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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. Ouf the energy in here about the piano ballads and minimal production… I must say that I was a bit disappointed at first by the direction of the album. Partly because Chemtrails was so quiet and partly because of my expectations for a summer / revenge album from her. but I am now ready for whatever she wants to throw at us, musically speaking. I have « buried » the summer album from her (Lorde will probably have more chances of satisfying me in that regard), and enjoy Billie’s last record for bigger prod and am looking forward for Halsey’s LP as well (can’t believe I’m saying that, but a Trent and Atticus LP is enough to possibly make me enjoy it). Are those artists Lana? No, and I won’t be as « happy » with those as I was with Norman (her last « big » album), but BB has a surprising direction and got me curious.
  2. She better do something soon, before all hype is def killed. Norman was excruciating, but the music was worth the wait; this era, with its minimal prod, cannot be dragged on for a year of sparse news (look what it did to Chemtrails).
  3. I just saw on Twitter that Charli is releasing a new single on Sept 2… and announced it today, as in a whole month in advance… for a song. This better not give ideas to Miss Del Rey for the new single
  4. Does he even have a Twitter account anymore? For official Eclipse news regarding Lana, his Insta https://instagram.com/planet_eclipse?utm_medium=copy_link is probably the best thing or his other platform (Discord I think?)
  5. Since Lorde released Stoned At the Hair Salon, I’ve revisited Wild at Heart a lot… ❤️❤️
  6. When she posted the snippet, BoZ thought it was produced by Drew Erickson, who produced songs for the Killers.
  7. Maybe Crazy for You (if it was any good) but knowing UFB is apparently a duet with Barrie…
  8. I just want to preorder, so the damn selfie can be erased from my playlist when the singles come on (I know I could do it myself, but it’s not « official official ») Why do you want an EP next year with five songs you already know how they sound?
  9. Exactly! These selfies really feel « promo-ish »
  10. I think it’s a LB tradition, to automatically rip apart any potential info, except if it doesn’t have the BoZ crest (even Eclipse is dragged down all the time).
  11. GeminiLanaFan


    I have high hopes for Oceanic Feeling but saxophone can be so bad in non-jazz songs… hope it’s not the case here Robyn
  12. GeminiLanaFan

    In My Pants

    Norse Gods in my pants
  13. Nan, my mum’s passed away, but the rest, to not want to « destroy » your loved one, when you’ve been hurt in the past, that part resonates with me. On the other hand, I do connect a lot with my father being « absent », in Text Book.
  14. I do listen to the three songs every week, but this album, at the moment, feels like it’s going to be one that might not be as easy-going to listen to. The lyrics of the songs are so profound and with minimalist production, you have to be in the headspace or mindset of the song to go back to it. Same happens to me with Hope, Change, Heroin and others from Chemtrails. Many songs from LFL, I could listen casually because of the bigger production without necessarily connecting to the lyrics. But with piano-driven ballads, it’s harder for me to listen to the album on repeat if I’m not living what the songs are about.
  15. This album has some of her most beautiful songs and some of my all-time favourites Venice Bitch will always be a top5 for me, along with The Greatest / FIILY. recently, I’ve rediscovered Happiness Is a Butterfly ? i just love how special this album is, how timeless it is.
  16. Lana will probably receive some special Grammy / Lifetime Achievement price in a couple of years if she keeps putting excellent records as Norman, Chemtrails and Blue Banisters (from what we’ve heard so far). I don’t expect her to be nominated much next year less alone win. anyways… maybe she’ll post the tracklist this week?!? Unless there’s a special post coming like Chemtrails mentioning the preorder date…
  17. My thoughts exactly! She should have been featured on that one as well, it would have been a very cute bop.
  18. They were eaten by Tex and Mex :p Chuck, Jake and Banisters would complete the pics of the BB song lol
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