical. IMO they are mostly bio just not auto. Also Lana was born in wealth. That was her reality. Unlike most artists she didn't study in a public school, struggle to help her family or is a refugee. Lana is a girl that lived in NY, studied in a expensive private school and did go to college (if she actually graduated is another story). Lorde's reality is completely different.
    Lana "made it" at the age of 25 (26 ). She was not a 15 year old that strugles money wise. . The cars, the money, the jets was nothing new to Lana. Lana's reality is the Hamptons not Tauranga. Lana is not a poor girl from Harlem. Even if Lana was a outcast and her stories about the Hamptons are from other people, she still was part of the scene. Lord was born and raised in very different circunstances. Lana talks about what surrounded her and that is interesting to many and like anyone born in wealth will annoy many.
    I agree with Lorde that some of Lanas lyrics are not the healthiest thing for iimpressionable teens. But that is not Lana's job that is parent's and school job to educate. It's lazy to throw that over artits shoulders. 
    I disagree when people say she doesn't make critics with her lyrics. I believe in the country America used to be is one of the best jabs an artist could give towards US and her music critics. I wonder many times how much Lana is playing the media, how much she planned from the start. SOmetimes I wonder if things happened to her by chance or if she actually planned it all including the repercussion of her lips and her plastic appearence. I wonder because sometimes I think LDR is a fool other that she is a genius. But I always like her music that I never question myself about.
    I'm also glad that Lana wears clothes and not knickers to sing at concerts. Lana's videos are not filled with naked womens rolling in the mud or boobs poping from nowhere in our faces. Some of Lanas songs I can't stand because she seems like a door mat and that annoys me. In other lyrics she is beyong brillant.
    IMO Lana is a storyteller before anything else and her stories from other people cover also girls that are beyond submissive. Girls who are lost, girls who think that happiness relays on $$, girls who like to drive with boys in the Hamptons. Mundane stories from mundane people.
  5. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    Feminism as a movement kind of has a dark history when it comes to glossing over women of color, lower class women, and trans women. For a long time it was a movement heralded by upper middle class white women for upper middle class white women, with women not fitting into those qualifications being ignored, thrown under the bus, or used as tokens. I think it's pretty understandable why someone would not want to relate to a movement that historically hasn't had your interests at heart despite claiming to speak for you. Feminism nowadays generally tries to acknowledge its past failings as a movement, but being that "woman" is necessarily a broad category it's hard to have one movement that speaks for all women and addresses the varying levels of oppression (class, race, trans, sexuality, disability, etc).
    Feminism is as much the movement it is associated with as it is the ideals it espouses. If you want to associate yourself with feminism, you need to acknowledge that yes, there are skeletons in the closet and deal with them. You can also agree with the ideals without adopting the label. Does believing people shouldn't live in equality mean one must identify as a socialist? Does believing people should have a chance to work hard and succeed mean one should call oneself a capitalist? You can't boil down complex political movements to a single-issue, especially not ideologies which purport to explain every facet of society (feminism has expanded a lot to issues most wouldn't associate with gender - environmentalism, distribution of wealth).
    In addition, feminism is so broad that saying you're a feminist is quite unhelpful. Which subset of feminism are you? A lib fem is going to have different views than a rad fem. Is pornography good for the soul or inherently degrading to women? What is the true nature of the patriarchy? How can women take control of their own lives and do women have a responsibility to other women? These are all questions to which you'll get wildly different responses - all from people who identify as "feminist."
    That's something that really bothers me about female artists (actually any artist, but lesser known female artists like to talk about feminism a lot) talking about feminism - their analysis is superficial and seems to come from like the Sparknotes version of second-wave feminism. It's a lazy way to make your songs seem like intellectual critiques of society without actually having the content to back it up. Grrl power! Don't ever be dependent on a man, ever! Implying, of course, that the roles traditionally assigned to women are lesser and that women who "play" into them are less intelligent... which sounds a lot like internalized misogyny to me. Marina and the Diamonds's "Girls" is a grade-A example of a "feminist" song that is actually super misogynistic (thankfully she's realized the unfortunate implications of the song). You'll still hear people proclaiming that lyrics like "look like a girl but I think like a guy!" are scathing deconstructions of gender when they actually reinforce this idea that there's a way to look like and think like a guy/girl. Not to mention the entire idea that instead of criticizing the institutions that "fuel a new insecurity" for women, we criticize women for... being influenced by the media.
    Disclaimer: I don't study politics, women's studies, or gender theory. Most of what I know regarding feminism as a movement today comes from my frequenting self-proclaimed feminist circles which, though harmful in other ways, opened my eyes to the superficial and ultimately harmful nature of my own "brand" of feminism. I think there are a lot of women like me who grow up dissatisfied with gender roles and the way women are treated, but instead take it out on other women who are content with this system and imply that these women are the ones keeping them down, which is not necessarily true and demeans a woman's choice just for fitting into gender-conforming lines. Seeing this attitude being perpetuated reminds me of my old, harmful attitude and it upsets me because a) it reminds me of how terrible my grasp of politics was at a young age (not that it's much better now, but it was worse then) and b) it's actually not really helpful to women and might even be harmful.

  6. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    'Scab & Plaster' is an ~outtake~ in the sense that she wrote it between albums, but she's described it herself as a song that doesn't fit - a true throwback. 
    'Sinful' is another TFJ outtake. 
    I think 'Sinful' is '09, yeah. 
    'Like the Other Girls' is a very, very rough demo she recorded with Greg...now the melody (or at least parts of it) have been used in a song by a Latin-American pop star. 
    A clip of the song we now know as 'Just Desserts' was leaked in early 2012, as 'The Other Foot'. I think it's safe to assume that it's an outtake, especially after the interview where she talked about it being intended for a rapper. o.O Then again, maybe not. 
  7. mermadness liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    I love Lorde and I agree with her opinion. Some of you obviously don't know how to differentiate a casual fan from super fan like the ones found on here. Most people aren't going to search through the internet for all of Lana's unreleased songs and albums to understand her. Her released material represents who she is when she wrote it and released it. The fact that her songs on BTD and Paradise are about being the girl who is submissive says a lot. I would like Lana to be more "in control" through her lyrics and empower her female fanbase. At the end of the day I love them both for their music and there shouldn't be anything more important than that.
  8. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Heaux in LEAST Favorite Lana Songs?   
    this thread makes me wanna punch all of you in the dick
  9. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by drewby in Lady Gaga   
    she said the version she performed is the most different so don't count on it
  10. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Lady Gaga   
    that would be... interesting lol
  11. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in Lady Gaga   
    What if MANiCURE a rock song with some of the trap beats like the live version, and it only has very little pop incorporated?

  12. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by YUNGKALIMXEL in Miranda Sings   
    Um, excuse me why isn't this thread more active? Miranda is the best singer on YouTube guys she even beats Lana innmy opinion
    Hey guys its me Miranda! Love ha!
  13. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    (Read this in order. It's a timeline.)
    Lana Del Rey the new face of H&M again after the multi-million company erased all traces of her ever being a face of their brand back in 2012. Set to perform a cover of Elvis' "Blue Suede Shoes", Del Rey will be including this track in the repackaging of the deluxe edition of the special edition of her re-release of Born To Die: The Paradise Edition, Born To Die: The Paradise Edition: After Afterlife.
    Lana Del Rey set to perform on Saturday Night Live once again, with host Lady Gaga this upcoming week. Performing her latest smash hit, "Young & Beautiful (Cedric Gervais Remix)", Del Rey is rumoured to be performing a new track off her new album, "So Legit". This will be Del Rey's second time on the show after performing on the show for the first time back in 2012.
    Lana Del Rey was booed off Saturday Night Live last night. "Wish they'd seen you when we booed you off SNL... Oh wait." Host Lady Gaga said when asked to comment about Del Rey's performance of "So Legit".
    Lana Del Rey cancels her new album, the repackaging of the deluxe edition of the special edition of her re-release of Born To Die: The Paradise Edition, Born To Die: The Paradise Edition: After Afterlife after the remastered versions of her upcoming tracks "Angels Forever, Forever Angels", alongside "Black Beauty", leaked for the second time.
    Rick Nowels, producer of Lana Del Rey's smash hits"Summertime Sadness (Not The Cedric Gervais Remix)" and "Young & Beautiful (Also Not The Cedric Gervais Remix)" found murdered in his San Francisco home. Elizabeth Grant, known to the public by her pseudonym "Lana Del Rey" claims she had done it for her career and her art. "He ruined my life! He ruined my record! He couldn't keep the files off the internet again and now it's over." The songstress claimed, according to The Sun.
    Lana Del Rey's prison life after she murdered producer Rick Nowels was novelized last summer. Netflix is set to base a television series based off of Del Rey's life in prison this fall, and will be airing it through a backdoor pilot on the fifth season of the Emmy Award winning show, "Orange Is The New Black".
    Lana Del Rey releases short film "Tropico".

  14. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Viva in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Sadcore singer and SNL flop Lana Del Rey gets a restraining order against fanboard manager @@SitarHero
    After reading ,on her own fan board, a topic called Lanalyses Lana Del Rey was scared that the emotion manager was a in fact a crazy stalker obsessed with her love life. Lana now is requesting a large number of restaining orders against her so called fans.
  15. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Beemo in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Lana Del Rey releasing a re-release of a re-release, new album to be titled Born To Die: The Paradise Edition - Garden of Eden: Legend of Lizzy and the Tree of Original Sin's Vicious Viper : Tesco + Target Exclusive Version!
  16. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by my ol man isa batman in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Sultry songstress Lana Del Ray found in underground hideout with fellow icons Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and Jesus Christ 
  17. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by trashtrashtrash in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Lana Del Rey reveals K was her childhood imaginary friend, fan base shocked and confused
  18. yxxng liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in Natalia Kills   
    The intro to Television should've been it's own track like how she did with Perfection on Perfectionist.
  19. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in Make Up Lana Del Rey News!   
    Lana Del Rey releases Tropico!
    Lana Del Rey finds her clones Elizabeth Grant and May Jailer are on the taking credit for her songs!
    Lana leaks 'Roses' and her fanbase has an aneurysm in unison!
  20. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by lauradelxx in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    all I would like to fucking know is the premiere dates if lana del rey can give me premiere dates I will be content for the time being
  21. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Natalia Kills   
    My thoughts exactly! It's so distracting and I just skip past it because I hate it.
  22. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by HeadBitch in Lady Gaga   
    ARTPOP (The track) delivered though. I'm really pleased with it because it served originality, not a club banger (altought it still can be) and has a really good meaning behind it. At first I thought the opera-singing thing was kind of annoying but it gets better. She better serve musically like this, her looks are on point as well and I'm loving it, altough I see the Lana ispiration behind the over-huge wig.



    I'm also really admiring Swine, the chorurs are complete filth and yet she did them correctly, and made a bad bitch chorurs. If it's the next single, let it be. I can see it as Gaga's next club anthem,

    making people scream the nastiest chorurs they've ever heard in clubs and festivals all around the world. The radio edit will serve her those airplays.

    Zedd did amazing job on this track, altought he could have brought something more original on the dance breaks.


  23. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by drewby in Lady Gaga   
    because radio would totally eat a song up that's blatantly about cheating, masturbation and sex acts.
    I don't really know what you've expected from her this era but it seems like it was impossibly high.
  24. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Natalia Kills   
    Daddy's Girl and Boys Don't Cry are sooooo good. I'm really loving this album, let me replay it 800 times.
    Natalia, you've got me
  25. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by comeintomybedroom in Lady Gaga   
    please don't be on ARTPOP, please don't be on ARTPOP
    please be one of the app downloads
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