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  1. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by Black Roses in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I lowkey miss the Honeymoon era 
  2. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by bloodsucker in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana’s lyrics r better poetry than her actual poetry
  3. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Moby mentions how he went on a date with Lana in 2006 in his new book and also says that she was a backup singer for him a couple of years later. There's probably more but this is only from the preview and I'm not buying it. "I got a taste for men who are older" 

  4. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Well, she must be fine with it considering she's also friends with another hillsong baddie (annie) who also happens to quite like the beverly hills hotel  
  5. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by violets in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    omfg are we discussing LDR7 already i can not imagine 
    can this album come out first
  6. movebaby liked a post in a topic by honeycookie in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    i wonder how chuck feels about lana going to hillsong and the bev hills hotel
  7. movebaby liked a post in a topic by honeycookie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    sorry, that’s not what i meant. i said she doesn’t make statements and shouldn’t anyway because i’ve been disappointed every time she has because she’s either ignorant (Israel) or saying something so late and highly generalized that it’s just something popular to parrot now (Trump, feminism, etc.) again, to be clear, I DONT WANT HER MAKING STATEMENTS. but even if she wasn’t famous or whatever and just a person in the everyday, i would still say the same thing, because i’m allowed to be disappointed in both ignorance and bandwagon-jumping from people in the every day, because i’m a normal person with opinions and judgments about those around me and just because it’s Lana del Rey™️ doesn’t mean i should withhold it. hope that makes more sense. 
    edit: just re-read what i wrote and i also wanna make it clear that artists can have their opinions on things too, just for the fact that they’re also human beings with conscious thoughts just like me. not trying to be those people going “you’re a singer, keep your mouth shut” that i always see when a celeb has some political opinion. but i just feel like with lana, every time she has, it’s not so much an opinion as much as it is just a statement on something she literally knows nothing about. i’m sure even now she knows nothing about feminism and just likes the ~aesthetic~ of “girl power”, even though that’s not what it’s about at all. i just wish she would either actually look into things for more than 2 seconds or just know that she doesn’t care and not look into it at all. does that make sense? i just hate the whole half-assed feeling of it. but if she does make some pseudo-political track on nfr, i would prob dislike it, but she has all the right in the world to do it. but again, i would just have my own personal opinion on it, which i’m allowed to have.
  8. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by Paris Hilton in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    LDR7 better be a screamo scene album 
  9. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I’d love a jazzy record again. I just don’t want what Gaga did with Tony Bennett. I just don’t care for a 90 year old man singing still like he’s still in his 50s. If Gaga did a jazzy record that’d be great if it was by herself. Just like Lana. Call me crazy but they would sound good doing a jazzy album together
    I’d love this too. IMAGINE A FULL ON ELECTRIC GUITAR HEAVY JAZZY ALBUM if she combined the two.... oh god I think I’d die. It’d be like UV and HM all over again just on another level. Ughhhh
    If we didn’t get a jazzy album or heavy guitar influences, I’d want a full on psychedelic acid trip album
  10. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    !!! basically Honeymoon, but tbh I would love a Honeymoon 2.0
  11. hornymoon liked a post in a topic by honeycookie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    umm... sorry but her using the same pronouns in a cover (which she also did with other covers like blue velvet) isn’t her being “more queer”, especially when she’s never sang or wrote about her interest in other women in her hundreds of songs, nor have any collaborators done in their songs. (straight men love doing that, like abel talking about bella in lost in the fire.) i know we all wanna be hopeful or whatever that she’s more relatable to us but lana loves straight men and wouldn’t be caught dead in hillsong nor any other sus ass church if she was anywhere near gay. otherwise wtf does “queer” even mean anymore if not explicitly being attracted to at least the same gender along with others? we all know lana’s tired ass brand of white feminism as shown by her lack of ever speaking up on social issues or making a public statement on coming out day and thinking feminism is “boring” till trump was elected and it was now popular to care. 
    not saying i need her to making statements on social issues, i’d rather her not bc half the time she doesn’t know what she’s talking about or is just spewing things everyone else has said a million times before, but to say she’s anywhere at all near being “queer” is a reach.
    anyway inb4 interscope sees the money grab in this and has her add some random ambiguous song with queer baiting into nfr a la ariana grande. jk they don’t give a shit about her career anymore!
    edit: also this skirtsandsuits girl is pissing me off with how she’s just deleted the comments on that beverly hills post to keep her ugly over saturated “”””aesthetic”””” rather than take it down or apologize and say she didn’t know. it speaks volumes... i’m sure she’s also the type of girl to also want “a gay best friend to go shopping with zomg!!!!1”
  12. hornymoon liked a post in a topic by honeycookie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    why do y’all think people turn into a bag of bones as soon as they hit 30.... a LOT of female singers are glamorous and innovative and using the age thing as an excuse is annoying. just say she’s lazy because of her personality. she was already pretty “old” for a breakout star in the first place.
  13. theweightofthehours liked a post in a topic by honeycookie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    sorry, that’s not what i meant. i said she doesn’t make statements and shouldn’t anyway because i’ve been disappointed every time she has because she’s either ignorant (Israel) or saying something so late and highly generalized that it’s just something popular to parrot now (Trump, feminism, etc.) again, to be clear, I DONT WANT HER MAKING STATEMENTS. but even if she wasn’t famous or whatever and just a person in the everyday, i would still say the same thing, because i’m allowed to be disappointed in both ignorance and bandwagon-jumping from people in the every day, because i’m a normal person with opinions and judgments about those around me and just because it’s Lana del Rey™️ doesn’t mean i should withhold it. hope that makes more sense. 
    edit: just re-read what i wrote and i also wanna make it clear that artists can have their opinions on things too, just for the fact that they’re also human beings with conscious thoughts just like me. not trying to be those people going “you’re a singer, keep your mouth shut” that i always see when a celeb has some political opinion. but i just feel like with lana, every time she has, it’s not so much an opinion as much as it is just a statement on something she literally knows nothing about. i’m sure even now she knows nothing about feminism and just likes the ~aesthetic~ of “girl power”, even though that’s not what it’s about at all. i just wish she would either actually look into things for more than 2 seconds or just know that she doesn’t care and not look into it at all. does that make sense? i just hate the whole half-assed feeling of it. but if she does make some pseudo-political track on nfr, i would prob dislike it, but she has all the right in the world to do it. but again, i would just have my own personal opinion on it, which i’m allowed to have.
  14. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I honestly hope this era folding into the next will be a quick movement. This eras reminding me a lot of UV pre-release when we heard one thing that seemed real but wasn’t true at all (or at least was in the beginning much like March 26 or 28 w/e)
    I just want this era to move as quick as she did after UV onto HM. Release this one in June/July and then release the next one next year around September or October. I’d bet money that she’s already worked on at least writing one song for the next album after NFR, especially if she’s finished the book and is binding them (which seems to me what’s realistically going on rn and what’s pushing the album back)
  15. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm high and I can feel it in the spiritual realm that were getting the cover really soon 
  16. American Whore liked a post in a topic by honeycookie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    sorry, that’s not what i meant. i said she doesn’t make statements and shouldn’t anyway because i’ve been disappointed every time she has because she’s either ignorant (Israel) or saying something so late and highly generalized that it’s just something popular to parrot now (Trump, feminism, etc.) again, to be clear, I DONT WANT HER MAKING STATEMENTS. but even if she wasn’t famous or whatever and just a person in the everyday, i would still say the same thing, because i’m allowed to be disappointed in both ignorance and bandwagon-jumping from people in the every day, because i’m a normal person with opinions and judgments about those around me and just because it’s Lana del Rey™️ doesn’t mean i should withhold it. hope that makes more sense. 
    edit: just re-read what i wrote and i also wanna make it clear that artists can have their opinions on things too, just for the fact that they’re also human beings with conscious thoughts just like me. not trying to be those people going “you’re a singer, keep your mouth shut” that i always see when a celeb has some political opinion. but i just feel like with lana, every time she has, it’s not so much an opinion as much as it is just a statement on something she literally knows nothing about. i’m sure even now she knows nothing about feminism and just likes the ~aesthetic~ of “girl power”, even though that’s not what it’s about at all. i just wish she would either actually look into things for more than 2 seconds or just know that she doesn’t care and not look into it at all. does that make sense? i just hate the whole half-assed feeling of it. but if she does make some pseudo-political track on nfr, i would prob dislike it, but she has all the right in the world to do it. but again, i would just have my own personal opinion on it, which i’m allowed to have.
  17. sirensXsilence liked a post in a topic by honeycookie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    sorry, that’s not what i meant. i said she doesn’t make statements and shouldn’t anyway because i’ve been disappointed every time she has because she’s either ignorant (Israel) or saying something so late and highly generalized that it’s just something popular to parrot now (Trump, feminism, etc.) again, to be clear, I DONT WANT HER MAKING STATEMENTS. but even if she wasn’t famous or whatever and just a person in the everyday, i would still say the same thing, because i’m allowed to be disappointed in both ignorance and bandwagon-jumping from people in the every day, because i’m a normal person with opinions and judgments about those around me and just because it’s Lana del Rey™️ doesn’t mean i should withhold it. hope that makes more sense. 
    edit: just re-read what i wrote and i also wanna make it clear that artists can have their opinions on things too, just for the fact that they’re also human beings with conscious thoughts just like me. not trying to be those people going “you’re a singer, keep your mouth shut” that i always see when a celeb has some political opinion. but i just feel like with lana, every time she has, it’s not so much an opinion as much as it is just a statement on something she literally knows nothing about. i’m sure even now she knows nothing about feminism and just likes the ~aesthetic~ of “girl power”, even though that’s not what it’s about at all. i just wish she would either actually look into things for more than 2 seconds or just know that she doesn’t care and not look into it at all. does that make sense? i just hate the whole half-assed feeling of it. but if she does make some pseudo-political track on nfr, i would prob dislike it, but she has all the right in the world to do it. but again, i would just have my own personal opinion on it, which i’m allowed to have.
  18. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I mean, I'm just guessing ... haha

    To be fair, she went to the BHH ages ago, before the Sultan announced he'd stone gays. Her friend either went there again or re-posted a pic from when she went before. I'm not sure which because I didn't care enough to check. 
    Can't defend the Hillsong, though. Zzz. 
  19. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think it's safe to assume so: she posted a snippet but most importantly, AllAccess was sent that info from Interscope. In this era, the most reliable infos come from others lol
  20. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Lies Lana Has Told Us Thread   
    I think that one was true, actually. She gave the Pitchfork interviewer a "no comment" on whether or not she had remained sober in 2017. I guess she started drinking again around that time - we started seeing her with glasses of alcohol then as well.
  21. LanaFlowers liked a post in a topic by honeycookie in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    i wonder how chuck feels about lana going to hillsong and the bev hills hotel
  22. honeycookie liked a post in a topic by 13bitches in Lies Lana Has Told Us Thread   
    25 unreleased album
    Didn’t she mention wanting to do a video for Change and/or Get Free as well?
    Not sure ab Cola but I think I read she was going to collaborate with Lou Reed on BB. He died the day she arrived though iirc. So not exactly a lie just bad luck
  23. Rorman Nockwell liked a post in a topic by honeycookie in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    sorry, that’s not what i meant. i said she doesn’t make statements and shouldn’t anyway because i’ve been disappointed every time she has because she’s either ignorant (Israel) or saying something so late and highly generalized that it’s just something popular to parrot now (Trump, feminism, etc.) again, to be clear, I DONT WANT HER MAKING STATEMENTS. but even if she wasn’t famous or whatever and just a person in the everyday, i would still say the same thing, because i’m allowed to be disappointed in both ignorance and bandwagon-jumping from people in the every day, because i’m a normal person with opinions and judgments about those around me and just because it’s Lana del Rey™️ doesn’t mean i should withhold it. hope that makes more sense. 
    edit: just re-read what i wrote and i also wanna make it clear that artists can have their opinions on things too, just for the fact that they’re also human beings with conscious thoughts just like me. not trying to be those people going “you’re a singer, keep your mouth shut” that i always see when a celeb has some political opinion. but i just feel like with lana, every time she has, it’s not so much an opinion as much as it is just a statement on something she literally knows nothing about. i’m sure even now she knows nothing about feminism and just likes the ~aesthetic~ of “girl power”, even though that’s not what it’s about at all. i just wish she would either actually look into things for more than 2 seconds or just know that she doesn’t care and not look into it at all. does that make sense? i just hate the whole half-assed feeling of it. but if she does make some pseudo-political track on nfr, i would prob dislike it, but she has all the right in the world to do it. but again, i would just have my own personal opinion on it, which i’m allowed to have.
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