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Everything posted by baddisease

  1. Transphobic dickhead calls for genocide Michael Knowles Calls For Eradication of Transgenderism at Conservative Political Action Conference (thedailybeast.com)
  2. normally idc about leaks but this time around, the era is super boring. I still haven't even listened to DYK and A&W.
  3. King Princess just dropped a new song yesterday (March 2nd)! It's so good! https://open.spotify.com/track/63pCUZDXRI4Tu6zhj8O4e2?si=3979d4d2d9a24574
  4. what in the world does voting have to do with anything? and there's nothing wrong with being "woke"
  5. Oh no. That comes across as more than tone deaf, to me. I mean, I get what she's saying but yikes.
  6. tbh Kanye West was incredibly talented and his music was good. he was one of the best hip-hop producers, as well. his becoming a Nazi stained his legacy but he was talented.
  7. Hey, @Pretty On The Indide inspired me to ask this question/make this suggestion: @Elle @takeitdoen @That Venice Bitch could y'all make an adult section of LB, where we can talk about adult things? Like sex/sexuality/love?
  8. Lana should be headlining. I hope someone records this in high quality, I wanna enjoy the DYK festival tour.
  9. So will the whole thing leak today or tomorrow? I'm still trying to not listen to any of the music until it's either ALL officially released or until it's all leaked.
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