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Everything posted by GodBlessMe

  1. I know, but so are many other people on here. I don't remember her doing something extremely problematic such as joking about Lana being shot.
  2. I'm so glad our meltdowns and messiness makes someone happy! In all seriousness tho, I know you're not looking for sympathy, but you can always send me a message if you feel like talking to someone!
  3. I doubt every song on Lust For Life will be bright and positive. Cherry and White Mustang sound like typical sad Lana songs about bad relationships and apparently WTWWAWWKD is so dark that she considered scrapping it. Change sounds quite dark as well. Obviously she will always be Lana, she's not suddenly gonna release songs like Happy by Pharell Williams
  4. A song can't leak if it's already released somewhere but yes people bought it and uploaded it to picosong and other sites.
  5. I seriously doubt she would suddenly scrap Yosemite a few weeks after calling it her favorite song on the album, that just wouldn't make any sense at all. I loved this interview but I can totally see why someone who's not that interested in Stevie and her music wouldn't really care for it.
  6. A Marianne Faithfull collab is my biggest dream tho.
  7. Wow Lana and Kendrick the two greatest mainstream artist of our generation.
  8. Oh okay then. But anyways, what I originally meant was that evolving as an artist isn't the same as being innovative. Being innovative means introducing something that is totally new and has never been heard before, like, for instance, when Patti Smith mixed garage rock with poetry.
  9. What I meant was that she didn't do anything that hadn't been done before by other artists. Obviously it was an innovation of her own sound, but she didn't innovate music in general.
  10. UV is an amazing album, but it's hardly innovative.
  11. Okay, yeah, that's probably true. She way she mixed orchestral pop with Hip Hop is actually pretty unique.
  12. When has Lana ever done something innovative?
  13. I can't at you guys saying that she's lost her muse and sold out before you've even heard the album like what the fuck, it's like you want to dislike it.
  14. I actually think she is. FMWUTTT part 2 #confirmed.
  15. Some of these titles sound so fake that I think they're real.
  16. Honestly this guy should be banned for making such a disgusting joke.
  17. Ugh every time I think I'm done stanning her hoe ass I listen to NTMT and become obsessed again.
  18. This snippet is haunting me. I can't get it out of my head. I listen to it 50 times a day. It's the first thing I listen to when I wake up in the morning and the last thing before i go to bed. If this isn't on the album I don't think I will survive. The melody is just so insanely good, It's killing me.
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