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  1. Heaux liked a post in a topic by liam in Angel Haze   
    "Possessed of a kind of self-awareness and assuredness well beyond her years, Angel Haze is a poet turned rapper based out of New York. With a raw style that feels distinctly East Coast, the rapper uses her deep knowledge of self to channel the various aspects of her own personality, being vulnerable and emotional one minute and suddenly brash and aggressive the next." - iTunes
  2. liam liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in Angel Haze   
    Oh, I've been waiting to have this thread forever.


    I love Angel, and her album is probably my most anticipated Hip Hop album for the next year. She's just so appealing...her voice, her flow, her personality. Even her taste in music is great too.


    Her Woodkid remix is top notch:

    https://soundcloud.com/island-records-uk/woodkid-feat-angel-haze-i-love by https://soundcloud.com/island-records-uk/woodkid-feat-angel-haze-i-love

    Equally wonderful is her 'Otis' redo, with Iggy Azalea: 

    https://soundcloud.com/educatedliving/angel-haze-otis-freestyle-feat by https://soundcloud.com/educatedliving/angel-haze-otis-freestyle-feat
  3. MaryTeamLana liked a post in a topic by liam in Video Games - Bangkok Version (Parody)   
    Shit, this is amazing! One of the best Lana covers I've seen (not that I've watched many, but still...). I don't like the B-B-Baby Jessie J crap that she does though. 
  4. liam liked a post in a topic by phahad in Chris Crocker meets Lana Del Rey   
    well i'll be damned, the bitch looks gorgeous as ever. i find her looking the prettiest in selfies/photos with fans
  5. liam liked a post in a topic by Pin Up Paradise in Lana Del Rey Goes Full Retro, in LA (22nd August)   
    The double finger ring is back. 
  6. liam liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Barrie's Twitter   
    I hope we can maintain this thread as being a kind of Barrie appreciation thread, I personally love him. He's a real chilled out, cool guy. I think I'd die if him and Lana broke up. But it's kind of annoying how everyone just uses his twitter to get info off Lana, he is an artist himself - just because he's not as popular. (Although it's good to hear she's already writing again even after the leaks, assuming he didn't just make it up).
  7. liam liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Goes Full Retro, in LA (22nd August)   
    the comments on that page literally make me ill about humanity 
    "Dolly Parton looks natural compared to here. What a ridiculous face she has with so much botox and fillers. I am scared of thinking how she will look in 10 years. I guess her daddy will be buying her another face and another fake career"
    "Lol, people paying attention to the cigarette when she has that plastic face. If she had more fillers in her lips and more botox in her cheeks, her face would explode. Nothing natural or real about her or her "talent"
    "Smoking ruins any person's appearance, even Lana Del Ray's."
    "Her 15 mins is long up, Daddy will need to buy her more time
    "Ease off botox love, your face is like a mask!"
    "Arrogant woman!" 
    somehow i feel lana will *never* be fully accepted no matter what she does.. so i really need her to win an oscar like now so people can shut the fuck up
  8. liam liked a post in a topic by getdrunk in Lana Del Rey Goes Full Retro, in LA (22nd August)   
    will they ever get over snl omg...
  9. liam liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana takes a homeless man out for lunch - August 20th, 2013   
    It's a good look imo. Classy, but still casual. High heels would turn it into more of a night-time look.
  10. pinupgirls liked a post in a topic by liam in La Roux   
    They played four new songs last night!! THE ALBUM MUST BE COMING 
    - NME
  11. liam liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    All this is so exciting! Can't wait for any new Information!  
    Does anyone else get the feeling that she's kinda talking to Whitman in her last tweet? idk but at least the "i adore you and thank you for inspiring me" part gives me that vibe. And maybe "farewell" means that she's leaving Whitman and his poetry behind after all this and starts off something new if we associate it with Whitman too.

  12. liam liked a post in a topic by Aaron in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    I was hoping she'd go on a little Tropico promotional tour and premiere it at a handful of cities.
    Hopefully she just means Hollywood and New York are the only premieres she will be present at, but it will still play at a few other theaters around the US...world. Though she got my hopes up that she was coming back to Chicago after what she said at Lollapalooza. 
    I'm not even going to comment on the 'farewell' thing. 
  13. liam liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    "I can't wait to see you at our premiers for Tropico at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery and in NYC." https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/368824186535292928
    lol a city near you
  14. rdp liked a post in a topic by liam in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    Thank you so much 
  15. liam liked a post in a topic by rdp in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    This is it I think. Someone just translated it.
  16. liam liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    or deeply cynical, depending on how you want to look at it 
    either way, she's offering a bit of a critique on our ~opulent~ minded society. not sure if lorde understood that? seems like she has a bit of a love/hate relationship with lana. i don't like the fact that used the word "manufactured". like, when anyone says that about her i just immediately feel like they're offhandedly referring to her appearance and then i cringe a bit at their superficial judgement 
    shes probably just trying to set herself apart from lana as well, since they're apparently drawing comparisons? but seems like she looks up to her and resents her at the same time? but lana always garners complicated feelings, so no surprise there, really. i dunno why else she would mention her 3 times in 3 separate interviews
  17. liam liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    I think about lana re: feminism a lot tbh and I had a revelation recently. While lana definitely portrays a relationship in which she is submissive, or at least a woman who prefers to be dominated, I feel like there's a real sex positive message in her songs that's kind of lacking in pop music as a whole.
    Obviously sex is not an untouched topic in music, by male or female artists. Something I have noticed from female singers in particular is that sex is almost always sung about with love. The two seem to appear mutually exclusive, you know? Like, you cannot possibly have sex without being in love with the person you had sex with. It's also often referred to as "love making" which has always struck me as the kind of euphemism you would use in front of your parents. It makes sex seem so dirty and inappropriate. This is where I think lana differs slightly. She fucks for love but she also fucks for pleasure. She fucks because she wants it and she fucks for this grand opulent persona she's built around herself. She does not let this make her a whore or reduce her femininity in any way and tbh I think that's pretty cool~
  18. liam liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    lana's older material definitely sheds more light on her views on the dynamics she likes in a relationship. "let me put on a show for you, daddy", "you can be the baawwss", "beat me and tell me that no one will love you better than you do", "i like your ultra-violent swing, i like it when you treat me mean" etc. etc could all seem a little shocking to people at first imo but the bolded parts show that lana wants all of this and she's telling her guy what whe wants to do/wants him to do/will let him do. she's not being oppressed by some bad man, she's choosing to be submissive. on btd, she doesn't rly talk about this and could be misunderstood
  19. liam liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana, Lorde, & Feminism   
    she's a girl, she's going to be compared to girls. obviously. i rly don't like this quote, it's like she's talking down to lana and thinks she's superior to her...not all of lana's songs are about boys and even if they were, if she chose to do that then why not? lana thinks about love and relationships a lot but she's obviously also very concerned with her career or else she wouldn't have dedicated the past 6 years solely to her work...lorde seems a little quick to judge imo
  20. liam liked a post in a topic by lola in The Official Apple Thread   
    i kinda like the new functions but i don't like the new design at all. it's so android
  21. liam liked a post in a topic by LDRO in Lana Flips To The Camera in LA (August 11th)   
    More Photos:
  22. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by liam in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I loved her gold tooth.
  23. liam liked a post in a topic by LDRO in UK Chart Discussion   

    Born To Die
    UK Albums Chart - #1
    UK Album Year-End Chart (2012) - #4
    Sales - 810,000
    Certification - 2x Platinum 

    Video Games
    UK Singles Chart - #9
    UK Indie Singles Chart #1
    Sales - 488,239
    Certification - Gold

    Born To Die
    UK Singles Chart - #9
    Sales - 263,352
    Certification - Silver

    Blue Jeans
    UK Singles Chart - #32
    Sales - 75,000

    Summertime Sadness
    UK Singles Chart - #4
    Sales - 92,000

    UK Singles Chart #32
    Sales - 20,000

    Young and Beautiful
    UK Singles Chart - #23
    Sales - 70,000
    Other Charted Songs

    Total Singles Sales - 1,017,591
  24. liam liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in STAN WARS: 4th Quarter Album Releases - Who are you supporting? [POLL ADDED]   
    Christ, I feel the same way.
    I think her discography is terribly overrated and overhyped, and her "saving grace" -- her ability to perform and put on a show -- really isn't all that great as it's been made out to be. She is NOT the female Michael Jackson, imo. While she is a great technical performer; hitting every mark, every note, carrying herself with the "perfect" amount of sass, etc, it all seems very calculated, and not at all genuine. Every move she makes seems so deliberate, the way she moves her body (not sure how to describe it, she's technically doing the moves correctly but doesn't move like an actual dancer), her voice, although brilliant, can be so affected in its delivery, portraying perfect amount of pain, the perfect amount of playfulness, the perfect amount of forcefulness. Perfect, perfect, perfect. I don't know. Her interactions with her fans and banter while on stage seem so insincere, right down to the way she smiles, throws her head back and laughs, and that single tear that falls as she looks off into the distance while performing something that "moves her". It's as though there's something kind of robotic that's holding her back. It's as though her fixation on her image and appearing a certain way transcends to the stage and effects her delivery. I just can't get into it, as much as I want to and as talented as she undoubtedly is. I've just never once gotten the impression that she gets truly lost in her performances. 
    I feel like Britney at her peak, Freddie Mercury, two very different artists from one another -- are those on par with MJ for putting on a great fucking performance. Beyonce doesn't deserve to have her name mentioned in the same sentence as him. 
    I touched a bit on her legendary, iconic status here. Basically, her team marketed her as a ~legend~ and ~iconic~; these were not bestowed upon her through the usual means of time passing and retrospection as they ought to be be. Funny how carefully worded press releases, demands for media outlets, and certain marketing can give someone a title and status that should only be earned in time and not as a hungry grab for a crown the public never set upon their head, if that makes any sense. 
    ANYWAY, I said a lot more than I was meaning to and I only popped in here to mention a couple of op-ed pieces I feel hit the nail on the end in regards to both Beyonce's and Rihanna's career. The first touches on what @@elllipsis mentioned about her lack of notable songs despite her supposed status in music...
    Beyonce: An Icon Who's Struggled to Make Iconic Music?
    Like She's the Only Girl in the World: The improbable, unstoppable success of Rihanna
      -- Choice quote:
              "Mariah, Whitney, Beyoncé, Gaga—these stars feel like stars. Rihanna feels like something else: a one hit-wonder several dozen times over."
    (What is this accuracy? What a succinct way of putting it.) 
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