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Serene Queen

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Everything posted by Serene Queen

  1. Serene Queen

    Song vs. Song

    I Talk to Jesus vs Thunder
  2. Cinnamon Girl is WAY overhyped. It’s not a bad song, per se, but it’s easily my least fav from NFR
  3. Damn, this was a fun thread, I guess I killed it haha...actually, I was thinking Birds of a Feather!
  4. Esther Williams and Marlon Brando What’s your favorite place in the world?
  5. But she does...”my violets, my oranges, my reds.” The “dolls” in VOTD are pills!
  6. Sir what? Yeah, her cheeks are maybe a little puffier than they are naturally, but I love a good Ann Miller-cheeked queen
  7. Girls About Town (1931)...10/10 would recommend, if you can find it
  8. I would be so down for a Zella collab, tho I would rather it be from Zella’s upcoming release than from COTCC
  9. Serene Queen

    Taylor Swift

    I caved, and bought two: Meet Me Behind the Mall and Betty’s Garden
  10. Serene Queen

    Taylor Swift

  11. Don’t call me gaga crazy, but I feel like Talking Like An Answering Machine woukd for right in with these eccentric titles...
  12. This may be his best song...WOW
  13. Dude, Live or Die is one of her best songs! I’m not sure how many brain cells you had left to lose in the first place...
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