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About CokoKilos

  • Rank
    Trailer Park Princess

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Paradise City
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  1. Lordddd we slayed tinychat in 2013 but for real though this is still blowing my mind I'm glad I took the long way home and called you drunk to hear about this LOL
  2. I dont think Canada can make the call cause im getting "we're sorry, the number you have reached is not active"
  3. I was just about to ask what the number for the hotline was
  4. CokoKilos

    Melanie Martinez

    I second this Found it
  5. CokoKilos


    Holy fuck I didn't realize until now
  6. I was talking about you being Salty, boo boo lol, Bandwagon fans are different
  7. $100 seats, get what you paid for, enjoy the show..You can sit your ass at home for free if you want to be salty
  8. Show respect to the artist playing if you know the song or not, plain and simple. it wasn't just one person it was an entire section in the 201 area and im sure in other area's of the concert venue. I have no problem speaking up about things in front of peoples faces
  9. I was in the 201 section as well, there was one girl who had a fucking ipad out the entire time I made sure she heard me when I said "Im going to grab that ipad and throw it"
  10. Before getting to my seat a lot of girls were being kicked out of the venue for being drunk and one girl got dragged out by police When Lana played CH a lot of bandwagon fans sat down (I actually recorded them via snapchat calling them bandwagon fans for sitting down ) She talked about Honeymoon briefly saying it's coming in September and only played Serial Killer (In terms of unreleased songs) If I saw this earlier I would have, I believe I commented on your post about this
  11. well they'd have to get her stuff on stage, off stage for lana and build up hype for sure but I was looking for a general time.
  12. Does anyone know when Grimes gets on stage?
  13. @@Honeymooner the venue in Toronto is very tricky since it's on a small island, finding parking anywhere close by is near impossible since its so close to the highway so the only designated parking would be the venues parking but by the end of the night it will be jammed back getting out, anyone parking at the venue..Good luck If you have GA/VIP tickets I would of showed up early but if it's Lawn or Seated tickets and aren't interested in seeing the opening act I'd show up around 8 (it also depends on your travel time, if your driving or taking the subway)
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