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poetic jess

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Everything posted by poetic jess

  1. I think things won’t get a little bit stable until November... there’s no way things can recover that quickly after a few months.
  2. She looks rested, beautiful, and at least she didn't color her hair too dark this time. It looks like a warm brown, but idk if its the flashes from the cameras or not. *Sigh* Maybe one day we'll get that warm blonde again. Going to any place with large gatherings of people is a horrible idea during these times. I hope this is the last one she's attending in a while, because the situation is not controlled at all here. I wish people would take this pandemic more seriously.
  3. Some points that upset me: - they still haven’t counted all the votes in the states Bernie has won (it’s been a week since Cali, and I know my state is huge, but they’re reeeeaaallly taking their sweet time) - I think the youth vote is being suppressed through long waiting times and the availability of locations to vote which have been cut down this election. Especially in areas that have a younger demographic (colleges, universities) - they keep telling Bernie to drop out but he’s only a 150 delegates away from catching up with Joe Biden. There’s Texas doing a recount because the numbers didn’t add up and other states haven’t finished counting votes. What if he’s caught up already? MSM is just not going to talk about it. - the older generation hates us lmao I am convinced of it Anyway, I’m a #bernieorbust person, and I seriously don’t think Joe Biden will change much of anything if he even wins against Trump. The only thing going for him is he’s a bit more tolerable than Trump, but that’s not saying much. I’m so tired of these centrist assholes in the government. Surprisingly I’m still optimistic because a lot can still happen from now until November.
  4. You made so many valid points! I had a sliver of hope but honestly the odds were against her and some of it was due to her poor decisions. I was hoping this would push her to work harder for the next album but I’m really doubting it.
  5. Why has this show been 90% performances??? Is the show almost over, are they going to announce any more winners?
  6. poetic jess


    I don’t think she’s actually pregnant....
  7. Had the same feelings when she first announced her poetry book! Florence set the bar high and it’s one of my favorite items I have from one of my favorite artists. So much thought was put into it- rare pictures, poems, lyrics, scraps from her journal, her cute paintings and little drawings. Lana could never.
  8. Because you’re on every. single. page. I miss out 20 pages, come back days later and you and Jared are still going back and forth. Jared is also annoying with the praise. I respect differing opinions just as much as opinions similar to mine but both get annoying af when it’s repeated by the same people almost every day.
  9. I was going to say this. lol What makes you guys think she’d put in the work and do it well if she left the label? She said it, and her team said it: Lana’s in charge of her own work. So if things aren’t to your liking, that’s on her. lmao
  10. Idk why, but I feel like Lana’s going to transition from her So-Cal/neon/“woke”/“LA lifestyle” obsession to a South- or Midwestern aesthetic and it’s gonna influence this album. Just a feeling tho.
  11. I was listening to Guardian the other day and I can't believe she wouldn't release it especially since it sounds so good as it is and it would've been a hit 5 years ago. Is it safe to say now that she's the main one holding herself back from reaching her full potential? She can rant about Charli's new girl group stealing her sound all she wants, but it doesn't change the fact that it's not a unique sound and she didn't invent it. In fact, she should've expanded her musical sound by now since it's been 6 years and so many artists have evolved their own sound since they released their debut projects along with hers. Charli's Charli (2019) sounds nothing like True Romance (2013). Sky was featured on her damn album and that's probably the most exposure she's gotten from a collaboration in a while. While Sky was complaining on Twitter, Charli was making mixtapes in spite of her label's stubbornness, selling hit songs to mainstream artists and getting her coin. It still amazes me when she gets shocked every time someone calls her out when she makes an "official" announcement for new music coming. Like, girl, can you blame your fans? You drop a hint that it's coming soon or give a specific time of the year, then ghost them or make them feel bad for having expectations. Like... which is it? Make up your damn mind then.
  12. Same here. Ugh. Almost more than half of those top 10 unreleased are overrated to me.
  13. The Greatest, Happiness is a Butterfly and Norman Fucking Rockwell are my holy trinity of this album, but I still can’t listen to one song without listening to the others. This album is really holding up well for me.
  14. Has there been a rift? I’ve been away lately and barely catching up. I wonder if Rob likes him.
  15. She posted so much about it (compared to NFR), but I completely forgot this was a thing. lol
  16. First few impressions: - I like her outfit. I’d wear it tbh. Maybe I lack taste. lmao She’s done worse in the outfit department while on tour. - Why did no one record more bits during the Q&A? For some reason Cali fans are the worst at recording unique moments other fans won’t get to see (the San Diego “Sylvia Plath” moment came to mind, and I was at that show). - She needs to ditch the backing track in general, but why is she using it in such a small venue? Girl, hire back-up singers! - She really needs a vocal coach. When she’s singing with other artists on stage, the flaws become more apparent to me. There’s so much inconsistency. She has the amazing voice, she just doesn’t discipline herself. - Speaking of lack of discipline, has she been zoning out during performances more?
  17. Idk if it’s just L.A., but there’s always a fight at every concert I’ve been to. Not always physical, but it gets this way, especially when people get drunk. It’s not just rap concerts.
  18. I feel bad that some of you guys who go to her concerts, or are devoted fans, and don’t get the chance to see performances from her like this. I mean even as an L.A. native, I can see the favoritism when it comes to California. But to be frank, the favoritism is toward a certain demographic in L.A. I won’t get too into it because I don’t want to trigger some people, but it’s this feeling I get- especially seeing the fans she usually gravitates toward that are always there and can afford it. Anyway, I hope all of you had a great night. It sounded like a wonderful show.
  19. I miss music moments like that. It could be because we’re now experiencing the instant gratification era. Even though we get music faster now and it’s convenient, the enjoyment and high from it all burns out fast and eventually people want more and more and more. That’s why people keep asking for leaks. And we all know how that negatively affects some artists who don’t want certain songs out there. The excitement especially burns out faster if you don’t like the music that comes out (as in Marina’s case), and it kind of worries me how it’s going to affect musicians these days. I think what made the EH era so good- and tbh one of my favorite eras compared to current artists I listen to- is because it was organized, well-thought out, promoted well, had the story and lyrics to match the persona that didn’t feel shallow, and Marina took her time with it. Even the low-budget videos were good because she put her heart into it. So idk if it’s something Marina is going through, but I’m seeing this in other artists too. I’m really curious if there’s hope for album eras like that again or it’s just a done thing.
  20. I did this at 2 AM so I'm sorry it's a mess. Let's just say she's performed almost all of these songs throughout the years. The songs from White Mustang to Ride is literally from LA to the Moon Tour, and there's only 4 original NFR songs + Doin' Time.
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