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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. I love Born To Die and I'd love a BTD 2.0. It's just that it was overproduced. That doesn't make it bad. Just overproduced. That said, I also want more albums like Ultraviolence, where she's pushed into creating stuff like that.
  2. ehhhhhhh. AKA was acoutic and it wasn't boring. But I'd be okay so long as it's not overproduced.
  3. If we have to wait that long... I hope the whole album leaks.
  4. Plot Twist: LDR5's tracklist is only "Love", "B A R" and 13 instances of that screech at varying lengths.
  5. Prediction: the full album (or demos for for the full album) leaks before we even get a release date for the album. I can't believe that. There still have to be songs left off of Ultraviolence or Honeymoon or another unreleased album or something. Plus there are still a bunch of demos and alternate mixes that haven't leaked. Like Melancholia or the 8 other OTTR mixes. That actually makes me kinda sad tbh. I like this song because it feels like an AKA track to me. D: But I'll reserve judgement until I hear the final version.
  6. I don't think I've been this excited for an album since Ultraviolence. "Love" was okay to me but this new song has me so excited. It reminds me of AKA.
  7. Do other fan forums filter leaked information about a musician's work? x_x If someone (Lana's team) is reading this and making them censor it...well...they need to be securing Lana's shit instead.
  8. False. Angels Forever could have definitely sounded good on Ultraviolence if it was redone the way Black Beauty was. And Fine China wasn't even that good. To be fair, it wasn't finished I assume, but as it is it doesn't compare to any of the material that was on Ultraviolence.
  9. I don't know about anyone else, but I think Honeymoon was inconsistent quality wise. It's my least favorite album by Lana. I can't listen to it all the way through. The first three tracks and last three tracks of the album were almost completely terrible (with the exception Music To Watch Boys To, which was the best song on the album) and the middle of the album is just monotonous. I can listen to individual songs from Honeymoon but not the entire project. I agree. IMO, she peaked sonically with Ultraviolence (mostly because of Dan Auerbach) and lyrically with either AKA or Born To Die (only looking at material that was released). And honestly, it's not that she can't top Ultraviolence, AKA, or Born To Die. It's that she doesn't really seem invested in improving. It's why I want her to take as long a break as she needs between LDR5 and LDR6 just for her to get that fire back.
  10. It's so odd people would see National Anthem as serious. Same with Brooklyn Baby. I saw Brooklyn Baby as ironic but non-stans thought she was serious.
  11. I agree and disagree. An unironic vintage Americana album would be tasteless in the face of Trump. However, if she's clever enough lyrically, she could subvert the Americana and make it a critique of Trump. Something in the vein of National Anthem could work (I always understood that song as a derision of Americanism).
  12. Have you listened to the original versions? I feel like Lana did a decent enough job with The Other Woman but she sucked the soul out of Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood.
  13. No. I don't want her to do another Nina Simone cover.
  14. Hmm. >Lana doesn't need promo >Love not doing well is the fault of the leakers Pick one. Songs often leak before their intended release, that's been a fact for most of the 21st Century thus far. And yet, there are songs that get leaked still do well. If Love doesn't do as well as it could have, it's not because of leakers. It's because Lana or Interscope failed to push the song the way they should. That's Lana Del Rey's fault, not leakers'.
  15. uhhhh, what? i would hardly call BTD, Paradise, or Honeymoon trip-hop.
  16. I don't really understand why people get so up in arms about leaks. I get that it bothers Lana but...she should get a better hold on her team because - at least when it comes to LDR5 stuff - they're the ones giving people access. (Which is one of the reasons I don't get why her manager is coming down so hard on Lanaboards. If her team had better security, people wouldn't find out in advance.) I'm excited for LDR5, but I hope there are no guest features on it. I typically don't listen to most of the musicians that have been thrown around as collaborators and I don't wanna skip a song on her album. I also hope she leaves Nina Simone's music alone this time.
  17. Nicki Minaj needs to not respond to Remy at all. That's the only way she can come out of this and not look like the female Meek Mill taking all those Ls. And tbh, there's no way to respond to shit like the pedophile line cuz it's just true.
  18. None, honestly. I'd rather her have features on other people's records.
  19. TL;DR - She lives her life and this person is heated about it.
  20. High By The Beach was a missed opportunity and one of the reasons why I've cared less and less about her success commercially. Even if it couldn't have been a success as a mainstream pop single, it could have killed on urban radio if she put a rapper or two on it. It would have been a good way to introduce her to people who wouldn't otherwise listen to a Lana Del Rey song.
  21. Eh. I don't think anyone except hardcore Trumpkins care about her witch thing. I'm not even sure they care about it. Love is free falling because it's Lana Del Rey, someone who has never particularly put much effort into promoting what she does. Her team is a disaster, but not because of the witch thing. Her team is a disaster because they just let her not do anything wrt promotion.
  22. I like Bad Disease. That and How Do You Know Me So Well are the only songs from it that I can listen to and enjoy.
  23. I really hope that she's not going to have guests featured on this new album. I don't wanna hear them, I wanna hear her. Also, I do hope this era is like Ultraviolence, where other material was leaking.
  24. I find that Sirens, Young Like Me, and From The End are probably the worst things Lana has ever done and I still can't actually listen to them all the way through. I think that Love is good for what it is, but I was hoping for a more upbeat sound in the vein of Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight, or even Boarding School.
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