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About Miguel3Zero

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    miguel zero

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  1. Lana is one of a kind. Her beautiful music, unique voice and friendly personality stands out in todays music world. She has a legacy of fantastic songs. To stand close to her at a concert is a memory for life, something that I will always remember. There are many many artists with "bops". I like them too. But Lana's songs has a special place in my heart no matter how many album she sells. I feel pity for the ones who will never step inside her fantastic fantasy world. The question you have to ask yourselves is: do you like her music If not what are you doing here?!
  2. Great Song,. One of her greatest ever.. The mood of the song is both beautiful and eerie. Hard to stop listening to it. (on repeat)
  3. Nobody likes jazz, it's boring. Cinematic with big beats, that's something.
  4. Her first boyfriend was Dan's best friend. . .sure. . .Things like that makes me a little worried about what is true about it all. A confirmation by Ronson would be helpful. I remember when she told the world after BTD that she would never make another album. Not long after that we got the great Paradise EP. Is it the opposite now?. I hope my worries are proven wrong and that I can take off my tin foil hat.
  5. I don't know why she stays in the US. An Australian tour would be perfect, I've been to Australia once, great place, nice people,and she has a lot of fans. Also, why don't go to Brazil .
  6. LDR has one of the greatest bands ever. The record company should have let her be a singer in a band.
  7. Anyone who can't see that LDR is in a perfect control of her submisson is in a state of denial. She's much stronger than any of her men.
  8. Whine...complain...complain...whine...make lame jokes about "lazy Lana"...whine some more...complain... A full US tour...whine...a lot of the biggest festivals...complain...a great, critically acclaimed album...grumble. A loved cover for a big Hollywood movie...whine...a great cover of one of her songs...complain...many great photoshots...grumble. No wonder Lana hates this.
  9. Lana is 100% more jazz than Gaga. Singing mainstream jazz standards is the thing that dancebands here in sweden have done several decades. Indie/ jazz/Rock/ballads is ultraviolence. I like Gaga, but she's EDM disco style. I mean Miles Davis is jazz also.
  10. With Lana it's not about the country in wich she performs. It's more about the mood of the day. Remember Coachella? It'd be nice if she was more consistent, but she's Lana Del Rey you know. Also a loving crowd can do wonders. At Bravalla she was not really interested but it was still amazing, just to see her beauty in front of you. I will never forget her chewing on a gum all trough the show, a true diva. In Helsinki she was tired after a marathon tour, and I was too far away from the stage. Even on a little off day she is still an icon. But you need to be close.
  11. She recieved personal threaths against herself and her family. I don't think that she felt safe in New York in the beginning of 2012, especially after SNL. " I could never go back to New York" she said in an interview. But time has obviously healed some of the wounds- Because now she's back again. To even suggest that she doesn't like her fans is wrong and mean, she loves them. Give her some time. If she doesn't quit altogether, she will have shows in NY, 100%
  12. Stop smoking, age restrictions. Dream on. BTW I like your post, but well, it's Lana afterall, she would never do that. You need to go to Monaco or some other private concert with the super rich to avoid her younger fans.
  13. The people at Pitchfork went home and puked after they put Lana in the list. They didn't dare to exclude her totally. The biggest newspaper in Sweden put Born To Die ( the album) in the top ten of the decade. Lists are made by people, and some are idiots. Nothing to get upset about. Call me maybe and some other "classics" on the list tells me all about what they are.
  14. Paradise is her greatest achievement so far. American makes me cry. I hope that she can make a UV edition this perfect.
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