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Poison Ivy

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  1. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Lana Del Rey in ElleUK Q&A with Lana Del Rey   
    1m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Lana Rey, will you serve me lemonade? @ elleuk # asklana

    1m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Don't you wanna come to my motel honey? @ elleuk # asklana

    1m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Will you give me h&m posters for my whole bedroom? @ elleuk # asklana

    2m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Will you continue loving your fans? @ elleuk # asklana

    2m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Hello hello, c-can you hear me? @ elleuk # asklana

    3m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Do you ever consider being a mum in the future? @ elleuk # asklana

    3m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Do you ever consider being a mum

    3m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    How do you like your eggs in the morning? @ elleuk # asklana

    3m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Can you come to my house and have a cup of tea and chocolate cake and spaghetti? @ elleuk # asklana

    4m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Can you give me a free ticket to a show and also free train tickets? Thanks @ elleuk # asklana

    4m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Come to manchester again manchester, for me? @ elleuk # asklana

    5m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Why did you record so many songs but didn't release them, even though they're perfect? @ elleuk # asklana

    6m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Can you go blonde like your Lizzy Grant days? @ elleuk # asklana

    7m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Why won't you release Lana Del Rey AKA Lizzy Grant? @ elleuk # asklana

    7m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Lana do you think of me when you sing Without You 'Pretty Cameras, Pretty Cameras, Pretty Cameras' @ elleuk # asklana

    7m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Will you love me Lana til the end of time? @ elleuk # asklana

    8m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Will you still love me when I'm no longer young a beautiful? @ elleuk # asklana

    8m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Why are you so beautiful? @ elleuk # asklana

    8m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    Who is your fashion inspiration? @ elleuk # asklana

    9m Lana Del Rey Lover ‏ @ PrettyCameras
    What do you think about leaks? @ elleuk # asklana
  2. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    Loving your guys' lists, and I have another (other than EMHHW bridge and last MM chorus). Maybe I'm less enthusiastic or I have a weird line between loving a part and anticipating it:
    Okay, in "Disco", at 2:24, when after "I am my only god" she just sort of mmms. It's great. I guess you could say most of my "moments" are real musical decisions, but that simple little moan is so perfect.
  3. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana-isms   
    My friend and I have this joke that Lana's version of dancing is sitting, looking somber and moving her hands.
  4. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Memorable Quotes, By: Lana Del Rey   
    0:40 I love when she says "YOU'RE SUCH A BAD GIIIIRRRRLLL"
  5. LipsterDelRey liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think Lana simply doesn't adhere much to feminism, but I agree that is not anti-feminist in itself. The only sort of 'anti-feminist' song of hers I can think of is 'This Is What Makes Us Girls' and the quotes like the one Maru mentioned - I think she's sort of projecting her own feelings and attitudes as a girl into what all of us are supposed to be, which of course some women will disagree with because not all of us enjoy being told to "shut up, I got this". If it's right or wrong that Lana or other women like her think this way, it's not my place to tell - I think in a small dose it can be fun, especially when you're young and all, but it can turn much uglier.
    However, coming back to anti-feminism, I think Lana just gets a bit carried away with her lyrics and art sometimes and starts saying stuff like [that quote], but I'm sure she is aware it's her own view and she just likes putting these feelings and attitudes in her songs. I think 'tumblr feminists' just have to face that not everyone has the same ideas and standards like them. In a perfect world, everything would be politically correct and it's good to try to 'educate' on this subject, just without imposing their perspective when they don't understand where women like Lana come from.
  6. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think Lana simply doesn't adhere much to feminism, but I agree that is not anti-feminist in itself. The only sort of 'anti-feminist' song of hers I can think of is 'This Is What Makes Us Girls' and the quotes like the one Maru mentioned - I think she's sort of projecting her own feelings and attitudes as a girl into what all of us are supposed to be, which of course some women will disagree with because not all of us enjoy being told to "shut up, I got this". If it's right or wrong that Lana or other women like her think this way, it's not my place to tell - I think in a small dose it can be fun, especially when you're young and all, but it can turn much uglier.
    However, coming back to anti-feminism, I think Lana just gets a bit carried away with her lyrics and art sometimes and starts saying stuff like [that quote], but I'm sure she is aware it's her own view and she just likes putting these feelings and attitudes in her songs. I think 'tumblr feminists' just have to face that not everyone has the same ideas and standards like them. In a perfect world, everything would be politically correct and it's good to try to 'educate' on this subject, just without imposing their perspective when they don't understand where women like Lana come from.
  7. Hellion liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think Lana simply doesn't adhere much to feminism, but I agree that is not anti-feminist in itself. The only sort of 'anti-feminist' song of hers I can think of is 'This Is What Makes Us Girls' and the quotes like the one Maru mentioned - I think she's sort of projecting her own feelings and attitudes as a girl into what all of us are supposed to be, which of course some women will disagree with because not all of us enjoy being told to "shut up, I got this". If it's right or wrong that Lana or other women like her think this way, it's not my place to tell - I think in a small dose it can be fun, especially when you're young and all, but it can turn much uglier.
    However, coming back to anti-feminism, I think Lana just gets a bit carried away with her lyrics and art sometimes and starts saying stuff like [that quote], but I'm sure she is aware it's her own view and she just likes putting these feelings and attitudes in her songs. I think 'tumblr feminists' just have to face that not everyone has the same ideas and standards like them. In a perfect world, everything would be politically correct and it's good to try to 'educate' on this subject, just without imposing their perspective when they don't understand where women like Lana come from.
  8. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    If Lana said that in front of me, I'd explain to her that it isn't cool and why it isn't cool. And that's what people should do, educate each other. I've been ignorant about a lot of issues and I've had people kind enough take the time to explain to me about x and y. And maybe it hasn't clicked immediately, maybe it took me a while to fully grasp whatever idea but eventually, I got there. People have to be willing to plant these seeds. Unless you're living in a bubble, you will come across women that think differently/have these ideals... and this brings me to my next point:
    I don't think it's that ~Lana should educate herself~, I think it's that women have a responsibility to attempt to correct this way of thinking in a non-confrontational, nonaggressive, non-self-righteous/preachy manner. Who's going to listen to the message when you're being an asshole or a condescending prick about it?
    Women are only made to continue to be victims because we let this happen. There is no finality when if comes to this issue, but when people act like there is, there might as well be. :\
  9. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    I don't understand why people equate being submissive with being anti-feminist. It doesn't make any sense. No, I don't need someone to explain how people make the connection, I understand it and I'm pointing out that it's stupid. Those lyrics are not anti-feminist.
    This shit is though:
    I don't understand why I'm the only one calling her out on this. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:
  10. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by MafiosiPrincessa in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    Sexual lyrics have always been in Lizzy and Lana lyrics but in the Paradise Edition it just seems sloppily done. Gods & Monsters was beautiful with the 1st snippet but once the longer 1:30 snippet came out it sounds like she just casually threw in the "fucked hard" part. Kinda ruined the "deeper, self-realization, tragic life" vibe I was expecting from it.
    Completely agree with anyone saying that the pussy lyrics in Cola are done for shock value....ever since Lana released the snippet video those are the only lyrics many of people have really gravitated towards (I should add it's mostly the younger kids -13-15- age groups). All over twitter & tumblr those pepsi cola pussy lyrics are plastered over every Lana picture/gif *sigh*
    Yayo & Body Electric sound overproduced on PE. I adore YAYO LDRAKALG version & Body Electric live so I guess I'll just stick with those~
    All of my negativity aside, I am loving Bel Air & American. I'm shocked many have said they hated Bel Air...it sounds so cinematic & nostalgic <3 I get all those chills I got back when I first heard Born to Die
    I don't think Paradise Edition will come even close to the brilliance that it BTD as a whole but I am grateful for any new music coming from Lana. I really think her writing style is evolving, maybe not exactly how I would have expected to, but it is changing imo.
  11. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    On the negative side: These are just my opinions, not trying to be a bitch/downer or whatever. Cola is...stupid. And God and Monsters seems like Radio 2.0, like let's see how many times I can say fuck to prove my gangsta Nancy Sinatra swag. They seem like they're just sexual for the shock value. Like, I know your wife and she wouldn't mind, I'm looking to get fucked hard...really. Those lyrics don't really come across to me as an intelligent woman exploring her gender and sexuality in deep beautiful ways like some people have been saying to me.
    On the neutral side: Body Electric seems okay, if a little edited. I love the production, I just hope her vocals are better when the final version comes out. Yayo is Yayo, I think it's fine in any incarnation.
    On the positive side: American is pretty cute. Ride, Burning Desire, and Blue Velvet are great, even if they've already been released. BEL AIR IS HEAVEN OMG IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL I WANT TO CRY. It's like a creepy Silent Night. This is the Lana I fell in love with.
  12. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    You're right, but it really, really irks me. I just don't think like that. If it hurts me, it hurts me as a person, not as a woman. I am more than my looks, and I don't owe it to anyone to be attractive.
    Still, continuing the cycle of this thinking is not doing women any favours. She's not setting back the progression of feminist thinking because it already seems to have stagnated here (public thought), nor is she helping by contributing to this oppressive thinking. I just don't like when people keep perpetuating these "ideals", especially those in public eye. Speak for yourself Lana, because you sure as hell are not representing me as a woman. (Notice how I use the word woman and not girl?)
    EDIT: I'm trying this new thing where I'm not an asshole on the forum and I calm down before I make a post. So I don't know if this is worded too harshly or anything; but bear with me, I'm trying! :3
    Anyway, it bothers me to see women fall in line with this horrible way of thinking, and it bothers me to women themselves perpetuating this bullshit. It bothers me when I see myself thinking this way and I have to stop and correct myself. As Sitar mentioned, society is much harsher on women and these ideas are deeply ingrained in us from an incredibly young age. Even the most headstrong, independent, intelligent women might grapple with these issues. Yes, society, the media, family conditions us to think this way. Yes, there are a multitude of layers and years of this incredibly complex issue: the sociological context, historical context, even evolutionary context -- but I am a firm believer in the individual. And call me naive or too optimistic, but I think real social change can be made. To me, it's never just "Oh, just one person said that; everyone thinks it anyway" -- it starts with the individual. We make up society.
    I'm not going to give Lana a free pass on this one. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2: Maybe she's changed, I don't know. I know I have, and I know it's possible. I'm still learning, and I'm still changing. And I also know that my daughters and my sons (if I even have children) will be taught not to perpetuate this bullshit and will not be cast into gender roles and taught to have "gender-appropriate" qualities.
    ....and I went a little overboard. Again.
    Ooops. (._. )
  13. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by lola in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    A Lolita is a 9-14 year old girl that's in a relationship with an older man. She was already at least 20 when she got into relationships with Gnecco and Mizrahi. She may like older guys but that's nothing too weird now. It would've been different if she was a child (or early teenager) sleeping with a 35 year old man.
    Yes, she likes older men, but I don't think she was in a relationship with an older man as a child, that just seems to be a fantasy of hers.
    Why not? It's illegal and that man could go to prison if she told everyone about it.
  14. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic in LanaBoards Announcements: OCT 22   
    Hey guys! I hope everyone had a great weekend and is doing well. :3 The Moderating Team has few announcements to make, so we'd be really appreciative if you could take just a few minutes to read the following:

    As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to make a post or make a thread in the Help + Support subsection. You can also always PM any of us; "our door is always open" and we are happy to help or address any concerns you may have.
    Thanks for reading!
  15. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Harlem in The peak placements of Lana's singles   
    Born To Die:
    #1 - My Heart
    Video Games:
    #1 - My Heart
    National Anthem:
    #1 - My Heart
    #1 - My Heart
    :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:
  16. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic in The peak placements of Lana's singles   
    Hilarious, isn't it?

  17. bdelrey liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Design a Lana Del Rey T-Shirt!   
    I'm incredibly useless with photoshop. I had fun while making it though

  18. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic in The peak placements of Lana's singles   
    I am so stealing his schtick of always using this gif with everything he posts.

  19. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana's Self-Help Books   
    Whole World's Girl: How to Tell Your Gramma You're a Slut
  20. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana-isms   
    Wearing her quirky catch-phrases to death. Has anyone ever really stopped to look at the title "Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)"? Jesus Christ, Elizabeth, enough is enough! You know, I have a minute to kill, I'm going to make the whole AKA album with Gramma-esque titles.
    1. Kill Kill (Florida Dark Surf Paradise)
    2. Queen of the Gas Station (Neon Chevrolet Darling)
    3. Oh Say Can You See (By the Dawn's Early Light?)
    4. Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)
    5. For K Part 2 (Rehab Daddy Issues)
    6. Jump (Sonic Palm Tree Cocaine Heart)
    7. Mermaid Motel (Miss America Gogo Dancer)
    8. Raise Me Up (Mississippi South Pickup Truck Baby Doll)
    9. Pawn Shop Blues (Hotel Jesus Meth)
    10. Brite Lites (Jersey Dance Queen Lolita)
    11. Put Me in a Movie (Little Girl Cinema Noir)
    12. Smarty (Dope Criminal Pin-Up)
    13. Yayo (Retro Boss Axl Rose Husband)
    That came way too easy.
  21. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by lflflflflflflflflflf in Swap the lyrics: what a 'bad girl' would say   
    Fucking in the back yard
    Fucking in your fast car
    Yelling out my name
    Fucking with a beer
    Fucking over here
    Play your rodeo games
    There goes my favourite sun dress
    I'm already undressed
    Take your dick to brown town
  22. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Matt in Swap the lyrics: what a 'good girl' would say   
    My old man is a nice man and we share a completely non-incestous, non-statutory rape breaching relationship for your information
  23. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Swap the lyrics: what a 'good girl' would say   
    Is it wro-wrong that I think it's kinda fun
    When I scratch you on the back of your hand with a paw?
    My daddy's in the hall on his brand new mat
    I really want it back, but I'm sadly just a cat
  24. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Swap the lyrics: what a 'good girl' would say   
    Is it wro-wrong that I think it's kinda fun
    When I scratch you on the back of your hand with a paw?
    My daddy's in the hall on his brand new mat
    I really want it back, but I'm sadly just a cat
  25. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Swap the lyrics: what a 'good girl' would say   
    hahaha, this is too funny
    Lights, camera, and books, if he likes me let's get married first.
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