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Everything posted by FrankNotOcean

  1. FrankNotOcean

  2. FrankNotOcean

    Azealia Banks

  3. I just think how much she can break the Internet with everything she does like what kinda millennial influencial artistry Also, I'm trying to resist listening to only Lemonade bc I don't want to be fed up with it in like 3 weeks but it's so good
  4. I mean I'm really happy she's working with Lynch and I'm a big fan of Twin Peaks but like..... she didn't prove me much as an actress so that'll be interesting
  5. That was quite a very well written explanation, thank you
  6. Okay so..... Someone needs to tell me what's the story/meaning of the Odyssey cuz I don't see much...
  7. where can I stream the visual album?? help a girl out
  8. FrankNotOcean

    Azealia Banks

    I know bc they're .wav files so I converted them in AAC and it worked for me
  9. FrankNotOcean

    Kanye West

    So I downloaded the newer version of the album since apparently Ye made some fixes yet I'm here wondering where they are cuz the album sounds kinda the same?????
  10. FrankNotOcean


    I live for these aesthetics
  11. Would someone DM me the EP please?
  12. Who tf sold my story to Abel tho
  13. Gaga's acting impressed me last night tbh
  14. I'm seeing this bitch next week and I'm not ready to have my p*ssy poppin like that
  15. FrankNotOcean


    I'm glad we all agree Kill V Maim is her Mona Lisa
  16. FrankNotOcean


    I love this song But the video makes me cringe and I really don't know why
  17. FrankNotOcean

    100% with you, also i feel that was a whole lot of let's get a bunch of stuff from other cultures and make them look edgy
  18. Hey, does anyone know where the Jameson video was filmed? I wanna say Arizona since she's from there but I don't really know, anyway it's sooooo beautiful
  19. It looks promising. But overall this episode was just so aesthetically pleasing. And Gaga's acting doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would
  20. That was aesthetically pleasing tbh But like everyone says "Music to Watch Boys To"... I needed boys to be objectified, half naked.. I needed How to Be a Heartbreaker teas
  21. Where should I connect tho? I'm in class Vevo, Apple Music, Youtube??????
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