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Everything posted by GodBlessMe

  1. Wouldn't it be kind of cool if this song was like a sequel to Yoko's "Tomorrow Way Never Come". It would kind of make sense since it's a duet with Sean. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg-o0DRTRfg
  2. Omg the second video is absolutely amazing. It fit's the song so well. Beautiful, haunting, creepy.
  3. GodBlessMe


    Can someone PM me the album? Wasn't really a fan of Badlands, but I'm curious about this one.
  4. Is leaked_version really banned? he was one of the few members here who actually knew something about the music industry and contributed with something interesting to the conversation though he could be harsh at times. I'm gonna miss him. And to all of you celebrating him being banned: you're not anymore likable than he was.
  5. GodBlessMe

    Do You Agree?

    Do you think political correctness is bad for society?
  6. GodBlessMe

    Do You Agree?

    Yes definitely! Do you agree that graffiti is a form of art?
  7. today when I woke up I saw you had liked 10 of my posts I felt so appreciated The forum would probably be a better place if some people would just stick to liking other peoples comments
  8. It doesn't say why it was cancelled or who cancelled it so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, but if this is another case of Lana cancelling a performance for no apparent reason then it's seriously getting embarrassing at this point. I hope it'll be rescheduled tho.
  9. You guys are always doing the most. Lana doesn't look anymore uncomfortable and awkward than she's always done. Also, I actually love the dancers. I think they add a lot to the show and I disagree that they seem out of place. They totally fit the 60's girl group aesthetic she's going for.
  10. The Smiths are one of the most critically acclaimed and respected bands of all time whether you like them or not.
  11. No one can or should cover Amy. Lana would be totally torn apart by critics if she did. I hope there's no cover on the album.
  12. Since there's 18 tracks on the album she could totally release 3 or 4 more songs before album release without spoiling it too much.
  13. She probably rerecorded it with Stevie more recently.
  14. I feel like the album was actually delayed because of the Stevie Nicks collab. Otherwise I think Lana would've mentioned it in the Dazed interview when she was talking about her.
  15. I just pray to god that Coachella isn't on the album. That song is just bad in every possible way.
  16. Will this album be her "Blonde On Blonde"/"The White Album"/"Don Juan's Reckless Daughter"/"Approximately Infinite Universe"/"All Things Must Pass" or will it be a mess filled with unnecessary filler tracks? Only time will tell.
  17. Body Electric live in Berlin is one of my all time favorite live performances. Also, I absolutely love the dancers.
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