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Trash Magic

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Everything posted by Trash Magic

  1. Why are we all being forced to believe this Jack Harlow guy is some magnetic charismatic genius hero
  2. All the best to her grandma, but I’m so thankful she didn’t take it as an opportunity to skip out on this and go to lake placid with Chuck and Charlie instead💀 It must mean a lot to her to stay despite them both returning home
  3. When the world stops giving BTS these weird token participation prizes we will finally know peace
  4. Lmao they are so uniformed. Talking about CDs and cassettes as if they’re a relic of the past when in fact they have seen a total resurgence in the past 5 years for the sake of chart positions
  5. Went to look up this Jack Harlow cover of Variety since they are talking about it like it’s the modern day Mona Lisa and it’s
 a photo
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