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About triangles19

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    Agoraphobic Alligator
  • Birthday 04/19/1992

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    The music and my man.
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    Off To The Races surfaced

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  1. triangles19

    Britney Spears

    Plus, the mastering of The Essential is horrible in my opinion. I loved the remaster work made on The Singles Collection, but The Essential remaster destroys the vibe of the songs.
  2. triangles19

    Britney Spears

    I read a book called "Pour Britney" written by Louise Chennevière, I don't know if it's already translated in english, but it speaks about this feeling of anger women can feel about this situation. She makes parallels between Britney's sad trajectory and every women's trajectory because of patriarchy. She writes, "I dreamt of being Britney when I was a kid, and now I realise I became Britney'', she wants to say the violence of society destroys women, celebrities or unknown. I do recommend it.
  3. Of course people have the right to be upset. But I don't fully understand because it really is 2 different records in the end.
  4. I never enjoyed Lady Gaga's music (except Artpop - which is a little better than the rest of her discography for me), and I think Mayhem is as unlistenable as Born this Way, so I guess her fans are loving it. I really liked the Antidote version of Disease and the main version is OK, but all the other tracks are so loud and noisy, it hurts. From my -european- perspective, her music (the popstar version of Lady Gaga I mean) is so very unbearably american : gross, indelicate, loud and oppressive. But I'm really happy fans are liking it, 2025 definitely needs fierce and unapologetic queers and if this album fuels them, then let it be !
  5. I don't understand why people are so upset about the 1st pressing physical release, I can hear it's fustrating to have less songs but it's a whole another vision of a project and I would LOVE to have this from Lana, I mean, Some songs are very different, The mix is different, The tracklist is different, There's 2 exclusive tracks All this mastered as a finished record (both mastering are different), It's a pretty great treasure to have the "first idea" of Hurry Up Tomorrow in lossless quality + The final idea, on spotify and in physical forms soon. Of course you can prefer the 22 tracks version, but in the end, when you'll have both copies on CD (for exemple) it will be 2 almost-completely different records. Plus, I love the fact that the 1st Pressing isn't available on streaming plateforms, people can re-discover how to enjoy using a CD for real <3
  6. I'm surprise how deeply I slept on his music untill now. I love this album so much, and I'm discovering the Trilogy, which I really enjoy. Take Me Back To LA is my favorite so far but I enjoy almost everything, except Society maybe, and I'm so glad Dancing in the Flames was cut, this one is horrible. MIKE DEAN is a real hero for me. I would love having more songs between Lana and him. I made my own cut for the Hurry Up album with my favorite tracks, mixing First Pressing versions and Main versions : Runaway is so good
  7. June, OMG I should get used to it but it still is stressing me out when she constantly delay an album. It feels like my plans are ruined everytime. Lana's album titles always sound strange at first but it always creates a world of it's own in the end, so don't loose faith. She knows how to cook.
  8. FANS EXPECTATIONS ^ ACTUAL ALBUM : Track 1-4 : Piano Track 5 : 1:02 Interlude, 808s drums, synths, electric guitar Track 6-7 : Piano Track 8 : Piano, vape noise, gothic cows noises soundscaping Track 9-12 : Piano Track 13 : Rob's Piano
  9. I've hidden the vinyl in my library because I don't even want to remember it exists everyday
  10. The Antidote live is very good, it's the first time I really like something she releases
  11. Comparing Womans World to Disease feels like when people say Lana songs are all the same :s
  12. It's the first time I don't care about a Lana release. I care for her music since 2011 but something's really off with Lasso. And something's off in general but I can't really say what. I really like when she creates with her own guts and collaborators and not based on a musical tendency like country music (if Tough is a sample of what Lasso can be I'm pessimistic).
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