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  1. Fetish liked a post in a topic by pinkchiffon in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Her actions lately do seem really spiteful to me. She's giving off a passive-aggressive vibe... it hurts because she glamorized fame and riches so much before, and we, her fans, gave that to her. But now it feels like she's giving the middle finger to us because she's worn out... I understand she's been through a lot of stress being famous, like getting a lot of stalkers/violent men targeting her. But that's no reason to be so cold to the vast majority of her fans who are good people and made her as successful as she is today.
    There was one specific thing she did that broke my heart and made me slowly realize how much she's changed. Did you guys see that video of her forgetting the words to Radio during the LA to the Moon tour? She seemed so pissed that it was requested and she had to sing it. Like she seems to have a negative attitude towards the songs from the peak time of her career. Maybe she had something going on in her life then that gave her a negative association with BTD, but it was hurtful to see her have a flippant attitude toward a song that her fans have such nostalgic love for.
  2. Fetish liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Norman Fucking Rotting
  3. BluebirdXO liked a post in a topic by Fetish in Lana arriving to Churchome in Beverly Hills, CA - May 29th, 2019   
    There's a recent selfie that was leaked and she looks a little different to her Lizzy days IMO. This one. She's been subtly getting work done overtime.(or she was maybe younger?) But she definitely had the 'Britney' look. Lana's old features really remind me of her. Those days..the Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera days...how times have changed.
    I'd say through 2012 to 2014, even though 2012 was a little rough, she had some damn good looks.(and one critic said people hated Lana just because she was beautiful so there's that) I noticed plastic surgery does this thing where it makes you incredibly beautiful for a few years and then your face goes to shit. It happened to Megan Fox too. Peak Megan Fox was out of this world and then her face began looking wonky.
    and tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Lana's looks are affecting why she's so scarce now. Your face being fucked up can traumatize you and even the smallest changes can be devastating. Especially if you looked as good as Lana did and your career revolves around your public image. :/
  4. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Fetish in Lana arriving to Churchome in Beverly Hills, CA - May 29th, 2019   
    Your take on buccal fat removal is 100% correct, I noticed it myself. I once saw a woman post before and after pics of her having it done and I was like 'honey, you're gonna want that fat in 10 years time'
    Women in their 20s get surgery to look older and then again in their 30's to look younger.
    Seeing her pre-surgery days is wack. Ngl, her past face was pretty meh.  She looked really fucking good after her first few surgeries. I wish she could've stayed in that lane.
  5. Fetish liked a post in a topic by CmonDownToFL in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I only know this is fake because it’s too long meaning it would’ve required TOO much effort
  6. Fetish liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    My pussy tastes like cha cha matcha
    My eyes are all empty inside
    I drink my coffee with sriracha
    Lana Del Rey has fucking died
  7. Fetish liked a post in a topic by 13bitches in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   

  8. Fetish liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Yes, she and god get along now.
  9. Fetish liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    My personal take is that lies come easily to her. We know she had a pretty lonely childhood, and that leaves lasting effects. The whole 'chameleon soul' aspect of her is probably where a lot of it comes from. I feel like she thought about what life could be like if she grew up poor with her grandmother in Alabama, or had a 'las vegas past' and tries to incorporate a lot of that stuff into her personality. It's like when you see someone from your childhood who grew up going to church every weekend and getting good grades has suddenly become a goth since going to university, if that makes sense. A lot of people do it, especially artists, but idk. Take a writer like Donna Tartt- she forged a kind of mysterious personality in college that she's kept since then. How she presents herself to the public won't be how she is in real life, but there's a line. She doesn't flat-out lie about her past. That's where my issue lies with her. Lying about your past to make it sound like you've had it harder than you really did is pretty gross considering she's lying about growing up poor, or being poor at some point, because at the end of the day she's profiting off that costume, and she can take that costume off when she has no need for it. It's one thing to make something like Tropico or Ride, which are pieces of art with a story that I doubt anyone takes as fact. It's another to outright lie to people though.
    Idk. My thoughts are kind of all over the place. Maybe that's why she gets on so well with Leto. Both take method acting too far.
  10. Fetish liked a post in a topic by VeniceBambi in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Some of you are mentioning how shes a "pathological liar" or that she might have been this fake persona this whole time, which reminded me of what James Franco said about Lana.
    "The thing about singers, especially the ones who write their own lyrics, is that everyone reads the person into the songs. An actor is sometimes aligned with with his roles, but a singer is asked about her lyrics as if they were direct statements of her true thoughts and feelings."
    "Sometimes Lana doesn't know what to say in interviews, so she plays into the idea that her songs are her, and not her creations."
    Now I know he isn't the best person to be quoting, but I do think these words are coming from things she personally told him.
    Another thing I found on Instagram:
    "What was the best story she ever told you? -Well, after we were introduced, she told me that she grew up in Arkansas in a trailer park, and was raised by her grandmother. But I'd already known that she was from a family of means in New York. So I was just like, "Huh, you don't say, Arkansas, trailer park." But it was like being around a performance artist. It's not like they're a pathological liar or something, they're just a person creating a character
    (Rope, a guy who knew Lana before fame)"
    Not sure if the story is true but it could further prove that she possibly has had a fake persona, multiple of them, this whole time.I don't think everything about her is fake, like her emotions. (at least- I hope not) Just the more glamorized things.
  11. Fetish liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    hope is a dangerous thing
  12. Fetish liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    honestly, when Lana said that NFR was gonna be a lil Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sublime, surf rock, etc etc - I thought she was gonna dive into like a Californication stoner rock persona, which i would have lived for.   But no, it's nothing but church, matcha, and Easter egg hunts with her mom friends.
  13. Fetish liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I bet she ran out of grandmas 3 weeks in
  14. Fetish liked a post in a topic by lernerderrey in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    r u even sure we know her real birth year anymore 
  15. Fetish liked a post in a topic by pinkchiffon in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    It's the weakest garbage she's ever released. There's a difference between a "minimalistic" and "stripped-down" aesthetic versus being lazy and not trying. I remember being confused when it first came out and all the YouTube and Instagram comments were praising her as the greatest poet ever. The lyrics are just awful compared to the high quality work we used to get. The Sylvia Plath sociopath thing is too cheesy, like Lana is a parody of herself at this point... it's as if she's trying to be ~oh-so-deep~ while writing at the level of an emo 13-year-old who's never written lyrics in their life. Combined with the selfie cover, it's just a slap in the face.
    In all honesty, I'm glad this community exists so I can vent and be critical of her; if I said this on Reddit or something I'd be attacked for being "too harsh" lmao
  16. Fetish liked a post in a topic by CmonDownToFL in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I don’t wanna say I HATE it but the change is very dramatic. It makes me so fucking sad  
    Also yeah I know what you mean. I have a reddit & it’s not only less eventful but also everyone has a brain aneurysm if your opinion is different to theirs. It’s the “she doesn’t owe you anything” central over there. I’m really grateful for this thread and all you lovely sweets
  17. Fetish liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Lana's Persona Inspirations   
    with a potato, by a potato, of a potato, for the potato masses
  18. Fetish liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Lana's Persona Inspirations   
    Have you seen what Lana looks like now?

    You're 5 years too late with this thread. 

  19. Fetish liked a post in a topic by divebarsinger in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    do we really have to do a history lesson here on how having negative views on LGBT people inevitably extends to all minorities, how these attitudes are prevalent in society anyway and how christianity itself has continuing roots in white supremacy and heteronormativity, whilst also being a powerful institution that influences stuff like government? particularly when they're a cult-like branch with ridiculously rich attendees. i'm having another stroke. some of you all really need your eyes more open
    edit: 'heterophobia' is not real. thanks
  20. Fetish liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    if you really think its ok to have these views in the name of religion you really need to be woken up
    2 women were brutally attacked here in the uk for being gay and its because of hatred. churches like these turn a blind eye to this hatred, and even agree with it, possibly passing it onto members such as lana herself
    i get freedom of religion, but i dont agree with blindly following something that incites hatred
    anyway to keep this on topic i dont think nfr is coming anytime soon 
  21. Fetish liked a post in a topic by 13bitches in Will you ever stop stanning Lana?   
    I’ve stopped after that sighting of her leaving that church again last night. I still like her music but I burned my stan card last night. Until/unless she straightens this shit out I’m done with her. This mess and the complete lack of communication and blatant disregard for her fans from her and her management are abysmal. Not to sound like an entitled prick but we honestly deserve better.
  22. Fetish liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Will you ever stop stanning Lana?   
    She should be banned from LA, it'll be the death of her. She's not ready to go back to New York, trust me it won't be fun for her the way she is right now. She'd never be able to handle it. I wish she'd tour Europe on her own, without any obligations to do shows, just for fun. I think it would do her good.
  23. Fetish liked a post in a topic by divebarsinger in Will you ever stop stanning Lana?   
    haven't posted here yet, but.. i think it depends if you can separate the art from the artist. the persona she used to have was very wrapped up with the music, so i sort of loved her by default. now that image is eroding and she's doing things like hanging out with homophobes and acting totally contemptuous of fans, despite being very active on social media with a completed album and not being a hermit who has retired from public life "for creative reasons" or whatever... it's becoming hard to even like her. to me she's just coming across like a true brat, i mean granted there was always a slightly bratty quality about her but it was coupled with some vulnerability and realness and it was endearing. like the lost young person we've all been at some point
    i could hear the new album and love it, but it would definitely be ruined for me by her recent choices and behaviour. she can sing about beautiful things and create beautiful, emotionally charged imagery and writing sure, but.... her life choices are shallow and in some ways very harmful, so now it just seems disingenuous
    some people are okay with singers being that way, for it to all be an image and an act and that's fine, it's just personal preference, but when you've believed something as genuine for so long and it's why you were touched in the first place. it's deeply disappointing, i felt so "got" by her for such a long time
  24. Fetish liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Lana leaving church again - June 6, 2019   
    these pictures literally told me ill burn in hell for eternity
  25. Fetish liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Lana leaving church again - June 6, 2019   
    She looks homophobic in these pics x
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