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  1. She added a new London date?? Crazy omg the demand
  2. Well pre-sale was a nightmare that I’m glad I do not have to relive for a while
  3. dynamic pricing should be illegal tbh
  4. In her last show here she did say she has a lot of special people who live in Glasgow <3
  5. Thank god I was just thinking to myself I hope u got tickets and was about to ask for an update!!
  6. yeah wait on the app and it should open once the time for pre-sale starts, best of luck you got this!! make sure you have no other tabs open too cus ticket master can kick you out if you have multiple tabs open
  7. don't give up and also there are other pre-sales available, like for Glasgow if you sign up to Gigs in Scotland they have a presale tomorrow! double check your area to see what other companies can offer pre-sale
  8. Log into your o2 account via priority and ticketmaster (so u have a quicker checkout) and then just find Lana's tickets - the waiting room starts 9:45 for the Glasgow show with o2 priority!
  9. How much for golden circle in Glasgow? I kinda regret not going for golden circle I just panicked and picked general standing and didn't even check the price for golden
  10. yes lots! I just picked standing and the standing one was £97 per ticket which wasn't as bad as I thought!
  11. Please wait and don't touch anything on your screen you will get there trust me when I booked tickets for a different show I was like 15,000 in the pre sale queue and still got tickets!!
  12. 1232 for Glasgow ahead of me Im freaking out
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