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  1. kitschqueen liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in New 'Ultraviolence' Song Title: "Money, Power, and Glory"   
    Fuck Dan Auerbach and Rick Nowels for usurping Emile and the legendary auto-tuned loon. Tbh I really was hoping for dark strings and sinister trip-hop beats throughout the whole album. I mean, WC is sex in song form, but idk I just wouldn't want the whole album to be that kind of incomprehensible soft rock. But whatever, I'm sure it's going to slay just because it's new Lana material 
  2. Elsemarie159 liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in New 'Ultraviolence' Song Title: "Money, Power, and Glory"   
    Fuck Dan Auerbach and Rick Nowels for usurping Emile and the legendary auto-tuned loon. Tbh I really was hoping for dark strings and sinister trip-hop beats throughout the whole album. I mean, WC is sex in song form, but idk I just wouldn't want the whole album to be that kind of incomprehensible soft rock. But whatever, I'm sure it's going to slay just because it's new Lana material 
  3. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in New 'Ultraviolence' Song Title: "Money, Power, and Glory"   
    Fuck Dan Auerbach and Rick Nowels for usurping Emile and the legendary auto-tuned loon. Tbh I really was hoping for dark strings and sinister trip-hop beats throughout the whole album. I mean, WC is sex in song form, but idk I just wouldn't want the whole album to be that kind of incomprehensible soft rock. But whatever, I'm sure it's going to slay just because it's new Lana material 
  4. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Tyler in New 'Ultraviolence' Song Title: "Money, Power, and Glory"   
    BTD era beats coming back   I missed them so much.
  5. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in New 'Ultraviolence' Song Title: "Money, Power, and Glory"   
    HMMMMT@ the title but maybe it'll be OTTR-esque, time will tell
  6. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Rem in New 'Ultraviolence' Song Title: "Money, Power, and Glory"   
    Emile Haynie must be responsible for this.
    Can't wait to hear Lana's deep smooth buttery vocals again, tired of the Inaudible whisper with a slight radio effect on "West Coast"
  7. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in New 'Ultraviolence' Song Title: "Money, Power, and Glory"   
    I was kinda scared Lana wouldn't use them anymore since she released WC.
  8. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Rem in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I don't know I feel about this.
    9 tracks produced by Dan seems a lot.
    I hope it's good tho. I'm not into "rock" music that much.
    I'm more into Urbana not rockna.
    I detest Body Electric and Young And Beautiful live now because of how she incoprates the "rock" sound to it.
    It lost all the eerie and epic ness of the song.
  9. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by drewby in Lana Covers French Magazine "Libération"   
    using the word virulent makes me think of flesh eating sickness, slay kween 
  10. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lana Covers French Magazine "Libération"   
    Smh she better hope the album sells well to pay for that energy bill
  11. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by whitman in Lana Covers French Magazine "Libération"   
    This interview is so heartbreaking.
    "Lana del Rey says she's lived three different lives - before the storm, the disaster and after"
    "I'm lonely"
    "In my house, everything is always on - television, radio, light...it helps me to sleep".

  12. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Let's try to keep this neat 

    Please do not post videos or pics about other celebrities/random stuff, nor anything unrelated to UV.

    Everyone's complaining about the mess so please don't contribute it.

    STOP POSTING RUBBISH, if you want to talk about something else/bash someone/start a discussion do it in the proper section or in your personal status.

    I know I'm a mere member and this may sound kinda bossy, and that's not my intention at all, but we need some order here

    EDIT. Wow, this sounded soo bossy lol do whatever you want guys
  13. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by larina in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Indeed. I think the craziness in this thread is due to Ultraviolence deprivation
  14. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by lflflflflflflflflflf in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    What has happened to this gorgeous, once well organised thread??????
  15. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Lana Del Rey, Montreal!   
    Lana must be so happy (?)
    Watch out Barrie, your name doesn't echo. 
  16. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by FFXSoul91 in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I prefer the ":", personally.
    This thread is ultraviolent.
  17. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by omgitsnathan in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm praying that Lana puts this on UV:
  18. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    i'd outline everything wrong with your response but i doubt it'd make a difference to your opinion so i'll try and keep it short and sweet. If someone wants to get famous to earn money that's none of your business and it doesn't make them "money hungry whores." If it was a guy doing the same thing they'd be considered ambitious and business driven. Furthermore, I do not understand this misconception that people have where they think celebrities owe them anything. You are not entitled to celebs treating you like buddies because you bought their album or because you stan for them. hard truth, i know.
    edit: i don't want us to clog up the thread too much so if you wish to reply please PM me rather than respond via the thread.
  19. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    this chart looks like it was made by someone who waz born in tha rong generation xD or has some kind of internalised misogyny problem. just because you do not like someone it does not make them a whore. don't drag some women to support other women, because honestly that's a little bit fucked up.
  20. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by C0neyIslandKing in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    This sounds so promising! Especially that "(if any at all)" part, I mean call me greedy but the more the better! I'm so excited for Ultraviolence! It really seems that she's poured SO much into this album!
  21. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Some of y'all are so petty. Why don't we quit bitching about people having their opinions and instead focus on the music? We'll probably have UV within a few months (assuming the June 2nd thing is false), get excited and stop worrying about everyone else.
  22. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by rdp in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    This thread has been so hostile/dramatic lately.

    She released the single. Album news should come soon. Chill.
  23. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Bae in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    i don't want her to have AFFA, BB and others on the album anymore lol. They are beautiful songs, but I want to have as much new material as possible, especially since won't put everything she wrote on the album. 
  24. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Greaser Prince in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    People's emotions are high right now, with good reason. Even this close to the album release (allegedly) it feels like everything is still up in the air. It's kind of toying with my emotions and I don't want it pushed back any more..
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