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Troye Sivan

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About Troye Sivan

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  1. can they restock the signed CDs already
  2. of course US signed CDs sold out before i woke up today. i need to stop sleeping in hoping and praying there are more
  3. ordered this one and canceled from her store since i had some gift card balance left. strange how it’s considered an Amazon exclusive when it was just on her website
  4. i would die for that. would give UO ultraviolence realness
  5. YASSSS thank u for the info i saw somewhere that the UO exclusive cover will be the same as the yellow vinyl on her store. can you confirm if thats true?
  6. I'm confident we'll get a signed CD for this album but I'm praying for a vinyl with a signed jacket I'm sick of artists advertising signed vinyl and getting away with only signing lithos. Idk if it's just me but having a signed jacket feels more personal
  7. this is not a laughing matter i need to know whether or not to panic about missing the yellow one ?
  8. is this like real or is this just a concept
  9. The yellow Blue Banisters vinyl with the alt cover is sold out on her US site… I held off because I thought an insider said Urban Outfitters would be getting that cover too and I work there so I wanted the discount Let’s hope that’s actually true
  10. The yellow Blue Banisters vinyl with the alt cover is sold out on her US site… I held off because I thought an insider said Urban Outfitters would be getting that cover too and I work there so I wanted the discount Let’s hope that’s actually true
  11. this lady will never have a normal release of anything i swearrrr?
  12. i’ve tried to checkout a billion times and this is what it shows me everytime: https://prnt.sc/y73xdr
  13. Troye Sivan


    im in the exact same situation. i cannot believe people are so willing to profit off of her death it is incredibly disgusting. makes me so upset.
  14. Troye Sivan


    my heart is still so fucking shattered. i genuinely cannot grasp the fact that she is gone. it feels like as if it were a friend
  15. Troye Sivan


    i cannot stop crying. i am so devastated. may she rest in power.
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