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Hello Heaven

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Everything posted by Hello Heaven

  1. Evacuate The Dancefloor - Cascada A special thanks to my little sister for playing this
  2. Fordham Road 11 Get Drunk 31 1949 30 Dum Dum 17 Heavy Hitler 17 Afraid 17 Fake Diamond 6 Butterflies 6 American Dream 13 Kinda Outta Luck 15 Pin Up Galore 15 Never Let Me Go 14 Miss America/Trash Magic 22 Hollywood's Dead 16 Prom Song (Gone Wrong) 12 Methamphetamines 17 On Our Way 17 Velvet Crowbar 20 Driving In Cars With Boys 19 Live or Die 11Wow, this thread's alive again.
  3. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Damn You vs. Velvet Crowbar
  4. If this isn't my favourite album ever then it's certaintly in my top 3. It just fits together perfectly and I actually only ever listen to it as a full album. It's very much a summery album imo so I don't listen to it as often but I need to have it on repeat to celebrate HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
  5. This is a good idea for a thread - I never really noticed quite how many nickname's she's actually mentioned in various songs
  6. I loved them loads when I was aged around 9-11 but then I kind of found them really annoying and I realised they didn't really have much about them, imo. Sorry, aha.
  7. Okay, I've read it through a few times and it makes a bit more sense now! I can see that this is pretty clever. Numerology's an interesting thing so thanks for posting this because after reading it carefully, it explains everything quite well and I can see how numerology works.
  8. Yup And don't give me that look, what's a rat ever done to you? (Really hoping a rat hasn't actually done anything to you because i don't have a come back)
  9. I'm confused. Is anyone else or am I just being dumn (dum).
  10. Omg this is so cheap but Vanessa looks so tiny and cute! Bless everything about her. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-XBsKszJp8
  11. I know, I wish I'd done that. Aswell as the National Anthem one. I feel sick looking at how expensive they both are now.
  12. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Yayo vs. Gods & Monsters
  13. Le Complexe Du Corn Flakes - -M- My iPod on shuffle is scary, this came after White Ring wtf.
  14. Hello Heaven

    In My Pants

    We Rot in my pants. My pants are sounding like a hideous place to be in this thread tbh.
  15. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Bel Air vs. National Anthem
  16. Hello Heaven

    Song vs. Song

    Go go dancer vs. Dum Dum
  17. I never really think about whether I relate to the songs but in a lot of songs from Sirens like Bad Disease, Junky Pride and Find My Own Way, I feel like I really understand her. She just sounds so emotional and innocent like I really know how she feels.
  18. Lana Del Ray because of the chilled, surf noir feel to it and simply the fact that it's a whole lot more developed and professional compared to Sirens. I just love the songs individually too whereas I only listen to Sirens (and BTD) as a full album. Although Sirens is beautiful. I love how raw it is. It sounds more innocent than any other song and I feel like she sings with a lot of emotion. It's really relaxing and apart from All You Need dragging on a bit, it's perfect to me.
  19. But just one thing, I had to turn my laptop on max volume to hear the first video and got the most the fright of my life when I clicked on the next one, seriously!
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