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Everything posted by Heaux

  1. Heaux

    Lykke Li

    I havent heard much of her music, but the small bit i have, i liked A remix of 'I Follow Rivers' did really well in the charts in Ireland. And it got a lot of airplay.
  2. no @noir, i heard she acto had a milonare daddie, lykke
  3. they probably used they orchestral version because the orchestra was one of the main things in the video
  4. Heaux

    Butterflies Part 2

    i havent really thought this through much but anyway..... i feel like this song is more like a Little Girls part 2
  5. Heaux

    The Sims

    Me and my sisters grew up on Sims 1 and 2. I love how weird and wacky sims 1 is (like the voodoo doll and the genies lamp ) but i prefer 2 because its just more advanced overall. When i was having a shit time in school i would just escape into the sims and forget about life for an hour (lets be realistic) 3 hours I have a burning passionate hate for Sims 3. My sister installed it on my mams new laptop and it would crash every time you used anything electrical in the game. Then it broke my mums laptops hard disk and basicly ass fucked it with a chainsaw . and it was just such a downgrade in general. I havent played the sims in like a whole year but ill probably buy the 4th one.... if it gets good review
  6. i like the way the gold and bronze look wth her skin tone and her hair, thats all. that background does nothing for her
  7. Her hair is some weird faded ginger colour. She has a red dress on... on a red carpet and she has fucking ginger hair. Then to top it off purple eyeliner....
  8. oh thats really sad I never really liked Rose as a character. i mean.... dumb blonde .. like wow, so original. The rest of the show was so progressive, like how they supported marriage equality and how Blanche was so horny and it wasnt shown as a bad thing.
  9. i feel like this is a joke im not getting ... <3 i'll rock your world with my cheese cake <3
  10. but her hair looks flawless in these : this is her worst look imo:
  11. guys have you seen this ??
  12. Blanche is my idol . I stumbled upon the show one day when i was off school sick, and the first episode i watched was the final one of the last season, and im pretty sure i cried
  13. Heaux

    Butterflies Part 2

    ya i think the lyrics in the verses and pre-choruses are fictitious. Maybe the bridge and the chorus are inspired by Mike. I hope the stuff about little girls is.. like .. metaphorical or something cause otherwise..... .
  14. Heaux

    Butterflies Part 2

    probably 'this preacher's song', cause hes pretending to be "a holy roller" also.... am i the only one that thinks this song is really fucked up? From what i gather this song is about one of lanas daddies, who dresses up as a priest, lures little girls in with sweet treats, and steals their innocence, then he locks them up in his golden cage. And Lana knows about it and covers for him
  15. how the fuck did i not know there are unleaked BTD versions of some of the AKA songs
  16. i like that you admitted to trolling other fan forums .... note: this is getting confusing maybe we should say who were talking about
  17. Probably some of Lanas best lyrics. I Always thought it was "So fine I can't see".
  18. Heaux

    Stuff I Like.....

    Ikr flawless bitch . Irelands best export.
  19. Heaux

    Stuff I Like.....

    Hey guys, i just wanted to make a thread to share stuff i like, that you might not have heard of Imelda May: Shes a rockabilly singer from the Liberties In Dublin, Ireland. Little Boots: She sings classy electro/pop. Shes from Blackpool, England: Miles Jai: Hes a really funny, rachet ass youtuber. Post your own below if you like
  20. I think we need to stop assuming all of Lanas songs were written by her
  21. eww mike has a face like a slapped arse
  22. Sorry but i couldn't just pick two: Hauting "livin on bread and oranges..." I adore this whole shoot
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