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Everything posted by Venice

  1. Yeah I also wish they made it more clear if it was supposed to be about her past/reminiscing/being 19. And I wish there was more of a story rather than just skating too! It could have been a lot more grand overall. Like I love it, but it doesn't necessarily excite me or leave a big impression
  2. Damn, your patience is out of this universe ? And then there's me, wishing for no more CoCC snippets so I can experience the whole experience all at once... only to be cracking out to the leaks in the middle of the night.
  3. Oops, I definitely assumed the body double is supposed to be a young Lana Because otherwise imo it was too obvious that it's not her??
  4. OK THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL. I think I'd enjoy it even more in a calm state of mind
  5. I love that some of y'all are going all out with interpretations, beautiful and intricate deep meanings and everything, meanwhile I haven't even really processed the album being released
  6. I just woke up and White Dress MV is premiering in 10 mins LMAO AHHHHHHHHH WOOOOHOOOOO
  7. I was worried too that CCoC would just be like an NFR 2.0, but yeah it really does have its very own distinct sound and experimentation!
  8. Top 3 for me too! So many elements to this song and it’s just so fun.
  9. The cut sound during “it was such a sceeene” sort of annoys me, like I wish they blended in the different recordings better. But overall, I’m in love with White Dress!! Amazing and amazingly experimental, too. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any more unique and alternative with her ? I’ve listened to this non stop since the leak and by the next morning it was basically burned in my mind. Nostalgic, relatable and beautiful.
  10. I haven't fallen in love this hard with a title track from her since BTD. Yup.
  11. I'm guessing this project is going to be delayed because of the album release this same month??
  12. Well said, just amazing. I just realized how much I do that, subconsciously even. Now that I'm older too, I wonder how differently I'll interpret her upcoming album ?
  13. LMAOO I was like what song is this, why do I know this, why is this familiar ? Niiice. March is basically heeere, meaning CoCC is basically here, I can't wait. There better not be any mf delays
  14. So only just the other day did I finally fall in love with Summer Wine. All these years later, LOL. This always freaking happens to me, just like with West Coast. By the time I'm obsessed with a song I wasn't into before, it's just me alone with my hype. Why can't my brain just cooperate on time?
  15. I'm so glad there are others out there who also suffer like I do with these "problems" ? Love it! Not even 2 weeks until March and then we'll be off
  16. Venice

    Lil Peep

    Lots of new official Lil Peep uploads such as: Love and miss you so, so much.
  17. Venice


    I'm very new to Ashnikko and am still very much obsessed with Daisy and Cry So much interesting content to take in, and now this new EP!
  18. Everything you say Makes me want to stay But everything you've done Makes me want to run (Butterflies Pt. 1) These lines haunted me when I needed to be reminded I can do better :') I'm not unhinged or unhappy, I'm just wild (Chemtrails Over the Country Club) A summary of my spirit :'))
  19. Ohh okay, gotcha Lmaooo, I can picture her saying that so clearly. Welp, music to my ears by now hahaha
  20. I'm not applauding anything, I'm just glad this is all coming to an end. I just think this is the best we'll get from Trump in terms of a concession speech, which is what I fully consider this to be (I think this is a decent explanation of it @ 14:00+). Further, multiple media outlets have also publicly and openly called this a concession - i.e. Forbes, CNN, ABC, CBC, Bloomberg, PBS, Toronto Star, Global News, National Post, and counting. Trump acknowledged that there will be a transition of power on the 20th, that a new administration will be inaugurated, and that it was an honor to have been the president, and that's powerful - an admission that it's over for him and he won't be president anymore, even if it's not respectful as it has historically been or doesn't follow the traditional outline. Never before have a bunch of things happened like during this election cycle. As for his mind, I have no idea how that functions lmao.
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