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Everything posted by Heaux

  1. Heaux

    Flappy Bird

    i cant get past the second pipe
  2. Heaux


    everything about the album release has been a mess tbh, and i dont see it getting any better idk, but hopefully..
  3. id love if it was a cult but that might be too similar to this season
  4. i really liked the ending tbh, i hated the last two seasons endings..
  5. in Ride i can always hear "you can be my full time daddy, why go?" and it makes way more sense ughh
  6. Heaux

    In Wendy...

    in wendys shitoris
  7. ehhh so Cordeilas plan is to let everyone die except the supreme...
  8. slayy at me and @@iseeyouupsidedown predicting the storyline
  9. what was Gagas problem with Troy?
  10. Heaux

    Charli XCX

    Baauer and Charli doing a collab produced by Nick Hook..isnt Baauer just a producer tho idgi http://instagram.com/p/jcMD3RJ9fL/#
  11. the key change during the ah ah ah's tho
  12. me too, like i love Sirens but just no..
  13. so i saw these stills from the next episode on tumblr ...
  14. well its labelled as "Skydiaries" so i think it'll be a series of promo clips. We dont have Redken here, is it big in America? like will Sky be on commercials?
  15. Heaux


    she released the official album cover https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=530431497054943 @@National Anthem
  16. yeah, im hoping that 24 hours will be released as the european lead single around the end of February
  17. they butchered YNTO in that Redken commercial
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