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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. There was a lot of chatter in the trading community awhile back about an alleged Lana track called "High" that never seemed to have any legs. I wonder if there was anything to it after all and if it had any relationship to "High by the Beach".
  2. evilentity

    Ella Eyre

    I'm not 100% sure it's exactly the same mix, but yes, I can confirm that it's the same Ella Eyre track I posted about previously. I recognize it. Thank you so much @ and @@Trash Magic for making this connection!
  3. Probably legit, but moved this to the Rumors section for now until we have a little more confirmation. Edit: This appears to be a taste of it (sans Lana): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB-VhPL2gi8
  4. #BurntNorton It's not Fight Club, I'm a rare snowflake
  5. Debuted at #1 on Billboard's Twitter Top Tracks for those of you that care about shit like that...
  6. All my imaginary conversations with Lana involve me asking really invasive questions and her walking out. Also, I like how this project is named after a bonus track.
  7. evilentity


    I'm not at all suggesting this is how it went down, but, um, lyrically and sonically "New Americana" is exactly like the cheap watered down imitation you'd expect would be the end result if some trend-chasing record executive had said, "Go make me something that sounds like Lana." If Lana hadn't already penned the line "Mimicking me is a fucking bore" in FMWUTTT she'd probably need to now. Halsey's got nothing on Beyoncé's Lana plagiarism though. There's a difference between being accused of inauthenticity because you adopt a persona that you created yourself or took inspiration from icons from another era and being accused of inauthenticity for appearing very derivative of your own contemporaries. It's a discussion forum. (Primarily for discussing Lana.) People have every right to civilly express their opinions, even negative ones. And discussing Lana isn't at all off topic in a thread about another artist in the context of a discussion about the degree their work is influenced by Lana or a comparison can be made.
  8. :groundhog: See here and here about the provenance of Sirens. A profile in The Fader magazine on her also talks about it.
  9. OUR HONEYMOOOOOOOON Auditory cues are really helpful while driving. I really don't recommend forgoing them unless you're hearing impaired.
  10. Sleepy, but beautiful. (Though that is perhaps her laziest DIY style video.) The tone and timbre of her voice have always been the biggest draw for me. I could probably listen to an entire album of Lana Mmmm-ing and scatting.
  11. That interview was mid-2013 and she said "three years ago somebody remotely accessed my hard drive" which if taken literally would be 2010. Lana's not always reliable with timelines, but I can think of a possibility that would fit this timeline perfectly: a certain former Lana fan site operator arrested by the FBI for allegedly hacking another artist and who supposedly interviewed her in 2010. To be clear, this should not be interpreted as an accusation, merely an observation that a hypothetical scenario would be consistent with a certain timeline. That said, if someone was ethically capable of hacking one relatively obscure artist, it is not inconceivable that hacking artists might be such a person's general M.O. and they might hack even an artist that was almost completely unknown at the time on the chance that they would become well-known, or even just because they really liked their music.
  12. Doubtful. Rick only uploaded songs he worked on and he only worked on 6/15 tracks on UV. So unless the leaks affected the number of songs he was involved with in some way (which is possible but there's no evidence for it), this just isn't at all likely. Is is much more likely that demo versions of the songs he did work on and perhaps other songs that did not make the album would have appeared on his site had the leaks not occurred when they did. There would possibly be a bunch of Honeymoon material on there now. This should be the first cardinal rule of leaking: Don't leak if waiting to leak could mean more material in the long run. These are two sides of a really interesting question we may never know the answer to: Did the leaks ultimately impact the album, and if so, in what ways? Before the leaks it seems she had a different sounding album in mind centered around "Black Beauty", relegated to bonus track status in the end. Her conception of the album radically changed anyway after meeting Dan Auerbach and working with him, but would that even have happenened if not for the leaks? Nah, "Hollywood", "Starry Eyed", JFK and the previously leaked IDWG/"Tonight"/"Black Leather Moonlight" were all uploaded on December 6, 2012 along with Paradise tracks Rick worked on. That's why some people infer that they were Paradise outtakes, but we really don't know. (FWIW, he uploaded copies of the BTD tracks he worked on 6 days later. The Y&B demo was also uploaded in December 2012, but I'm not exactly sure when.) AFFA and "Black Beauty" were uploaded in June 2013. The upload date information does seem to indicate, though not conclusively, in the direction of JFK, "Hollywood", and "Starry Eyed" being recorded around the same time as tracks used on Paradise. On the other hand, though she had previously mentioned only "Black Beauty" specifically as being on the album and talked about how she planned to center it around it, phrases from that interview like "my record got leaked last week", "some of them weren't [from earlier in her career]", "I don't really know what to put on the record", and "I guess I could just put them on and see what happens" certainly seem to suggest she was considering using several of the leaked songs on the album. Maybe the plural "them" refers to just the later two songs, AFFA & "Black Beauty", but it sounds like more than that to me. Then again, maybe both sides are right. Maybe some of these tracks were recorded for Paradise and left off, but she intended to use them on UV (a possibility I warned about before the leaks). Or maybe some were recorded without any specific intentions for use at all. We'll never really know until Lana or Rick say so. Off topic of our already off topic conversation, but something just struck me in another quote from that interview: "To be honest, what really happened was, three years ago somebody remotely accessed my hard drive, so even songs I’ve never emailed to myself [were accessed],” she explained. "There are hundreds of them." This sort of implies she understands she's been hacked at least twice, doesn't it? It suggests people hacked her e-mail and grabbed tracks she e-mailed herself and that her hard drive was also hacked separately. I already assumed as much, but there's something depressing about seeing her confirm that assumption, or at least imply confirmation. Damn. People suck.
  13. Though I've used it once myself, I kinda hate the overly dramatic phrase "untouchable 5" and wish it would die now. (May I suggest "the Rick Nowels leaks" instead?) And whatever we call them, it's probably unrealistic to think those tracks could have possibly remained unleaked at this late a date. But I agree with the overall sentiment. If they hadn't leaked when they did, who knows how much more Lana material-- not to mention material by other artists-- might he have put on his insecure site? Which poses an interesting hypothetical: Could you have waited a couple more years for those tracks if it meant more Lana leaks in the future?
  14. Bread and lunches? If I was being similarly literal about my latest purchases I'd have to say a two for one burrito deal, 90% off electronics at a Radio Shack liquidation sale, home and auto insurance, and an ungodly amount spent on new windows, but none of that is as sexy as a new guitar.
  15. I don't understand this odd lyrics debate and I feel like it's a trick somehow. I'm confused and scared. PS it's OBVIOUSLY BLUE LINES AND BLACK SKIN
  16. Plays virtually the same setlist for years. Gets criticized by fans for boring predictability. Finally shakes things up by varying her setlist. Gets criticized by fans for unpredictability.
  17. Couldn't disagree with this more (although admittedly "Guns and Roses" is terrible despite "layered vocals"). But OMG at you posting again.
  18. Keep hoping. You and I have always agreed it's "chica"/"chick-a" (or however you choose to spell it), but I still think it's "cola lime", not "cola-la". The rhyme scheme on the pre-chorus is AAABBB. It's gotta be a word with a long 'I' vowel sound to rhyme with "time" and "side". That syllable isn't super distinct on either the studio or live version, but I don't hear anything in either that dissuades me from thinking it's "lime". Yeah, she definitely doesn't say "palms" in the live version. She might be mistakenly repeating "white lines". Though I'm beginning to think this person was right: No, you're not the only one hearing that. On the live version it sounds even more like "lungs" than "lines". When I listen to the studio recording I'm not completely sure what consonant sounds I'm hearing at the beginning and end of that syllable, but the vowel sound doesn't like a long 'I'. It sounds more schwa-like, which fits "lungs". "White lungs", as in you snorted so much cocaine your lungs turned white.
  19. I'm not very good yet. I just started playing bass and taking lessons the beginning of this year. Playing guitar or bass was something I'd always regretted not starting when I was younger, but I finally decided it's never too late to start. Now I'm just waiting for this to come in:
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