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Gone user

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Everything posted by Gone user

  1. I can't believe Grimes, Marina and Børns participated interviewing Lana
  2. Honeymoon - 18 Terrence Loves You - 18 God Knows I Tried -23 Religion - 9 Salvatore - 21 The Blackest Day - 40
  3. Honeymoon - 18 Terrence Loves You - 18 God Knows I Tried -22 Religion - 9 Salvatore - 22 The Blackest Day - 40
  4. Gone user

    Lady Gaga

    Dance In The Dark and Venus remain unbothered sitting on the throne
  5. Gone user

    Lady Gaga

    I loved this! You have a sweet voice
  7. You got game, boy, game, boy You got game, boy, game, boy You got game, boy, game, boy You got game He loved guns and roses, Guns and roses, He loved guns and roses, He loved guns and roses, Roses, roses. He loved guns and roses, Guns and roses, He loved guns and roses, He loved guns and roses, Roses, (roses), roses, (roses) Roses, roses, roses.
  8. Sorry but she simply isn't Halftime Show material. And critics would destroy ha
  9. Cruel World - 23 Ultraviolence - 22 Shades of Cool - 33 Brooklyn Baby - 22 West Coast - 25 Sad Girl - 21 Pretty When You Cry - 36 Money Power Glory - 2 Fucked My Way Up To The Top - 6 Old Money - 22 Black Beauty - 31
  10. What if he is the man that commented weird stuff on her instagram Anyway, I got kind of sad when I read it. If something had happened to Lana, I'd be devastated
  11. The Blackest Day 24 GBA-AATBWII Groupie Love Bel Air Religion Without You Hollywood Is This Happiness
  12. WAIT, THERE ARE MORE STRAIGHT GUYS HERE? I thought I was one in a million
  13. Salvatore and GBA This can't be real, we are living in a simulation
  14. sis? you're reading my mind
  15. No Do you own any Apple product?
  16. Nope Do you own an Spotify premium account?
  17. @ Lana Rey Loreen you probably have a very loud personality and love having a great time even when you're not out partying or whatever. I guess you turn every situation into something funnier, and you don't have a lot of trouble making friends
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC0cuDkfLMk
  19. Gone user


    BØRNS just did a Twitter Q&A. Some of his answers https://twitter.com/bornsmusic/status/958417304747954176 https://twitter.com/bornsmusic/status/958417757049163776 https://twitter.com/bornsmusic/status/958418336081162240 I hope he releases an extension of Tension! It's too good to be just an interlude https://twitter.com/bornsmusic/status/958418535306465282 Lana wasn't credited on Blue Madonna to surprise the fans https://twitter.com/bornsmusic/status/958418707419729923 he answered my question about Lana and Chuck https://twitter.com/bornsmusic/status/958420522639020032 https://twitter.com/bornsmusic/status/958420992371691521 https://twitter.com/bornsmusic/status/958421457197027328 https://twitter.com/bornsmusic/status/958423162865242112 he answered me again I just hope he comes to Chile, I really want to see him live EDIT: This formatting is horrible how can I do something to show the tweets
  20. Gone user


    an irrelevant girl meeting two artists with talent ❤️ Borns and Zella are so nice!
  21. Gone user


    yes! Garret and Zella are close friends and actually lived together (idk if they still do)
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