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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Except she says she did. It just wasn't what got her to the top. And the more I look at things the more I'm sure of it.
  2. Here is that post. I'd argue it wasn't a clash at all.
  3. I bet Lana fucked Paul from the Wonder Years just to count his ribs. Shoutout to my fellow oldsters who get the references.
  4. @@Clampigirl Just out of curiosity, what did the other brother say in the crosstalk when his brother was talking about Farao?
  5. I don't know Swedish, but I know just enough Danish, which is kinda similar, to listen and follow along with the translation by @clampigirl. I just had to listen to get the flavor of it. I was not disappointed.
  6. #tbt to that rape fantasy video Lana did with Eli Roth posted by that Nazi-named video production company Marilyn Manson was involved with Edit: Assuming this was the event Mando Diao's talking about: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/lana-del-rey-marilyn-manson_n_1373682 Photos of them hanging out after the event: And never forget this surreal image:
  7. Cucked My Way Up to the Top Cuck It I Love You Cucky Ones Cummertime Sadness Cum Cum Cunts Upon a Dream
  8. Fuck. As the parent of a 3-year-old I can't unhear this now. And I loved "Serial Killer". Sue ha Elmo & get dat plagiarism $
  9. This may seem like an odd question, but aside from being a photographer, what jobs has Chuck worked? Even including college, high school jobs. And what did she study in college? Was it art? Did she ever switch majors? Also, did Lana or Chuck ever own a dog? If so, do we know what breed or what the name was?
  10. I'm leery of burying discussions. Would prefer the approach of just editing the existing OPs. That's how we decided to handle it in the Interviews section. I guess if you make new threads make sure to link to the old one at the end of the new OP.
  11. Is there a reason you can't just edit the OP regardless of who made it?
  12. This reads as disillusionment with her interest in metaphysics. Disillusionment with the futility of it.
  13. There's been no beauty or romance in having to wait for VBBITG, Lana.
  14. Well I suspect this will be the last time we'll see sighting pics like this for awhile since Gavin Newsom put in place a shelter-in-place order for the entire state of California effective today.
  15. I'm... skeptical of that. Particularly the word "a". I wanna be the whole world's girl, gramma. Tell me do you think that's wrong? And I'm in love with everyone Yeah, that's definitely a factor though.
  16. Ah fuck. I think I could still go. I just hope all the biggest acts get rebooked for it.
  17. I want to make two things clear: I'm firmly in the anti-Sean camp. Not because he's a cop, but because of the kind of cop he is. In short, because he's Part Of The Problem™. To my fellow LanaBoarders who dislike him, I'm 100% with you on the substance. I'm down with dragging him to hell all across this forum and back. Lana says something on social media that reminds us anew why her dating him is problematic? Light her up. I'm down with that. He says something problematic on social media? Call him out and light him up. Tag Lana if you want. I'm good with that too. I'll probably even like or retweet those if I see them on my timeline. And my offer to wear a #DumpTheCop shirt to Lanaroo (if it's not canceled and if y'all wanna design and get me one) still stands. But if you're harassing either of them about it just to harass them, I'm not down with it. At all. That crosses a line for me. Some of you even seem to be on a deliberate campaign to bombard them with harassment until they break up. That is really fucked up. And I'm not even sure what that achieves. Certainly not a moral victory. I mean, if Lana breaks up with him due to a recognition that she will keep receiving good faith reasonable criticism until she does, that's great, but if one or the other breaks up just because the harassment isn't worth it, on some level I'll still be happy she's not dating the cop, but it will be a pretty hollow victory where nobody's grown or learned anything, via means not justified by the end. Yes, I'm absolutely sub-posting(?) some people here. Y'all know who you are.
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