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About ldr72

  • Rank
    Dangerous Jumprope Gramma
  • Birthday January 7

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Lady Gaga
    Ellie Goulding
    Lana Del Rey

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  1. Does anyone have an extra GA ticket they’re willing to sell? x
  2. West Coast expected to debut in the top 50 and sell 100k+ http://m.billboard.com/entry/view/id/86644?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily_digest&utm_campaign=Daily%20Digest
  3. ldr72

    Lady Gaga

    I just looked at the cover. Good thing i didn't buy it
  4. ldr72

    Lady Gaga

  5. ldr72

    Ellie Goulding

    Ellie's birthday today
  6. Can someone get a ticket for me
  7. Do you know if there's gonna be another one after 10:30?
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