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my ol man isa batman

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  1. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * SUPERULTRAVIOLENCE 10 YEAR EDITION   
    This is quite simple but a lot of thought was put into it......

  2. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Covers Nylon Magazine's November Issue   
    you should take into consideration the fact that 'lana del rey' was the most googled woman of 2012. there seems to be an endless amount of national, local, and personal coverage on her every move across the infinite stretches of the "WWW". so sending us on a wild fucking duck hunt (   ) for an article that supports your singular, previously unheard of claim only makes you seem less than credible. (ps, your hostility certainly doesn't help either). you're the only one here thats been exposed to this supposed information. so why leave it up to us to find an article that we don't even believe to exist?  
    until you come back with some kind of (hard) evidence you're just gonna continue to seem like a bit of an asshole tbh 
  3. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey Covers Nylon Magazine's November Issue   
    I don't think I've really been "touchy" about the subject. Maybe a little touchy about the fact that you got rather touchy just because people don't accept your novel claims without evidence. It's really lazy to make a claim that contradicts conventional wisdom and then tell people to search for it when questioned on it. Google it yourself and come back when you can support your claims with evidence.

  4. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey Covers Nylon Magazine's November Issue   
    I'm asking for links. I wasn't questioning her being in development, just asking for evidence that she doesn't write the bulk of her lyrics or melodies.
  5. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by whitman in Lana Del Rey Covers Nylon Magazine's November Issue   
    "On Tropico, the short film the Internet has been buzzing about:
    "It's Elvira and Jesus and Marilyn and extraterrestrials all in one.
    Ok, now I'm worried
  6. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Del Rey Covers Nylon Magazine's November Issue   
    i can see this entire interview is a huge cringefest. maybe lana & barrie should start posting here: http://www.reddit.com/r/lewronggeneration/
  7. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Covers Nylon Magazine's November Issue   
    The Lorde has her shook and xeroxing her look
  8. keanefar liked a post in a topic by my ol man isa batman in Television Heaven   
    idgaf I'm still gonna sing surf. i really like those lyrics though
  9. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by keanefar in Television Heaven   
    I thought it was that too
  10. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Sitar in American Horror Story   
    Not this being the most captivating yet fuuuuuuck
    Waiting for the trademark random ass plotline. Aliens and nazis
  11. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in American Horror Story   
    waiting 4 2nite woOAhhh
  12. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Hellion in American Horror Story   
    Has the Supreme hierarchy or what have you been explained yet? According to Fiona's spiel, the new Supreme can't take over until the reigning Supreme is dead by the hands of the former, right? Am I reading too much into that? Or did I miss something? If that is the case, do witches not die naturally? Surely they do, if Fiona has cancer. Which begs the question, is the cancer natural, or is it something brought on by the blooming of a new Supreme? With the level of mysticism we've seen so far, I have to wonder. 

    Marie perched on her thrown was everything I need in life though. Also, Fiona at the end. Red is definitely Jessica's color. Bad bitch.
  13. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Sitar in American Horror Story   
    + Kyle's mom
    + Zoe's puss
    + Nan getting that church D
    This season is so sexually depraved my GOD, + this nearly all female cast is slaying me
  14. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by cartoon eyes in American Horror Story   
    That scene with precious in the backyard
  15. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Sitar in American Horror Story   
    @@TrailerParkDarling's departure was just elaborate FORESHADOWING!

    The bit about Kyle's mom was maaaaaad fucked, I mean I assumed so when she started talking about his body because I'm immature, but then it was TRUE?!
    And now I need Misty to find ha tribe in the coven and revive Madison! Tbh I thought she'd be the supreme because her power is so crazy...but it's probably just a rare power, like the one out of eight that Fiona has? I'm pretty confused about the powers actually, like are there only eight in total to have? That would mean Fiona and Madison also kill men with their pussies, read minds, and are living voodoo dolls. Which doesn't make any sense. So I'm wondering if the seven/eight powers that a supreme is meant to be proficient in just involve less strange stuff, like conjuring fire and telekinesis?
    Powers listed so far (just to help me clarify):
    - Voodoo doll
    - Resurgence
    - Black widow
    - Telekinesis
    - Fire conjuring
    - Mind reading
    We've only really seen Cordelia perform rituals and not demonstrate her powers, right? Goddamn I love this witchcraft shit, best possible motif for the season. Someone discuss this.
  16. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Rebel in American Horror Story   
    That shit insane.
  17. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by prettydrugs in American Horror Story   
    ok another breathtaking episode im so excited it's 5.30 am here but cant sleep! lol
    Loved Queenie and Nan being slutty 
    and the whole racist thing   Delphine vs Obama 
    Kyle's mom?!?!?! That bitch deserved that omg 
    Fiooona? omfg
    and Marie Laveau?! I love her, she's a tough witchbitch
    sorry Idk how to spoiler things 
  18. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by prettydrugs in American Horror Story   
    omg I read that! I cried really, thinking of not seeing my Jessica on screen anymore... my heart hurts! But at least another season of ahs yeees! 
    btw -25 minutes ep3 im so reaaady         
    I will not accept the death of Queenie or Nan. No. Just no. They're my faves.
    Ah I'm soo in love with this season!! 
  19. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by my ol man isa batman in Halloween Music   
    Time of the Season

  20. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Post Your Lanaboards Crush!   
    TrailerParkDarling :(
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