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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Okay no, I've given it an honest try but this is just not for me, I don't understand the meaning of the lines and the squeaky noise would've suited a rap song better or something, I dunno. I won't give it another listen, sorry. Probably won't listen to another single, if he were to drop one again.
  2. I, uh… I might give it a proper chance later just to hear what he’s actually saying, I just played it a little for now and… is the squeaky bird sound through the entire song?
  3. Laufey’s “Letter to my 13 year old self”. I’d like to think of it as a hug to her listeners as well as to herself.
  4. Why the fuck does she have a gun, it’s not cute
  5. No but seriously, if it’s good it’s good, it’s just not something I ever imagined he’d do. Lana’s family seem to be musically gifted, her dad plays piano beautifully, I think Lana herself have said she and Chuck used to sing together when they were small. I can’t remember if she’s ever mentioned Charlie and music though…? She might’ve? But I can’t recall anything at the moment. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he sang by the piano together with his sisters, too, or played guitar or any other instrument. Unexpected, let’s see what it’s about. Curious to see if Lana’s involved somehow, even if it’d be through Jack (or was it Ben?) like when he heard Rob play the piano, or if he’s doing this on his own.
  6. Right, I thought he was into real estate last year?
  7. I hope it’ll be a Brazilian samba produced by Jack Antonoff
  8. You know what's made me almost more irritated than Lana not winning at least one award? All the comments on social media trying to villainize Taylor or Lana and victimize the other. PLEASE they are friends, they acted like friends do. "Taylor made Lana do things she didn't want to!!!" Uhm she's an adult and can say no if she's not feeling like doing something? "Lana makes Taylor look bad!!!" Just... shut up! Touch grass! Stop analyzing every single movement they make! They know each other so much more than we will ever do! I'm just so tired, I think I'll try to stay away from comment sections on social media. Everyone calls Lana a zionist for signing that letter, and Taylor a bully... I can't wait for this to be over in a couple of months. Shouldn't we encourage two powerful, influential women to support each other?
  9. Another picture with Lana! “Lana is my everything” https://x.com/laufey/status/1754679522052735433?s=46 And Valentine’s merch! The love letters is such a cute idea.
  10. Laufey won her first Grammy yesterday for Bewitched (album), in the category traditional pop vocal album! https://www.instagram.com/p/C28zMUHrn61/?igsh=cHR3OGV3bGp6b3Jp She also performed From the start (and sounded a bit nervous in the beginning but she recovered quickly!) and got to play cello in the background with Billy Joel. I can’t find youtube videos unfortunately so check Laufey’s instagram if you want to watch the performance of From the start: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C287HVOrspj/?igsh=dXR3NmdrcTM4dzA= Billy Joel (still picture): https://x.com/laufeyland/status/1754362759574343993?s=46 AND! She’s posing for a photograph with her twin sister, Junia, and Lana! I hope they got acquainted a bit, I’ve wondered what Lana would say about Laufey since they’re both fans of jazz and Lana has even referred to herself as a jazz singer in her songs. (second picture) https://www.instagram.com/p/C2-bG3Qgx5P/?igsh=bHJjYXJ1cmo2aXpu Extra: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2-IRqWrBEd/?igsh=M3hueGIycnowZWZ https://x.com/laufeyland/status/1754372876860535216?s=46
  11. I just think Lana wanted Taylor have that moment to shine on stage and that’s why she initially didn’t want to get up there. She tends to put people before herself and avoids attention, right?
  12. I read the bow for her hair was custom made so I don’t think this was a last minute decision.
  13. I had Sinner playing on repeat in my mind for like three or four hours yesterday at work.
  14. It’s too early in the morning for me to follow this logic
  15. So the academy placed her at the front to watch her friends Jack and Taylor receive their awards and let her go home empty handed, good to know they hate her. I can go back to sleep now.
  16. Okay alright, I’ll log off now that I’ve seen the look for the night. Will hopefully wake up to some good news!
  17. I… I’m sorry, I’m not feeling the bangs. And I think yesterday’s dress was prettier.
  18. 2 am… I just want to see Lana’s look and then I can go to sleep to anxiously wake up at 5 am and check my phone and see if she got snubbed even more or not
  19. Fashionably late because her hair took time to fix a la Glastonbury
  20. Oh right true, I somehow forgot about that. Never mind.
  21. I’m almost falling asleep, I wanna see Lana on the red carpet tho aaaaaa
  22. I lowkey hope it’s Beyonce who is the surprise, announcing renaissance act ii.
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