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  1. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by mermaid motel in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    I don't think it's going to be about said celebrity fucking their way up to the top
    It's gonna be a sarcastic track about how that celebrity thinks Lana fucked her way up to the top. 
  2. GangstaBoy liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    The phrase ''Fucked My Way Up To The Top'' as I see it is about how this other person/artist/IDK sees her, she sort of says it through sarcasm, because whatever they have said, is not really true.She references herself. Anyways, by each day I get to read/know more about Lana, the fascination is incredible. She's fucking crazy, but at least she's free
  3. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by LiamViljoen in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Well from the looks of it those beliefs and opinions also comprise of a burning hatred for Lana. I'm just curious as to why you're on a fan site if you're not a fan. I mean you're definitely not a fan, you called her an idiot for crying out loud.
  4. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    Yeah true, I think 'fucked my way up to the top' is more like something the person is saying about her. 
    I did think it was Lorde when reading it tbh, but I don't think lana's going to actually say who it is. So it's probably just gonna be a general 'fuck you' to her haters and critics.
    And you can't deny that Lorde was/is influenced by Lana yet denounces her whenever people say that they have similarities.
  5. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    I love how this interwiev is less whiny and depressive.
    The first thing that came to my mind when she talked about the gurur was "Oh, so that's the original daddy!"
    About the FMWUTTT-thing:
    I don't think it's about Gaga. Gaga never officially critisized Lana and I don't see any similarities in her style. Of course, the feud could have been taking place in the "so legit" time, meaning that Gaga talked bad about Lana while being in the indie-underground-scene. But the sentence "people believe her, she's really successful" kind of indicates that the person Lana talks about critisized her in front of the mainstream audience.
    Becuase of that I thinkn it's Lorde. Lorde sneered around a lot in front of the press, who aready often critized Lana for being too atificial. And Lorde's style is often compared to Lana's.
    I don't think the line "Fucked My Way Up To The Top" has to refer to the singer lana's talking about, maybe she's ironically using this line to taunt the other singer with her own critic (in an exaggerated way, like "yeah, you're real art whilst I just fucked my way up to the top"). If you see it this way, the song could still refer to Lorde very well, without assuming that Lorde "fucked her way up tot he top". She's ridiculing the other singer by frankly singing this very catchy and controversial line, but so ironically that everyone sees that she#s not admitting something but making fun of someone else who critisized her. And I don't thin Lana will restrain to diss a 17y old. Remember her bitchy yt-comments? I would really like to see how she's using Lorde's face to mob the floor!
  6. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   

  7. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    I find so interesting that there's lana del rey; the persona obsessed w/ opulence, glamour and 50s vintage vs, lizzy grant; science, metaphysics, cults (??)
    more importantly it's nice that everyone's learnt to take what she says w/ a grain of salt.
  8. Bae liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    I just think there is a chance her words have been twisted, that's what media does. I mean, I sort of got my 15 mins of fame in my home country and the nonsense they had written about me was incredible, so since that I completely lost any kind of faith in media as such. But even if she did say that, I honestly don't see anything that awful there. She simply isn't interested, well, ok. Why does everyone have to be? Some people are more interested in other things. I just think people are over-reacting a little. While meanwhile, Lana just keeps on singing
  9. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    I find it pretty weird that this was a 90-minute interview, yet about half of the article is not even new info, in fact, there is hardly anything new in this. Did they just casually chat about Lana's spaghetti eating habits or what? (And if they did, why isn't that included )
  10. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by Miguel3Zero in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    LDR retarded? Sorry but you're wrong. I'll give you three key words. 1. Trolling. Lana is well known for joking with the journalists, and she's often been taking them for a ride. Usually they don't get it.". Irony: " you want me to say this so I*ll  just say it but in a twisted way that will make you uncomfortable" 3. Stubborn if you  are a journalist or a record Company director you will not be able to tell me what to say or do.
  11. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    I just think there is a chance her words have been twisted, that's what media does. I mean, I sort of got my 15 mins of fame in my home country and the nonsense they had written about me was incredible, so since that I completely lost any kind of faith in media as such. But even if she did say that, I honestly don't see anything that awful there. She simply isn't interested, well, ok. Why does everyone have to be? Some people are more interested in other things. I just think people are over-reacting a little. While meanwhile, Lana just keeps on singing
  12. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    I just think there is a chance her words have been twisted, that's what media does. I mean, I sort of got my 15 mins of fame in my home country and the nonsense they had written about me was incredible, so since that I completely lost any kind of faith in media as such. But even if she did say that, I honestly don't see anything that awful there. She simply isn't interested, well, ok. Why does everyone have to be? Some people are more interested in other things. I just think people are over-reacting a little. While meanwhile, Lana just keeps on singing
  13. sjrq liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    I just think there is a chance her words have been twisted, that's what media does. I mean, I sort of got my 15 mins of fame in my home country and the nonsense they had written about me was incredible, so since that I completely lost any kind of faith in media as such. But even if she did say that, I honestly don't see anything that awful there. She simply isn't interested, well, ok. Why does everyone have to be? Some people are more interested in other things. I just think people are over-reacting a little. While meanwhile, Lana just keeps on singing
  14. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by microgrooove in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    Human biology is a boring topic but that doesn't mean I don't believe in it - this is just being blown so out of proportion. Espescially when she said a pro-feminism line straight after she said it bores her.
    I agree her phrasing was clunky and easily skewed (especially when the media is choosing to ignore the 'I believe all women should be free' line in all their articles....) but this is being blown up way more than it deserves 
  15. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by timinmass101 in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    I had intended to start this discussion elsewhere, but after reading the Fader interview I thought I'd comment here briefly.  I joined the Lanaboards because I have a deep emotional connection to the music of Lana Del Rey. I feel like she is talking for me.  I am also a student of them Myers-Briggs Temperament Indicator.  I am an INFP.  Based on what I've read on this site, I believe there are quite a few members that are also INFPs (see http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/2833-myers-briggs-type-indicator/  hat tip to Colacunt.)
    INFPs are relatively rare personality types representing 2-5% of the population.  I speculate that Lizzy Grant is an INFP as well, which perhaps explains why so many INFPs are attracted to her.  After reading the Fader article I am more convinced that she is.  I will follow up in the conversations area as to exactly why I think this.
    But to understand the INFP, you need to understand the following traits commoin to an INFPs: (see http://similarminds.com/jung/infp.html)
    attracted to sad things
    can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings
    prone to quitting
    prone to feelings of loneliness
    ambivalent of the rules
    daydreams about people to maintain a sense of closeness
    focus on fantasies
    acts without planning
    low self confidence
    emotionally moody
    can feel defective
    prone to lateness
    likes esoteric things
    wounded at the core
    feels shame
    frequently losing things
    prone to sadness
    prone to dreaming about a rescuer
    easily distracted
    does not like crowds
    can act without thinking
    can feel uncomfortable around others
    familiar with the darkside
    more likely to support marijuana legalization
    can sabotage self
    likes the rain
    sometimes can't control fearful thoughts
    prone to crying
    prone to regret
    attracted to the counter culture
    can be submissive
    prone to feeling discouraged
    frequently second guesses self
    not punctual
    not always prepared
    can feel victimized
    prone to confusion
    prone to irresponsibility
    can be pessimistic
    These traits are core to who we are.  It is difficult to live in a world that has expectations of normalcy since we are anything but.  The Fader article seems to highlight much of this.
    Anyway, rather than hijack this thread I will continue this discussion elsewhere.
    Oh, and as an aside ... we take criticism as a personal attack.  There are many INFP blogs that discuss this issue ad nauseum.  Imagine what she must have gone through 2012-2013.  I would have been having suicidal thoughts on a daily basis as well.
  16. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by silver starlet in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    no i agree with you, women can depend on men, please men, etc and still be feminist but a lot of other feminists don't think that and that's why they attack lana's lyrics,  thats why i gave those examples. in my opinion lana is both dependent and independent in different ways
    people are setting their own standards for an ideal feminist and it's getting ridiculous. I saw a post that was like "whys everyone shocked that lana isnt a femnist, she idolizes lolita and sings about getting hit" like    x10000000
    idc how "uneducated" about it she may seem, i think lanas definition of a feminist summed it up, a woman who feels free to do what she wants. If it's ironic to agree with lana on her definition of feminism so be it
  17. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by silver starlet in Lana Del Rey Covers FADER Magazine   
    maybe reporters should just stop asking her about feminism?? oh wait, they want controversy so their articles get more views or whatever. i don't think it's a big deal that she's not interested in feminism. that doesn't mean she doesn't believe women deserve equal rights. it means she's more interested in other things, just like she said, and I don't see a problem with that. jfc
  18. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by mrbritster in May 16, 2014 - Chicago -The Aragon Ballroom   
    I got there at 1 a.m! I waited for 20 hrs to get front row! I attented the House Of Blues show back in August of last year. I only waited 12 hrs for that show, & I got to meet her, talk to her, get an autograph, & take a pic with her. This show was very different of course. I had to wait double the time. I checked on twitter and saw people waiting in line since 8pm. I rushed right away and drove to the venue and got in line around 1am. I was 7th in line. I met some new friends there. I even saw people that were there for the house of blues last year too. It was so freaking cold and it was raining. The good thing people were very nice to hold our spots to go warm up or use the bathroom at starbucks. I met really nice people. Around 10 am that's when they seprated the people who had credit card entry and will call tickets into 2 lines. I was will call! I knew Will call people were going to go in first since my friends from the Atlanta show said that will call people go in first. I kept it to myself so I won't make people mad. As of that time I knew I was 3rd in line! I was happy! I just knew that when the doors opened, it was going to be a giant mess. I was right. As soon as they got the will call people to go in. I printed out my confirmation order so i can just go right in without a problem. I left my bag and my jacket prior to go inside since security will take up more time searching your bags. I only had my phone, my picture of Lana & I from last year. I wanted her to sign it! I went in and I gave the people my order number and my I.D They took at least like a min trying to find it. Then I got my ticket and then the guy took his time to scan it. I saw people just running and walking past me. I was like hurry up and give me my ticket. As soon as he gave me my ticket. I started walking up the stairs to the stage. I hurried my butt but I didn't run since they said we'll get kicked out. I walked so fast. I saw people already lining up at the front barricade. I walked even more faster and found a spot right on the right side of the barricade in front of the stairs that Lana came down from. Yes I had front row! I was relieved that all those hours waiting in the rain and cold, it all paid off. I get to see my Lana front row. So many people who waited long hours with me had problems with their tickets. The staff couldn't find their names or thier tickets. So a lot of people walked past them and some didn't get to be front row. I felt so bad. Once inside, more people started forming behind us. The crowd behind us were wild. They were calm before lana came out. During the opening act. A few people fainted and some got into fights. Security took charge and got them out ASAP! The crowd were crazy. Once Lana came out it turned into chaos. People were shoving and pushing. During the begining , the crowd were crazy. During the last portion of the concert people were trying to cut me and my cousin. We of course teamed up with the people who were with us in front row, we didn't let them through. They were so eager to go front row. I'm sorry but if you want front row you had to wait 20 hrs like me. I wasn't going to let anybody go past me. It was a mess. Security spotted the girl who was trying to go in front and told her to stop and move back or he'll grab her and take her out. The security for this venue did a very good job in handling the crowd. The girl stopped trying to cut. I still had to keep my elbows spread out during the concert. I enjoyed Lana so much! She did incredible!!! Once National Anthem started playing, the crowd went nuts. As soon as she came down, everyone started pushing us against the gates. Lana came down and went to the right. She took a good 5 mins there. I took my picture of us that we had taken last year. I wanted her to at least sign it for me. Lana started walking to the front of the stairs and stopped right in the front and started waving to people. She spotted my picture right away and walked towards me. She was right face to face. I gave her the letter I wrote her. she grabbed it and put it under her arm. She looked at our picture and she signed it. She has this glow that I can't explain. She's so beautiful!! As soon as she finished signing my picture. she signed a few more by me. I had my phone out in my hand. She grabbed my phone and told me lets take a picure. She said was I ready. I said yes!! She took 5 selfies. My face came out funny in them since everyone were pushing me forward. She handed my phone back. I said thank you lana, she said you're welcome and told me I love you as she walked away!! I was the only she took a selfie with in that section. I was so lucky!!! All that suffering I had encountered waiting was freaking worth it!!!! I got a chance to see lana front row, touch her, get an autograph and a picture with her! It was incredible!

    Sorry if it was long but I wanted to share my experience with everyone!!
    Here's my instagram. I have vids and the pics I took with Lana at the show!!!
    I want to wish everyone the best of luck in future shows!
    You want front row, then get there early!!! Best of luck!!
  19. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by cadmus2166 in Lana Del Rey gets interviewed by Laura Leishman at Versailles   
    Love her laugh!  I could listen to her all day, whether she is singing, speaking, or laughing.
  20. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Lana Del Rey gets interviewed by Laura Leishman at Versailles   
    I love her laugh, she sounds so sweet and relaxed and SO NICE AND AAAAH FANGIRLING SO HARD RIGHT NOW
  21. Agnese13 liked a post in a topic by drownsoda in My experience at the Seattle show— just some FYI and warnings   
    So I was at the Seattle show yesterday on the 27th, and I thought I'd share my experience just to give other people some insight into what they are really getting themselves into at these shows.
    We showed up at 6am outside the venue and there were already a few people waiting. By 8am, there was a full line that had formed, and the venue staff gave us raffle tickets for being the early birds that guaranteed us first entry into the show, which was really nice. I was in a group of four— myself, my brother, my friend, and my brother's girlfriend. We hung out all day at the show and would leave in groups of two for food and bathroom breaks. By 10am there was a line around the building, and by noon they had herded the line into winding gates, and later formed more lines on the opposite side of the venue doors. By the afternoon it was a zoo there, and one lady told me about an hour or so before the doors opened that the line on our side had extended into three levels of the parking garage across the street. There were A LOT of people there.
    As far as the tickets went, myself, my brother and his girlfriend all had will-call through Adventures in Wonderland, and my friend had gotten hers through the Ticketmaster presale. The staff kept telling everybody it was a paperless event and that you needed your credit card only to get inside, but they failed to acknowledge the fact that a lot of us had the AIW tickets which were made available to us around 2pm at the box office. Anyway, the AIW tickets were totally valid. Our line got first entry as promised when the doors opened at 6:30pm, and everyone of course ran to the stage against the staff's command. My friend had a hurt knee so we walked as fast as we could and were still able to get a spot up against the barricade. About 20 minutes later we were given the okay to stand, and then shit really got insane. My brother and I secured spots at the barricade and had the two girls in front of us with our arms extended around them so that they wouldn't get crushed against the barricade. 
    I'm going to be honest here— the majority of the crowd was extremely rude. "Feral teenage girls" is the only way I can describe it. Fortunately my brother and I are both over 6 feet tall and weight 200 pounds each, so we were able to hold our ground, but it was a nonstop struggle from the time we stood until the end of the show. It honestly was the worst during the opening act— SO much pushing and shoving. There was a group of girls behind me who were physically assaulting me the entire show— hitting me, pinching my ribcage, kicking the backs of my knees, scratching me, pulling at my hair— it was ridiculous. One girl who looked like she was sixteen told me she was going to stab me if I didn't move. I of course didn't move, and she of course didn't stab me. One girl poured water on me. My point is, people are INSANE at these shows. My friend in Chicago warned me about it and I took her warning lightly, but now that I experienced the show, I cannot imagine being under 5'5" and lasting long on the floor. There were at least 20 girls who I saw get pulled over the barricade and taken out by security; some of them were stone cold passed out, and at one point during the show, cops came in and were arresting people. 
    The large group of girls behind me who were attacking me the whole time did not seem to understand that I was physically pressed against a metal fence with a 5 foot tall person in front of me whom I was trying to protect from getting crushed— they still thought they were entitled and should have been allowed to be where I was standing. Before Lana came on, after the opening act, a security guard told all the guys in the front (myself included) to put our arms out against the bar on the barricade and push our bodies back to keep the girls in front of us safe, which I had to do multiple times throughout the show, and every time I did it all of the girls behind me screamed and acted like I was abusing them. Several of them tried to tell the security to kick us out for pushing back against them, but there was literally no other option— these girls did not seem to understand that our bodies were up against steel and that we were NOT going to move any further. One girl gave me a lot of trouble (the one who was pinching my rib cage) and she kept wedging her arm in-between mine and the guy's next to me on the barricade, and I told her repeatedly to get her arm out because when a pushing wave came she was going to end up with a broken arm, but she refused to listen to me. 
    Luckily, I had a really nice Australian guy to my right who was protecting his girlfriend against the barricade, and to the right of us was a French female college student from Paris who was super friendly and had seen Lana before in Paris last year. I felt bad for her because she was against the barricade as well and people were pushing on her the entire time and she was fighting back. 
    Honestly though, the crowds— mainly teenage girls in flower crowns— need to CHILL out. I waited in line for 14 hours and we EARNED our spot against that barricade. Honestly I felt like 80% of the crowd were a bunch of spoiled high school girls who had gotten tickets through their parents, and they had absolutely no respect for anybody and were horribly entitled. One girl who was attacking me informed me she "knew more of Lana's songs than I did," and that I shouldn't even have been there— goes to show the maturity level/age group of these girls. I'm glad I was able to give them a wake-up call that they can't always get their way, especially when they are going to try to cheat their way to the front and threaten and hurt people to do so. As I said, I had the benefit of being a big guy who could easily handle their attempts at destabilizing me, but it was disturbing how aggressive and pissed off they were. When the show ended, the security guard near us came up to the barricade and gave me a thumbs up and told me I did the right thing by pushing back and holding my ground to protect my friend in front of me, and all of the girls who had spent three and a half hours mauling me scoffed and were appalled. It was a nice affirmation.
    As far as Lana's show goes, it was of course incredible. She came down to the barricade and took pictures with fans midway through the set, but stopped and turned around literally FEET before us unfortunately. I got some great photos though and did my best to enjoy the music. 
    But, yeah, the show was as insane as I was warned it would be. Worse than punk shows. I've seen Hole live before and the crowd was tamer than this. What it comes down to is that the majority of the crowd was immature, selfish, and incredibly mean-spirited. Beware of that. Unless of course you ARE one of these people, in which case all I have to say to you is: GROW UP.
    Also: make sure you are hydrated and have eaten something, even if it's light. A lot of these girls were passing out as I said and many of them were pulled over the barricade because they couldn't handle it. One of my friends from college was there on the opposite side with three of her friends, and she told me that two of her friends collapsed one had a panic attack and had to be taken out. I guess my point is, yes, these shows ARE as crazy as people are saying they are, and this is coming from a 23 year old male who has gone to multiple punk and rock shows before and been in moshpits. BE PREPARED PLEASE.
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