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Everything posted by sweetie

  1. gays and their theatrics.... wonder how bored you must be to argue for the sake of arguing
  2. Instagram and Twitter will prob just restore the tweets/pics lol, not the end of the world
  3. also they probably sent out the stems to producers since we've been seeing plenty of LFL remixes lately. that's most likely not the case for the other songs.
  4. i thought HM was a snooze until i really listened closely to the instrumentals and all the details. each song has an entire universe inside of it, they're all so breathtaking in their own ways. it'll forever be my fav album for that reason
  5. the golden age, the sound of war and bedtime story are all so pretty! undercover remains my fav tho, probably one of the best songs this year.
  6. i'd believe this if the other BAR file also had the glitches that the original one has (at 3:52 and onwards for example). but it doesn't, and the quality difference is incredibly noticeable.
  7. jesus christ... can't believe what i'm reading here. get some help girl!
  8. i'm all against nazism and white supremacy... but HOW can you be okay with wishing death upon someone who wishes death upon others? you are literally no better. birds of a feather. they should be locked up and isolated instead.
  9. White Mustang also should've had the guitar in the chorus. sounds so much more powerful with it
  10. I'm pretty sure he also said BAR was never the title of the song. You can't rely on what comes out of that mouth, really.
  11. i love a good mess girl not with this petty high school drama he's bringing to the table
  12. can't believe this thread is still going. what an entitled little brat
  13. sweetie


    y'all are so embarrassing I swear lol
  14. Periscope: https://www.pscp.tv/w/1MYGNXaEBkQxw so far... the setlist is tragic, she's over 40 minutes late, the venue looks like a child slavery sweatshop, she's basically wearing the same outfit as yesterday.... a hot mess
  15. i'd honestly prefer the scat porn over this blasphemy
  16. yes, a pity he's such a miserable grump all the time however
  17. there is, someone posted the video on LB somewhere but i can't remember
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