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Everything posted by lmdr

  1. lmdr


    The next Halsey
  2. Or it can be those scrapped Elvis covers she recorded for Born to Die
  3. EW 2015 didn’t happen, she was fat This is already off topic but 2016>2014>2012>all the others>2015
  4. If we’re gonna talk about her hair, we’re not gonna forget her best hair look
  5. lmdr


    Release it Grimes! Yes Lord!
  6. lmdr


    ion care just
  7. I think it’s her favorite, she even said it live on this tour, but I don’t remember which date but she did
  8. Lana counts Paradise as her second album, she even put it in the racer jacket!
  9. lmdr

    Instagram Updates

    because we care more for Nicole Nodland's one more
  10. ugh she's still smoking I really want her to quit, it pissed me off when she asked for one
  11. there's this livestream on youtube right now, idk if it will stream lana though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfY2GqsmepY
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