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Everything posted by BlueJeans

  1. I smell fakeness but honestly I wouldn't mind "Bloody Tears" as a title..
  2. The National Anthem one, if I remember correctly
  3. I've got to agree with mickos57 and the others, I don't think it fits Lana's vision (I you can't picture it in front of palm trees wearing a party dress, forget it lol) Plus, I think we're taking the word "unlistenable" far too literally ...
  4. Oh I see what you mean, and I agree, I don't quite see the link. I mean it could work, but to me (who doesn't yet know the mood of the album of course) it doesn't suit the title ... If she had piercing eyes and that a sort of malevolence came from the statue then maybe, yeah (although it might sound and look a bit witch-like). I agree, I mean I like Yayo (Paradise version) and Burning Desire for example, they're a nice side of her voice but I wouldn't want her to use too often ... Also, I feel when I listen to certain songs (especially the lower register ones) that her lips are "heavy" ... I don't know how to describe it, but it's like she's singing with a hot potato in her mouth ... Blasphemy ?
  5. What, she put on a show for someone else than moi ? haha she's too cute "That doesn't even sound like it's the right key"
  6. The Ultraviolence font is messy, the picture works I guess, but I don't see Lana making triangles à la Beyoncé or à la Katy Perry ...
  7. TEASE (because Ultraviolence )
  8. thank you very much, I always figured the crocodiles were made by computers ! I had seen the ones where she's lying on the ground with that glass over her, giving the watery effect .. Thanks again !
  9. I hope she doesn't go into the "Noir" direction ... THAT is unlistenable (no offense to anyone who likes the song, but after multiple spins I still can't like it) "Cola" shocking is fiiiiiine by me ! Although I do miss the sweet red/brown Lana singing about love ..
  10. Imagine Mariah Carey, Beyoncé, Christina Aguilera, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion or Aretha Franklin singing at the end of their songs, that's usually where sh*t goes down and they sing in a strong (usually higher) register (type of voice), and it strikes you, it's powerful, because they're singing very powerfully but yet it's not screaming !
  11. Yas, Queen Mariah ! She doesn't really belt (in the true sense of the term) but in some songs she forces her voice (especially in live performances)
  12. How exciting ! I lover her description of the record (minus the "made me forget about the rest" lol don't you even dare joking about that ! )
  13. In Carmen, I thought she sang : (her mind's like a diamond) BUY HER TONIGHT she's still shining ... Instead of "Audiotune/Autotune lies" Tbh, I prefer what I thought I heard since a week ago when I started recording a cover of the song. I think it fit with its whole dark theme, promiscuity, drugs etc .. Oh well.
  14. Quoted for truth ! (especially about her look, I don't mind her black hair but to me she looks adorable and gorgeous with her light brown/red hair. Black makes her look like an unacessible vamp) But you forgot "Off to the Races" in your last point
  15. Damn You ? It's a nice "slow" song about love with nice visuals ^^ Is there a topic here that sort of tells Lana's story ? Like a few details about her youth and then the chronology from the days she began making music, music giggs etc .. to when she became Lana del Rey ?
  16. BlueJeans

    Song vs. Song

    Ride Ride VS Off to the Races
  17. - I would like to know the concepts she visualized for songs that didn't get a video. With the song approaching completion and a very good sense for visuals, I think she must have had at least one or two ideas for all of her songs .. - What songs among her unreleased ones is she the most proud of. - Does she feel, with time, that she could change something to songs she already recorded ? - What motivates her decisions behind the choice of a cover (Blue Velvet, Summer Wine ..) - Will she marry me ? I would also like to ask her some more private questions, some that might be a bit uncomfortable with her, but not with bad intentions, like : - what's her relationship with her dad, did he help her financially during her strive for success, did he "abandon" her or did he just say "make it on your own" but not necessarily with bad intentions.
  18. Oh Say .. is on ultime guitar, although it does sound a bit non accurate at times (but maybe that's just me beginning to learn A,B,C types of chords) I'm so happy that Queen of Disaster was posted, I didn't expect that one !
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