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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Deluxe anniversary pressing of Wasteland, Baby! is available! New colored vinyls and additional songs: Shrike (Live at Windmill Lane Studios) Moment's Silence (Common Tongue) Why Would You Be Loved Be (Acoustic) NFWMB Moment's Silence and NFWMB have been released earlier (and I was so mad they didn't make it to the album, and now I'm upset again that they are... on this deluxe pressing I'm not sure I even want), and Hozier said on social media posts that the acoustic version of Be is the original version, which he actually prefers and is supposedly much different from the album release. https://store.hozier.com/products/wasteland-baby-limited-ultra-clear-transparent-green-vinyl-2lp The webshop also sells anniversary merch for Wasteland and the self-titled debut album. I kinda want the green No Plan cap, it's one of my fav songs of his.
  2. I'll try to write down my thought on my experience of the concert sometime but, in the meantime, new single Goddess is out March 6! The cover picture is so pretty. I heard a few seconds of a preview of the song on her discord and the production sounded dramatic, and classical orchestra style. I got her to reveal the single's title officially for the first time at the show I went to, it had only been rumored among fans before then.
  3. After staring at my phone 24/7 for the past two weeks or so, I FINALLY GOT A RESALE TICKET FOR TONIGHT’S CONCERT AAAAAAA I was literally shaking as I bought it on that stupid resales app, I’m so happy!
  4. Potentially a new song? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8E4Jvjs/
  5. I feel like we’d get the most obscure books recommended by Lana, or someone would try to cancel her for the book choices, haha! And I get what you mean, I personally love her lyrics, they’re so sweet and romantic! Truly a daydreamer’s kind of music, haha. I think her most gorgeous songs are California and Me, and that moment when the first chorus of Haunted is done… sooo beautiful. I think Bewitched is her best album though.
  6. Laufey’s official discord server! I joined last night to check it out and it’s as wholesome as she seems to be (and full of 13-17 year olds fbskdhjsns I feel like I don’t belong there). Exclusive information and more has been promised. Link to join: https://discord.gg/laufeyland
  7. Hozier is dropping his first EP (of two?? three?? who knows!) with four new songs next month! He mentioned a collab with Alison Russell, the song is called “Wildflower and Barley”! This man stays BUSY aaaa so exciting! I didn’t expect new music so soon! source (Mexican radio channel): https://www.tiktok.com/@hozierupdates/video/7337778332219542789?_t=8k4ikRshIZs&_r=1
  8. If anyone else wants to hear the two unreleased tracks… Godzilla and Second best!
  9. My own copy finally arrived today! The poster was a nice surprise, I had forgotten it’d be included.
  10. Maybe we should sacrifice our biggest competitors to raise our chances of winning a Lipster award. An award plus an unreleased song, doesn’t sound too bad.
  11. Should it have been higher up? Definitely, but I’m glad it got a spot on the list.
  12. Laufey's book club has a sign up ready for anyone who wants to join: https://www.laufeymusic.com/book-club
  13. In no particular order... My list of outstanding lyrics written by miss Del Rey. hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it I think this song was very important for Lana and her fans to hear. Never give up. There will be lows, but you can't give up. I love the ending with Jack praising her, it's like a little hidden gem. kintsugi Grief, funerals, and family. I don't know what else to say than it's truly beautiful and it makes me want to cry every time I hear it. Losing someone is part of life and it can break you, but by having these experiences, I think, makes you eventually grow as a human, seeing joy in things you hadn't before. The hurt doesn't go away, it's part of you, like the cracks of a porcelin bowl. fingertips Never before have I heard a song sung so beautifully with lyrics written about depression like this song does. The first time I heard it was in a record store with the shittiest stereos ever so I barely heard the words but when I put on my headphones at the time of the release, sometime past midnight... wow. It could come across as "all over the place" with how Lana sings about her failed attempt to drown, her uncle's death, her relationship with her mother and the sea. But. It's almost like she's rambling and it somehow makes a lot of sense when the song touches topics like those, a thought just enters and leaves and the next one enters instead. It's grief. It doesn't have to make sense, but we understand her perfectly. Sweet Touching her innermost thoughts and feelings regarding the future, family, and children, while also being a bit sassy and letting the listener know she's far from basic? Beautiful. Off To The Races The entire song is like opening a fiction novel and just getting swept away. The way she portrays herself and her lifestyle, her "old man", that she'd do anything for him despite the bad things she knows he's doing... Chef's kiss. This song is simply 10/10 and it wouldn't be without the fun lyrics. Mariner's Apartment Complex Just beautiful how she tells the listener who she really is, and how she'll always be there for them, and ending it with the question, can you deal with me now that you know who I am? Are you ready for all that I am? Can you accept me? Blue Banisters I have the impression that the song isn't very popular here on LB but, for me, I love the story telling. It starts like a book, how she's heartbroken and won't really admit it to her friends, tells the reason why and what happened, about unfulfilled promises and hopes for the future, and how she eventually will be okay because she has friends to accompany her while she heals. I think that's beautiful. Yay, friendship! A&W Loss of innocence, the promise that we all one day will find our big, true love and what it feels like when that promise isn't happening to you, the forced indifference you tell yourself just to deal with it... How Jimmy will never be the one so she finds another Jimmy, and it's fine if she's crazy and mad by telling his mom he's a loser, because she knows she can get another Jimmy soon anyway. The circle that never ends. I think this song can be interpreted differently depending on who you are and how you read between the lines and how she delivers them in the song. I don't think I'll get over it anytime soon. Sweet Carolina It makes me wanna ugly cry lol, it's the sweetest song I've heard. I think of my sister in law whenever I hear it, and the time she was pregnant with my nephew. Norman Fucking Rockwell Sassy Lana at her best lol! She's smarter than this guy she's with and he hasn't noticed that yet. Still, she stays with him... until she finds someone better? Maybe? Might not be the nicest thing to do to another person as it might give them false hope but, oh well. I'll probably regret some of my choices in the future haha, she's too good!
  14. New single is out! 何色でもない花 (A Flower of no Color)
  15. I heard 16 carriages on radio like an hour or so ago
  16. Country roads is just a plain piano, and Henry sounded very simple in its instrumental too. Based on what we’ve heard so far, I doubt we’ll get Kasey Musgraves or The Chicks kind of production. I bet the album will sound very “Lana” with its minimal and/or quiet production.
  17. 16 carriages was beautiful
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