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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Blue Velvet. I like it of course, but it's my least fav.
  2. If your bf is eating you out, i think you're past awkward comments.
  3. Really great interview, love hearing her talk about another album, also love hearing her get into the metaphysics, she's so cute and curious.
  4. Ugh, i shouldn't have ordered the box set online because now i have to wait an extra week for it to arrive when i could have just gotten from my local store.
  5. Oh come on, of course people are making a fuss about it, it's a hilariously explicit lyric. Barrie sounds like fun.
  6. Well whatever TROPICO is, it's not listed on imdb.com, which is the biggest movie database on the planet and literally has every movie ever made/or being made on it. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just some personal little movie she is making with a few others rather than an actual Cannes films.
  7. Rank, rate, whatever, but comment on each track, i'm sure most of us here have heard the new album a good 5-10 times by now....... Ride - 5/5 I liked it when i initially heard it, but after having it all this time i have really fallen in love with it and think it's one of her best songs. So gorgeous. American - 5/5 I love it, i have the same feelings about this that i do about Ride. Everyone seems to love it to, i wouldn't be surprised if it's the next single. Cola - 5/5 My favourite song on the album. The build up to the finale is amazing. I think live this could be really great, Lana's beehive hair might explode trying dem notes though. Body Electric - 4/5 A little LESS creepy than the live version, but still dark and sexy. I was hoping for them Satanic "wooooo ooooh ahhhh" ad libs at the end like when she does it live, but that's ok. Cool song. Blue Velvet - 4/5 It's nice, but i do need to be in the mood for it. The short running time works i think, it gives you just enough, any longer and it may have felt a little boring. Gods and Monsters - 3.5/5 I want to love it, i really do, but i just don't. I do like it though, but it's missing something, maybe it's the utterly flat chorus, but i just feel like the track goes nowhere. It just stays the same the whole time and then just....ends. Anyway, it's still got a nice beat though and i like the "feel" of the song. Maybe it will grow more on me over time. Yayo - 4/5 I prefer the Nevada version, but this is still nice. Considering everyone acted like it was the end of the world when the snippet for this new version came out, i'm happy to say that i don't think it's anywhere near as AWFUL as fans make it out to be. It works for this album, i'll just leave it at that. Bel Air - 5/5 So dreamy and cinematic, i think it would make a nice final single to this whole BTD 2 year era. The vocal is beautiful. Burning Desire - 4/5 I still think it should have been on the actual disc, but at least it's being kept as an iTunes bonus, so many people will still hear it. Very simple little track, but i do really love it. 1, 2, 3 lyrics......but the production is cool.
  8. I hope she has a magazine cover soon, would love to see her on Rolling Stone.
  9. Born To Die & Come Back To Life: Zombie Apocalypse Edition ft. TROPICO.
  10. DEAD @ a few people online saying "New song Tropico, what edition will this be on?".
  11. What's the bet TROPICO is a 15 minute short film about pools and palm trees and slow motion wind machine hair flowing
  12. Lana to her fans.... "My biography to be on sale next month, find it at your local car dealer"
  13. My pussy tastes like racing horses.
  14. Like the Carmen video, it's just a way to showcase the album without a different single.
  15. I like the continuation of imagery she uses, makes the BTD project feel like one big complete body of work. The video is very pretty and dreamy, nothing happens but i watched it all hypnotized by the smoke and slow motion. I like it.
  16. Actually it's more like.... You go to your Grandmas house and she feeds you some pasta and garlic bread, even though you know you're going out for dinner later that night, but it's Asian food so who cares. Then later that night your friends pick you up for dinner and you realize they're actually taking you for Italian food instead, but you can't say anything because you're the only other person who doesn't want to eat it again. So you are served your garlic bread entree, followed by a pasta main meal, you don't want to eat it, you just ate it already, you know what to expect, what it tastes like, however...........you didn't eat any vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce today, and that's what they are giving you for dessert. You skip the entree and main meal and just eat dessert, but you plan on ANOTHER day, going back to the same restaurant so you can sit down and eat it all properly in one sitting because you know it's the right thing to do. I skipped Blue Velvet, Ride and Yayo on first listen too. I've heard them all 500 times. After my 4th attempt playing the unheard songs, THEN i played the full album. I got no time for old songs playing while new ones are just sitting there waiting to be skipped forward to! x.
  17. I'm not wearing anything from H&M, but i am walking around with a midget sometimes.
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