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Black Roses

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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Black Roses in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    No More Suckers should've been deleted out of existence. I never expected a song on this album to get any blander than Superstar but I spoke too soon I guess 
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Black Roses in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I'm still confused as to why she used that cheap ass cheering sample in Life Is Strange 
  3. Cry by the beach liked a post in a topic by Black Roses in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I'm still confused as to why she used that cheap ass cheering sample in Life Is Strange 
  4. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by True Romance in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    That album sucked
  5. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    The second verse of No More Suckers is HER WORST. Wtf was she thinking
  6. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by wraith in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Yeah it's definitely my least favourite of her 4 but it's not a complete disaster for me, I like a lot of songs off of it. I just miss her rawness. None of the songs off of this album made me feel any kind of emotion close to songs like Happy, FROOT, I'm a Ruin, Fear & Loathing, Starring Role, nearly the entirety of TFJ etc but still, I'm going to enjoy the songs for what they are. I am just going to hope on the next record, she will consider writing more specifically than generically. You could feel on her previous records that what she was writing about was clearly very specific things that she is interested in but yet she wrote them in such a way that they come off relatable to all of us - which to me was her biggest charm because I don't feel like many pop artists had this ability at the time Marina was up and coming. On this album, I feel like all the lyrics are far too vague and generic (I mean generic in that they could be about literally anything - Karma is a good example) and it's just boring. Yeah I can relate to multiple songs here but the lyrics aren't deep enough to actually be invested in them or the story she is telling.
    I also really miss the live instrumentation. Even EH had more live or acoustic instrumentation that the boring guitar loops and trap drums on this album and I think that is part of why the album sounds kinda emotionless for me. Not saying electronic music can't have emotion, of course it can (EH perfect example) but when it's production like this, it's just bland. Marina I feel always does a great job of blending synthetic and synth pop music with guitars and live drums on her last albums. 
    Those are just some criticisms I have tho, it's not meant to be hate - because I love Marina and been a fan for a long time so of course I have thoughts on whats probably her most polarising record. I still enjoy a lot of the record and I'm not going to get hung up on the production or the lyrics because I mean there is nothing I can do. I rather enjoy the music, not think about it too much and be excited for what she brings next. 
  7. cory liked a post in a topic by Black Roses in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I'm still confused as to why she used that cheap ass cheering sample in Life Is Strange 
  8. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by Air in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    leak TNWWY so we can move on from the worst album of her career
  9. lightning tears liked a post in a topic by Black Roses in Melanie Martinez   
    Even if the allegations are confirmed to be true one day, I still despise that Timothy girl as a person. I remember the day Melanie was accused of rape I tried to believe her side of the story but as the months went on I started to notice how unbearable she is as a human being. A lot of the crap that she said was so hypocritical and ignorant but people seemed to ignore it. I don't understand why people even stick up for her anymore after all that when it's so easy to call her out for bullshit 
  10. BBMbby liked a post in a topic by Black Roses in Melanie Martinez   
    Even if the allegations are confirmed to be true one day, I still despise that Timothy girl as a person. I remember the day Melanie was accused of rape I tried to believe her side of the story but as the months went on I started to notice how unbearable she is as a human being. A lot of the crap that she said was so hypocritical and ignorant but people seemed to ignore it. I don't understand why people even stick up for her anymore after all that when it's so easy to call her out for bullshit 
  11. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by LonelyHeart in Charli XCX   
    Im wearing it 100%.
    Taxi was being planned as one of the summer releases last year but 1999 came thru. Remember the last time she teased abt releasing a song at the same week Focus + No Angel came right after? She could be 99% joking with us but i dont think she would bring this attention about Taxi again in public if shes not planning something... or shes just being lunatic bc ppl will drag her about this song over and over but harder
  12. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by Charlottexseax in Charli XCX   
    uhm that wasn't the final version? it was a demo?
    also releasing it paves the road for the public to listen to it, since if it remains "leak" status literally at best 500 people are gonna listen to it. it's objectively one of the best songs she's recorded during the XCXWORLD era and the gp needs to hear it. so yeah bad take you're not excused 
  13. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by Unknown in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    y'all need to realise Lana literally does not give a fuck anymore. Like she doesn't care if she loses fans because she knows that lanky twink and his possy of rats will still be front row of every show she ever does for the rest of her fucking life. She doesn't care about promo or a proper album rollout because she doesn't care if the album succeeds or not. She's been there, done that, got the t shirt and hated the experience. She'll be financially stable for the rest of her life and just has the freedom to do absolutely nothing. It's clear that music isn't her passion anymore and all she wants to do now is write poetry and suffer a mid life crisis. Maybe it would be better for her to publicly retire instead of half-assing everything she does now- at least then the legacy and artistic image she spent years crafting wouldn't be completely tarnished. 
  14. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i'm just loving how she dead ass straight up fucking lied lmao, like she really did that, right to our fucking faces

    a legend, truly a legend
  15. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by glitch diva in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    IMO love+fear lyrics sounds shit compared to the family jewels
  16. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    She reads here.
    She so fucking does. I'm sure very occasionally, but yeah.
    There's no way you never look at a website that is entirely about you with 11,000 of your fans on it.
  17. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by SparkleJumpropeNoose in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think we should combine this with the idea to get something trending on Twitter for to get Lana's attention and troll her for the garbage pile that is this era
  18. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Honestly I'm kinda mad. It doesn't feel like Lana. It doesn't feel authentic at all. Absolutely not my place to say that I completely reckon but it makes me even slightly uncomfortable. I want her to be happy above everything obviously but there's a tiny hidden part of me that feels like she's forcing herself and I hate it, I hate that I don't like her friends at all and that she feels completely out of place with them
  19. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this era's aesthetic

  20. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by Marius in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope she’s gonna drop this book soon. I mean I don’t give a single fck about it but maybe she’s gonna focus on music again. Im so tired of her pretending that she doesn’t have full amazing album done.
  21. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by LanaTrailer in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Can she fucking stop posting those ugly scans please? At this point she is only 10 pages away from publishing her entire book on Insta.
  22. Black Roses liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this thread is so painful to check, but I still check it
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