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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Philomene in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I was eating when I saw that   goddamn image.
  2. Philomene liked a post in a topic by 111 in "Music To Watch Boys To" premiering on Beats1 in less than 2 hours.   
    Omg don't leak the sex tapes that I was forced to do with daddies so I could get songs/vids early.
  3. Philomene liked a post in a topic by May in Lana interview for V Magazine with James Franco   
    this is one of the best interviews she's done.. god bless james franco creepy old white ass
  4. Philomene liked a post in a topic by litewave in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    Now that Lana started posting excerpts from Tennyson's The Lady of Shalott on her Instagram accounts, I googled out some commentary on this poem:
    More specifically, the Lady eventually leaves her tower and descends into the outside world after she falls in love with knight Lancelot. And then she dies. Typical Lana.
  5. Philomene liked a post in a topic by litewave in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    The mixing of autobiographical facts with archetypal imagery looks like the result of the Jungian maturational process called "individuation". It's a process where archetypal or religious material as well as forgotten autobiographical memories emerge from the individual's unconscious into consciousness and if the individual successfully integrates them with their consciousness they will be positively enriched. Art, religion, philosophy can aid the integration. It may be a challenging experience though and cause psychological disturbances. The unconscious is the individual's broader identity, the suppressed or unexpressed parts of their soul. So the Jungian individuation seems to be sort of what I imagine as the integration of soul and ego. Lana seems to have experienced an identity shift toward the soul, which also manifested by her adoption of the beautiful majestic name "Lana Del Rey".
  6. Philomene liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    She sort of explained that when she said her songs were "personal" and she didn't want anyone to hear them. And really, I almost feel like my posting about them is a violation of privacy … but it's more interesting than talking about which dresses she's wearing. There is an esotericism beyond orthodox Christianity. 
      In order to dismiss all of this, you would have to blatantly ignore what she says … http://www.thefader.com/2014/06/17/love-death-and-jazz-seven-outtakes-from-our-lana-del-rey-intervie/  
    Sometimes, people confuse their own intellectual apathy with others' … 
  7. Philomene liked a post in a topic by litewave in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    Coexistence of different meanings in one expression is typical for art and metaphor. It's a bridge between meanings. To reduce it to a single definite meaning is the way of the analytical left brain hemisphere, something artists seem generally unwilling to do. And yes, they may not fully understand their own visions either. It's not really surprising - we wonder what our dreams and feelings mean and we consult friends, psychologists, dream books and whatnot. But obviously an artist must understand at least some significant part of their art and relate to it, otherwise they wouldn't care to create it.
  8. Philomene liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana covers V Magazine's Best of the Best Issue   
    I love this National Anthem-esque look, I wish she gave concerts looking like this
  9. Philomene liked a post in a topic by slang in PROOF: Lana is a great songwriter   
    Go Go Dancer has really excellent lyrics. I mean it has imagery, eroticism, character, and multiple character perspectives. The "My Daddy is Rich" line and the Larcombe production have always suggested to me that it was written in the BTD era, as LDR is inclined to use criticism creatively in her songs (FMWUTTT, MPG). In another post (somewhere) I compared GGD to Nabokov. In yet another post I compared TIWMUG and NA to Bob Dylan. It's something about the wordiness and wry humor of the songs, maybe also in the execution. "Drinking on the job.... with the boss" gets me every time. Last Girl on Earth has some excellent name dropping and hyperbole. How that one was never released is probably the biggest enigma for me.
  10. Philomene liked a post in a topic by SoftcoreBabyface in Terrence Loves You   
    The intro of the song sounds so much like segments of the American Beauty soundtrack.
    I wanted to say it was sampled, but I was just listening through the AB OST, and it's a very similar sound but not sampled from there directly.
    I was listening to the recordings some ppl have made of the Honeymoon Hotline's extension recordings(?).
    Listening to that led me to watch the Lawrence Krauss lecture on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cIbfbl8124 
    (because the HH doesn't actually work when I call it), I enjoyed it and all, but during the lecture, Lawrence Krauss mentions a famous discovery in science:
    OKAY so the funny thing is that these lyrics:
    "I put the radio on hold you tight in my mind
    Isn't strange that you're not here with me
    But I know the lights on in the television
    Trying to transmit can you hear me"
    instantly reminded me of that particular discovery in science because white noise on televisions are actually just picking up random signals from space that aren't being occupied by a channel's signal.
    ​I take the awkward lines of "I know the lights on in the television, trying to transmit (CAN YOU HEAR ME?)"
    and I don't think this is all a reach because it's a common thought in science that we can be receiving information via cosmic layers of radiation/static noise
    and you, good people, are talking about hearing a "sound" that I personally haven't experienced but it does seem to fit this train of thought, as far as what this song is about.
    All in all, I found it peculiar that I arrived at the idea independently, not special, but I wonder if anyone else is thinking about it.
    Also I have secretly always thought that Lana is (don't scoff) a Sopranos/James Gandolfini fan, because on so many occasions, even before she was famous, Lana has said, done, tweeted things that are quotes or inspiration from that show Sopranos, mostly stuff that the main character Tony says, but also a lot of Lana's "Daytona Meth" style can be seen as a reflection upon Adrina's character/style https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adriana_La_Cerva
    My odd point with this is that "You are what you are." is a very poignant line delivered by James Gandolfini during an episode when he's in therapy discussing how he was born into a life of organized crime, and that lyric just instantly made me think of that line and what it meant within that context...
    genetic predispostions /destiny written in stone
    preordained life / free will
    these philosophical ideals and questions raised in the scene are all metaphysical ones. I hope this isn't going beyond the "reach scope" of your minds it's just all snowballing for me...
    I also want to say I like the song.     
  11. Philomene liked a post in a topic by lernerderrey in Terrence Loves You   
    also i wish she would stop rhyming everything with "blue" and "you"
  12. Philomene liked a post in a topic by lernerderrey in Terrence Loves You   
    our honeymooooooon
    say you love me toooooo
    darrrrrrrk bluuuueeeee

    But I lost my self when I lost you
    But I still got jazz when I've got the blues
    I lost myself and I lost you too
    And I still get trashed, honey, when I hear your tunes
  13. Philomene liked a post in a topic by VegasBaby in Terrence Loves You   
    this post is so fucking unnecessary. 
  14. Philomene liked a post in a topic by Kommander in Terrence Loves You   
    Some people seem to think that it's about Barrie. Does that mean that he's a fag ? I always found Barrie to be such a total fag. Like you know there's this man called Terrence that's in love with Barrie, so Lana Rey is real sad. Maybe he left her for Terrence or maybe he met him after the break up. lana Rey Del Mar is nostalgic about their relationship and their mistakes, but she doesn't blame Terrence for that : she's even sweet and submissive about it. Tho it means they can never go back together, she acceptes it with this kind of happy/sad daydream memory.
    Yass queen give us those west coast jazz chet Baker infused torch songs about fags.
  15. Philomene liked a post in a topic by May in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    stop saying "don't share the links for the leak!!" it's literally on Spotify in tons of countries... it didn't leak
  16. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by Philomene in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    10th August is the birthday of her ex-boyfriend Mike and she released High By the Beach the same day. Is it possible that this song but also Little Girls is about him?
    "Lights, Camera, Accion, you know I can't make it on my own" VS "Lights, Camera, Accion, I'll do it on my own"
  17. Philomene liked a post in a topic by theeternalstars in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    how funny would it be if lana started referring to herself in the third person lmao
    lana love u til the end of time
    lana would wait a million years
  18. Philomene liked a post in a topic by litewave in The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind   
    This T. S. Eliot quote about time and timelessness, or movement and stillness, or incarnation and transcendence, nicely sums up the audio video for High By The Beach:

    Reality contains all possibilities, which are fundamentally timeless or eternal because they can be neither created nor destroyed. But among these possibilities are their orderings in sequences which we experience as time, as processes in which things become differentiated/individuated. Thus timeless reality contains in itself its temporal manifestations or expressions - timeless art manifests as life, script comes alive in a movie, so to speak. The eternal soul embarks on a voyage of exploration of reality, with ego as the pinnacle of the soul's individuation in time and a body as their expressed form/vehicle in which they live and move.
    The first two singles off Honeymoon offer two scenarios of what happens next. The first one (Honeymoon) is a vision of love, of reconciliation of the qualities of ego and soul, of learning from the past and continuing the journey on a higher level. The other one (High By The Beach) is a vision of further deterioration which will compel the soul to get rid of the ego and start again.    
    Ken Carey - The Third Millennium
  19. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Philomene in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    Lana looking up to Britney and her relationship towards paparazzi
    Her destroying the helicopter somewhat makes me think that she wishes to make disappear all the private details about her life and her unleaked songs out of the internet. Her statement in an interview recently was that she wants to find a way to unleaked songs disappear.
    This is mainly a video about her trying to regain control of her life.
    Maybe the gun is here to make her become a "video game" sex symbol/icon that her boyfriends fantasized about.
    The guitar case transforming into a gun maybe is here to show us that her weapon is her music?
    The letter on the rock disappearing is probably about one of her relationship, he maybe wrote her one or she did.
  20. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Philomene in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    10th August is the birthday of her ex-boyfriend Mike and she released High By the Beach the same day. Is it possible that this song but also Little Girls is about him?
    "Lights, Camera, Accion, you know I can't make it on my own" VS "Lights, Camera, Accion, I'll do it on my own"
  21. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Philomene in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    Does anyone get the feeling like she depicts herself dealing with boredom because she doesn't do drugs or drinks anymore?
  22. Philomene liked a post in a topic by ADDICTEDTOLANA in Honeymoon Released on September 18th   
    Omg it will be released 240 days before my birthday! Thank you lana, queen. Slay.
  23. Philomene liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    this is lame but I made it anyway

  24. DanCastro liked a post in a topic by Philomene in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    Does anyone get the feeling like she depicts herself dealing with boredom because she doesn't do drugs or drinks anymore?
  25. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Philomene in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    Does anyone get the feeling like she depicts herself dealing with boredom because she doesn't do drugs or drinks anymore?
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