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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. What if the “inevitable pushback” is because it’s a double album? Blue Banisters / Rock Candy Sweet and that’s why it’s so different? It would inevitably be pushed back because an album with twice the amount of tracks by her standards is harder to line up for release? Maybe nobody guessed the genre correctly because in actuality it’s two genres that create this fusion sound that’s split between two full-length albums branded as one? And he can’t believe she’s doing this because it’s such a unique, ambitious thing? While I think it’s unlikely, it’s definitely a possibility! Especially since she didn’t delete the post about Rock Candy Sweet and did confirm its existence as an album to that fan in Texas literally a week before her first post with the title Blue Banisters.
  2. Just caught up with everything and here are my two cents: 1. Him referring to the album as a “project” probably doesn’t mean anything. So many people - mostly reviewers/critics - refer to albums as projects. 2. The genres that people guessed - hip-hop, alt-rock, country, folk, pop, PC music - are very broad when you look at the semantics of them. So while the album may still technically fall under that genre, he may be referring specifically to a sub-genre of music that is way more defined than a mere umbrella term. 3. Something “crazy different” suggests it’s unlike anything Lana has done before. That could mean a lot of things - sonically, lyrically, visually, etc, or structurally - maybe the poetry is mixed into the record, but I don’t think so, because she seems to enjoy having her poetry be its own thing with a separate book/spoken-word release (and I really like that too, personally!) I don’t know what we’re in for, honestly, as everything we thought it would be seems to have been disputed, but truthfully, music is in the eye of the beholder. I remember when LMLYLAW was compared to Fine China, and I don’t think I ever would have made that comparison personally. 4. The comment about “push-back” being a delay is something that we all could have concluded knowing Lana’s history with past releases. Unless he knows something that we don’t, I think anyone could have easily guessed that the album would be delayed. This is no shade to any insiders btw! Just putting into words the thoughts that a lot of us may have, or helping people come to logical conclusions for their own ease!
  3. So many questions!!! Shout out to @littleredpartydress btw, you’ve been holding it down lately by posting all of this info and keeping us updated and it doesn’t go unnoticed
  4. Wait did he add that little emoji? Because if he did, then I’m assuming that means it’s so good? So I don’t think it would mean unexpected in a bad way?
  5. Summery Jimi Hendrix-inspired electric guitars but with an electronic, synthetic twist in the vein of Travis Scott’s Rodeo project/his song “Nightcrawler” is immediately my first thought, knowing that it’s something unexpected for Lana and is likely produced by Mike Dean.
  6. Something we don’t expect? Damn. Maybe that kind of confirms Mike Dean’s involvement! I really do think we’re in for a treat then
  7. Also just want to thank everyone for the nice comments when quoting my post LOL, that’s really sweet of you all to say! You guys know who you are
  8. Yes, it would be 4 albums but I meant 2 albums of original LDR material! When they said “she has two albums in mind” I assumed they meant 2 albums where she’d be the one writing the songs, not including the cover albums!
  9. I think this album will have a more ambient and instrumentally-rich sound compared to the last two records. NFR and COTCC were meant to be these very organic, stripped-back and casual-sounding albums and I love them! But I remember Lana said in interviews this year that she “really wanted more from Jack and [herself] in the last 7 months” (which would have been June 2020-January 2021 at the time) and encouraged Jack to “go wilder with the production”. Obviously, I wouldn’t characterize the production on COTCC as “wild” - it’s quite light, delicate, whimsical, airy, beautiful, etc. - so I really think this album will still be in that vein of using real instruments, but probably with a fuller band sound. The BB snippet also sounds very full and multi-layered without sounding artificial or over-produced (which she never sounds anyways). Lana even said her and Jack didn’t end up fully-producing anything on NFR and COTCC was described by Jack as an even further breakdown sonically, so I am expecting a slightly different approach this time around. Excited! She always delivers so this is going to be so good.
  10. Yes! Maybe she’d stagger them a bit, like Rock Candy Sweet coming out June 1 / Blue Banisters coming out July 4, but I think that could be “the plan” they teased in Music Week!
  11. Me too, honestly. Plus, I think the second cover album of country songs only came to fruition in late December, which was when the MOJO interview took place (where it was mentioned).
  12. THEORY INCOMING (bear with me) - Okay so I went back and read the Music Week issue and I remember either Ben or Ed said “she has two albums in mind, I think” and proceeded to talk about “the plan” that they’ve been trying to do for years, which they finally think they can pull off. Now, I don’t want to sound delusional but I don’t necessarily know anymore if the “two albums in mind” were the album that would follow Chemtrails and the cover album. The reason I think this is because: 1. There are 2 cover albums confirmed to be in existence - one of American standards and classic folk songs, and another of pure country songs. Yes, she may have merged the two, but at the time of this interview, they were distinguished as two separate cover albums. So it can’t be LDR 8 PLUS only one cover album. 2. She never archived the post on IG about Rock Candy Sweet. Surely, she has archived posts before, namely snippets and the initial April 2020 announcements for Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass. So if the album truly was retitled, then wouldn’t she just delete the RCS post in place of BB? So, my theory is... There are TWO albums. - Rock Candy Sweet, which will be the album that challenges her place in the music industry, the crazy year she’s had in the public eye, and accusations of glamourizing domestic abuse and cultural appropriation. - Blue Banisters, which will be the album that takes stock of her life in between being a famous person and discusses personal developments, tells her own story, etc. 3. On November 17, she said she was working on two albums in a tweet. Chemtrails was already done at that point, so it could’ve been RCS and BB or BB/RCS (if they are the same album) and the cover album, but we’ll see. Now, I know I said all this but I’m not entirely sold on it but I just thought I’d throw it out there to anyone who wants to add in their two cents. I’m leaning way more towards Blue Banisters being a retitled-Rock Candy Sweet.
  13. If the album does come in July, then I’m guessing: - Blue Banisters will be released as a single sometime this month - The pre-order/cover/tracklist could either come with the single this month, or sometime in June
  14. I love the Born to Die video. That was the first big-budget music video Lana ever did and it’s just so timeless and beautiful. It’s probably my favourite of them all for those reasons. I also love the Honeymoon video because it’s so intimate. While it may seem like a simple VHS visual, there’s a real psychological narrative to it that has to do with “being watched” when you look closely. I love High By the Beach and Music to Watch Boys to for the same reasons because while HBTB further builds upon Lana being watched, MTWBT has Lana doing the watching. That whole album is just perfect to me in every way The videos for National Anthem, Ride, West Coast, Shades of Cool, Freak, Doin Time, and Chemtrails Over the Country Club are also favourites of mine because there’s a real cinematic quality to them that is just classic Lana. I actually think I like them all a lot now that I’ve written this but these ones have resonated with me the most!
  15. If he was one of the people who had Chemtrails in September, and if Dealer was included in that roster of songs, then maybe we should look out for a scrobble for Dealer in light of this BB scrobble!
  16. @littleredpartydress were those BB lyrics from the same user who posted “When I was a waitress wearing a white dress” in September?
  17. Ooh that’s true! I know her work with Nikki included both covers and original songs so maybe the covers they did will end up on their joint album with their original songs, and then all of the covers Lana did on her own will be released as their own album? And yessss, and aside from musical projects, I also think we have her rumoured Gucci collaboration to look forward to!
  18. When you think about it, we have a lot of promised music and projects coming in lieu of Blue Banisters as well... 1. Blue Banisters (July 2021) 2. Behind the Iron Gates - Insights from an Institution (poetry book + spoken-word album, TBD) [We have confirmation that it’s been finished, as of January 2021, so I’m anticipating it being released within the next year or so] 3. American Standards & Classics (TBD) [I mean, we have confirmation that it was recorded] 4. Country cover album (TBD) [Also confirmed, and separate from AS&C] 5. Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane (TBD, referred to as coming out “later” as of April 2021) 6. LDR 9 (TBD) [confirmed that Lana is working on new music to a fan in Texas, as of April 2021] and these will probably all be released before like, 2025. Amazing how she never stops!
  19. Ooo that’s true! Maybe they are recording a video and the call for women may suggest that it’s for a song that has something to do with what she wrote in QFTC? I mean, it is tomorrow and Lana did just get a new set of red nails, so...
  20. Yessss, if she did some stuff with Zach for this record, songs with that band-feel like Thunder would be a dream, and hopefully that would mean Dealer would end up on this album. I could totally see that fitting into her vision for this record
  21. Ooo true. I’m hoping this is a cool pre-recorded live performance for BB then
  22. I saw that too and initially thought it was maybe for Alicia Keys, since Byron also works with her and all of those artists he listed have had a large R&B influence in their music? I know Mike Dean has worked with hip-hop and R&B artists, he had some producing credits on Beyoncé’s last two solo albums. I would love if this was for Lana obviously but I’m not too sure tbh, just because Lana usually sticks to having her usual friends and bandmates show up for stuff like that, but who knows?! It would be fun to switch it up and have a cool little girl-power moment <3
  23. Also I spy a fresh set of red nails! Love the cut she chose
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