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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. I’ll never forget where I was when I heard Terrence Loves You for the first time — I was staying at one of those lonely hotel inns for the night in the stretch between the city and the sea during a road trip along the west coast. It was the perfect setting to take in such a thoughtful, contemplative song. That was a surreal moment, and one of my favourite memories of experiencing the music in real time. I love the idea of beautifying your life and doing things that make it feel pretty — experiencing that song’s release the way I did was one of those instances where I felt like life romanticized itself on its own, and this entire record definitely encouraged me to create moments like that from then on.
  2. I’d love that! Patches would go especially well on something like a classic Dickies jacket, almost like our individualized, custom variations of Lana’s Venice and DNC jackets. I loved when she came out with patches for the Surf Shop, they were really fun!
  3. I agree, and thank you! I love what you say about it being detached, I think around 4 years ago I was talking back-and-forth with another member in the Honeymoon thread about that exact thing, how it kind of reads as a metaphysical self-portrait from which Lana detaches herself and distinguishes between herself pre-fame and post-fame. It’s got so many layers, I love it — I keep unravelling them even 6 years down the line
  4. IanadeIrey

    Song vs. Song

    West Coast vs. The Blackest Day
  5. Honeymoon is a record that she could release at any point in her life and it would still read as one that represents where she’s currently at in relation to the natural process of aging and acquiring wisdom. That record is really something else — it exists in its own space independent of time and maturity. I can’t believe it’s real, and I can’t believe it was critiqued so unfairly for the longest time. It’s absolutely untouchable and I think one that best represents how deep and soulful Lana is. The lyrics, melodies, and production all do so much more than create music — it all-around transcends any constructs of what defines ‘’music” or “storytelling”. It’s just her.
  6. IanadeIrey

    Song vs. Song

    Terrence Loves You vs. Video Games
  7. Thinking about how funny and sad it will be when this inevitably gets debunked We never learn
  8. I’m certain it’s a very early demo, as the file leaked with the name “Rough Old Keys” and her vocals are on the rawer side!
  9. I feel like we’re in August 2020 again My LB friends remember how fun every single day was — theorizing literally everything under the sun and posting cover concepts and Sheridan is teasing things to no avail again — love that feeling from my favourite LB era lol
  10. I’ve been wondering that myself too! Perhaps this record challenges the critics’ selective praise of only NFR and not her other records in some way, so this jacket being derivative of the one from FIILY/TG is meant to almost flip the script or something similar?
  11. Diamonds Never Crack I wore diamonds for the birth of your baby… Fine China being scrapped from Blue Banisters ——> appearing on DNC! (As scrapped songs seem to appear on subsequent albums…) And on the last two albums, there have been lyrical motifs (“blue”, “candle in the wind”) DNC’s will be “diamonds”
  12. DIAMONDS NEVER CRACK She is the diamond — nobody can break her.
  13. 🥊 💥 💥 seems to mean “knockout” which is obviously a phrase that is used to refer to one’s beauty, which is further suggested by the 💋. I take this as being in reference to how she looked that day — but perhaps in relation to DNC, it suggests something lyrically confident, playfully spiteful, perhaps taking direction from BBS?
  14. Couldn’t have said it better myself! NFR is eerily prophetic in that way — I’ve always thought that Lana has a sense of premonition or higher consciousness, which is often channeled through her creativity.
  15. Aw. My thoughts are with the Grants. I hope everyone’s able to properly grieve and be with their loved ones during this time. ❤️
  16. I also love the idea of Del Norte County because it retains Californian imagery while also lending itself to the North Country, AKA Lake Placid and the Adirondacks. It’s a perfect marriage between Lana’s early life and current life, which would be perfect to represent an album following Blue Banisters where she talks more about her family-of-origin and lineage. I’ll leave this here — North Country School, a boarding school https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Country_School
  17. In my opinion, DNC is either a title acronym or — given its association with the wave graphic — is a place in California that is important to a new album. Like, I would compare this DNC jacket to a hypothetical situation wherein Lana was spotted with Hilton Hotel memorabilia prior to Arcadia’s release. So DNC could be an acronym for something, or she’s likely teasing a reference to a place that is integral to a song. Look at the context clues: this jacket is the most custom it can get, but its design is based heavily on the not-custom-at-all Venice jacket from 2019 — down to the colour, font of the lettering, and wave motif. But also, the Venice Bitch shirt and Yosemite shirt were direct hints, so really, it could be either one
  18. Kelsy Karter recalls meeting Lana this night! She mistakenly calls it an Oscar Party lol, but lovely to hear her anecdote about their chat! https://www.tiktok.com/@kelsykarter/video/7039411049401126191?_t=8O1WL49mc2Y&_r=1
  19. More thoughts on DNC because it’s so fun to come up with titles — Dreaming Near California (covers album) Daylight Never Comes (LDR9) Did No Crime (LDR9 — stylized on the cover as Lana Del Rey Did No Crime — that would be a cool “post-criticism” title)
  20. Queen of always setting the record straight!
  21. Dreaming Near California maybe? Could be a reference to “California Dreamin’” by The Mamas & The Papas, which she expressed her love for during her interview at the Grammy Museum in October 2019 (the same month she mentioned Pacific Blue as a covers album)! As queens @Surf Noir and @prettywhenimhigh mentioned, maybe this is the covers album!
  22. Hmm…my initial thoughts are that it’s plausible the “C” stands for California, especially with the wave logo. I feel like the wave is not random at all, it must lend itself to some sort of California/west coast/nautical motif for whatever project this is.
  23. I’m definitely thinking DNC has to do with the new album, then! I have no idea what it could mean, perhaps she references Del Norte County on the new record or “DNC” is literally the title’s acronym? I’m excited!
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