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  1. ConeyIslandQueen262 liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    Guys, it's obvious she falls to the floor cause they're gonna have sex 
    and then the next video will be FMWUTTT which will be the continuation of that scene, obviously 
  2. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    Guys, it's obvious she falls to the floor cause they're gonna have sex 
    and then the next video will be FMWUTTT which will be the continuation of that scene, obviously 
  3. kitschqueen liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    Guys, it's obvious she falls to the floor cause they're gonna have sex 
    and then the next video will be FMWUTTT which will be the continuation of that scene, obviously 
  4. Pancake Karma liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    Guys, it's obvious she falls to the floor cause they're gonna have sex 
    and then the next video will be FMWUTTT which will be the continuation of that scene, obviously 
  5. Thunder Revenant liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    Guys, it's obvious she falls to the floor cause they're gonna have sex 
    and then the next video will be FMWUTTT which will be the continuation of that scene, obviously 
  6. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by markeyvee in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    The daddy from the video is actually hot 
  7. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lana Del Rey to VG: "I am still a sad girl" (15.06.2014)   
    I lol'd a bit at the "I still date bad men" bit. Has Barrie been sleeping in the dog house the past few weeks?
  8. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    This is also oddly precise...I wonder if she keeps track of which songs leak.
  9. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by urbannoize in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    I think at her core from way back then, its seems like Lana has always been one to seek out places of peace and refuge. Even if they were temporary. Which is why she seemed to move around a lot. From alcohol to multiple relationships. And like anyone who can relate, usually the cause of this restlessness links itself back to people's home life. & How they grew up. I mean she mentioned the fact that when Video Games started picking up, she hadnt seen or heard from her father in 6 years. Plus when you add up her parents sending her off to boarding school, it starts to make sense. Aside from other personal things. & So when you couple that with the criticism she receives from one of the places shes seeking acceptance the most, i can see why she would feel the way she does. But her love for music and fans is what keeps her doing music. The moment shes able to receive closure and peace from things shes dealt with back then, then i can see her truly being a peace a little more.
  10. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by lafleursauvage in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    “People say to the mentally ill, ‘You know so many people think the world of you.’ But when they don’t like themselves they don’t notice anything. They don’t care about what people think of them. When you hate yourself, whatever people say it doesn’t make sense. ‘Why do they like me? Why do they care about me?’ Because you don’t care about yourself at all.” - Richey Edwards
    This interview made me really, really sad. But if I'm being honest, it doesn't surprise me all that much. What does surprise me, however, is how open she is being here. And depending on how you look at it, this can be a good or a bad thing. As a fan it's quite... uncomfortable in a way, because here I am admiring her voice, her talent, uniqueness, songwriting abilities meanwhile.... she just doesn't love herself as much as we expect her to. Remember what she said in a recent interview: 'it's just sad because they care and I just don't..' I do believe she's struggling. I genuinely think she is hurting. Just because she has a platform of fame now, some money in her pocket, a "very large family" and a lot of people around her, doesn't mean she isn't struggling. I wish her true happiness. I wish I could be a part of that but it looks like it's too much of a far stretch. 
    Also, the comments under that Guardian article really discouraged me. I mean.... really? Some of those people don't know what they're talking about. Hey, we can all have our opinions and it's fine if you think she's this way and that way or her music 'sucks' or whatever - okay, cool. Your problem, not mine, but blatantly disregarding her emotions and invalidating her struggles because she is famous? "poor little rich girl" is what they think. What people need to realize is that mental illness is just that: mental illness. It does not discriminate - when will people understand this? They don't get it, man. They don't get it
  11. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Florida Kilos   
    she managed to get yayo in some form onto every album so far lmaooooo
  12. James19709 liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Pretty When You Cry is stuck in my head... Seriously, I keep hearing "All the pretty stars shine for you, my love"
    I'm so curious to hear all the songs  
  13. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Fucked My Way Up To The Top is stuck in my head, I really love the pre-chorus, how she sings...lay me down tonight, in my linen and curls. It's so gentle and sophisticated. I loved how it just echoed in my head today, all day
    That snippet made me tear up too! And I'm not a crier....
    It's amazing how she can do that in just 30 seconds, but that one is just so emotional
  14. triangles19 liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Pretty When You Cry is stuck in my head... Seriously, I keep hearing "All the pretty stars shine for you, my love"
    I'm so curious to hear all the songs  
  15. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Lana Del Rey Interview With D La Repubblica   
    Inb4 Black Beauty turns out to be a remix by Cedric Gervais 
  16. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Stormriver in Because of You   
    It just leaked!!
    On the streets of LA, Where the future is now, We dance like nobody is watching us, And we live like we want to. But it can all get a little crazy, Unless there's something to hold onto. For me, that was true love.   I was a young girl, selfish and wild, Like a fire in LA. Hot like the summer and mean like a child, Who keeps crying till she gets her way, (Like a true star).   There were roses in my hair, Rock and roll and blaring, I was in trouble, No one could rock me, like you could, I was a bad girl gone good.   Look at me now, I have everything, You gave to me and my heart can sing. I was a kid who could only drink, Dancing tables making deals with devils, Like a drunk beauty queen. Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene, And it brought me to my knees, And it's all because of you.   (You know what I'm talking about).   It was a mad world, we lived for fun, And we got shit for free. Had a face like an angel but inside my heart, Was as black as a broke movie screen, (It was pretty sad).   But when I saw you standing there, Like a millionaire, give me your number, Call me before I get stupid. Make me uncrazy, like you did.   Look at me now, I have everything, You gave to me and my heart can sing. I was a kid who could only drink, Dancing tables making deals with devils, Like a drunk beauty queen. Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene, But you brought me to my knees, And it's all because of you.   It isn't hard to see you've got a hold on me, Give me your money, love me to death. Talk like a baby, 'cause I'm so elated, He tell me that I ain't seen nothing quite yet.   I don't wanna lose it, I'm in love but I didn't choose it.   Roses in my hair dancing in the air, Feels like I'm flying. Tell me you love me, boy, do it. It's just like I thought, I just knew it.   Look at me now, I have everything, You gave to me and my heart can sing. I was a kid who could only drink, Dancing tables making deals with devils, Like a drunk beauty queen. Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene, You bring me to my knees, And it's all because of you.   Yeah, it's all because of you.
  17. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    i wanna walk down the highway at midnight listening to "cruel world", lounge in a cabaret club that has "sad girl" playin in the background, eat fries in a 24/7 diner whilst listening to "pretty when you cry", then ride the subway downtown with "guns and roses" playin in the background, and then find + get powerfucked by a handsome stranger to "florida kilos" sigh
  18. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by Kommander in Interview for Paris Match   
    Paris Match (french magazine) just released an interview with Lana : http://www.parismatch.com/Culture/Musique/L-incomprise-568187
    Usual kind of Lana interview, new informations about the recording of Ultraviolence, her relations with her father, etc. and a new line from MPG

    Here's my attempt to translate it :

    The Misunderstood

    Ten days before the release of "Ultraviolence", her second album, the American singer received us to the point on the passions she unchains.

    Paris Match-You often declared that you wanted to stop everything, that you do not wish to sing any more. And nevertheless, you bring out your second album …
    Lana Del Rey-When I declare this kind of thing, I really mean it. But often, people asked me if I had a new album ready. And I didn't have any. I would not have enjoied crying out that I had a wonderful record if it had not been the case. It was often badly interpreted, transformed into " she will never sing again ".

    What triggered the desire to sing new songs?
    My meeting with Dan Auerbach. He really changed my life, simply by being what he is: a funny, nice guy. We met in a club the 21th December, we danced on the dancefloor. And he said to me with a grinning tone: " you should come with me to Nashville, and we will see what will happen there" I took the plane with him … I wanted to try, and thanks to him I understood that I had no fun any more with my team.

    You did not have songs in stock at that point ?
    I had an entire album ! I recorded twelve tracks, I had produced everything myself, but Dan opened my eyes. He told me that my songs sounded too much like classic rock, too seventies. And he took things in hand.

    Did he dispossess you of your album?
    Yes, but it was for my own good. Throwing myself in his arms was also a way to put me in danger. He brought a different way of playing, different instruments, he gave an organic aspect to this record, which I thus recorded twice. Every evening we partied with the musicians, we listened to the bands, it was a real pleasure during five weeks. And it made me infinitely less nervous.

    In your texts you show yourselves becoming more and more sarcastic. " I want the money, the power and the glory ", you shout out. Need to let off steam ?
    Obviously... If this record is called "Ultraviolence", it is because it describes well what I felt in my private life. I lived the joy of seeing that my songs pleased and, at the same time, I had to put up with the criticisms, often very virulent. And it leaves scars. But I reassure you, I do not want either the power or the money, or the glory, but it's been said so much about me that I eventually took them literaly … Some songs are a big " fuck you " to all those who think instead of me, all those who think that they know who I am, what I want. Every day I have to face people who think that I am a joke. And the worst, is that my career was launched on this misunderstanding !

    Did you really suffer from it ?
    Yes, it was hard, I was unhappy, I felt miserable. And I still did not overcame it, I do not know if I'll be able to do so one day. Carl Jung said that what people think of you always ends up becoming a part of your psyche. Whether you like it or not. So, yes, at a point, I eventually admitted that I was the one that people described on the Internet, in newspapers, the "manipulated doll". It changed my way of seeing my career, but did not affect at all the way I write. And this is what is the most important in the end.

    Don't you think that sometimes you provoked these reactions ? We saw you in ads for H&M, for example, which has nothing to do with the music …
    I made only one advertising campaign for H&M. The rest, I was recovered … H&M supported me in a period when I could not trust many people. It felt good.

    Who turned their backs ?
    The musical magazines. They praised me in July just to belittle me in January. I had to change my plans, find people apt to like what I do to relieve my music differently. Then why not H&M? In these moments, or you drown or you swim. I chose not to be taken away by the wave.

    But still you wrote " My pussy taste like Pepsi Cola ". Do you understand that it does not please some people ?
    [she laughs] Oh come on, honestly, that did not make you laugh ? People need to stop taking everything too seriously. It is the only provocative sentence I might have written and I find it particularly funny

    Younger, did you dream about this life ?
    I wanted to become a singer, but I did not know how to reach there. It is true that I dreamed to sing in Italy, to come to Paris, to sleep in Versailles. I imagined in no way that I would be singing for Harvey Weinstein, in Cannes, or writing for films. My road is really surprising, Each day still brings a lot of surprises, good or bad.

    The rumour says that it is your father who financed your first album.
    No, I had no relations with my father at that time. He's a very good person, but he doesn't know anything about music. And, frankly, do you really think that you can buy a contract from a label ? The truth is that when I was 18, I participated to a songwriting competition and I met the boss of a label which offered me a contract one month later. During two years nothing happened, my disc stayed in boxes. I thus continued to sing in clubs. The story of my father is a good story for the magazines, but it is false. My parents wanted me to find a "real" job, to become a lawyer. They did not believe in the music. I lived in New York with my fiancé, my parents in Lake Placed, which is like 7 hours aways from NY. They were far from my reality.

    You lived ten hard and difficult years. What remains of them ?
    I was often discouraged, I was already making my own videos which nobody noticed. So, yes, I thought that I would never have any success, but I always knew that I was a singer, that I had something different from to the others, a voice, especially. I also knew that the music pleased me more than people, it was a world where I felt at home. Before "Video Games" exploded, I thought about finding a job to sustain me… I was 24 years old, I sang for seven years, I had arrived at the end of a cycle.

    Did moving to Los Angeles change your life ?
    I moved in Los Angeles only last year. When things were carried away to me, I settled down in London where I lived three years. L.A. did good to me, I met a musical community. And I have the impression that I found a safe place, a loophole.

    Is it important for you to be American ?
    No, even if I love my country. I spent so much time in planes that I do not feel any more attached in the United States. Here, in Versailles, I feel at home. And I felt the same way the first time as I stepped in Los Angeles.

    Do you have any friends in the industry ?
    One or two, no more …

    Friends from before your rehab ?
    I didn't have any at that time. I was very lonely, alone, well,I had alcohol, but I was so high that it does not allow to create true relations. I met my best friends in New York, once I was clean. I regret a little bit this period because I am not really happy in my current life.

    (Lana Del Lawyer : Born to Judge )
  19. MaterialDiamond liked a post in a topic by clayford13 in Promo Single: "BROOKLYN BABY" (June 8)   
    Lana just posted to her Facebook saying that Brooklyn Baby will be released tomorrow!
    Edit - Here you go:

  20. 111 liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Lana Del Rey Interview With D La Repubblica   
    Inb4 Black Beauty turns out to be a remix by Cedric Gervais 
  21. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Lana Del Rey Interview With D La Repubblica   
    Inb4 Black Beauty turns out to be a remix by Cedric Gervais 
  22. Thunder Revenant liked a post in a topic by MaterialDiamond in Lana Del Rey Interview With D La Repubblica   
    Inb4 Black Beauty turns out to be a remix by Cedric Gervais 
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