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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. Damn, getting a date with her was that easy? Keep telling yourself that, Lana. You'd think someone involved with rehab for so long would know better... So... you like 6'5 half-naked giants, huh? Doesn't sound like anyone you know, does it? I'd be curious if Lana specifically told the interviewer it was AKA or whether she just said her "first album". The "eight years ago" timeframe she gave for working with Mertens in another interview fit Sirens better and that sorta made sense since she said on two occasions that he made her first record and we all know it was David Kahne who produced AKA. But aside from the whole "eight years ago" thing, the idea that she recorded demos with Mertens and re-recorded them with Kahne for AKA makes a more sense. Referring to Mertens, she previously said "my boyfriend in the city made my first record". That didn't sound to me like an album recorded in Lake Placid (as Sirens was). Calling him by his alias Steven Saint and describing him as a producer, she also said the surf influence in her music came from him. That definitely sounds more like AKA. Ever since I first made the connection that Mertens was this "boyfriend in the city", I've thought he may be one of the two guys she claims she's always singing about, maybe even the ex in Williamsburg whose couch she was crashing on. It would be funny if he was and Lanalysis had missed him this whole time even though he was always right under our noses. At any rate, she seems to be reminiscing about him a lot. I'd be worried if I were you, Barrie. Not a misplaced worry, I'm afraid. And all the Mawson shippers rejoiced. (Meanwhile, me: ) Maybe this is just more couch surfing, but have you seen My Week with Marilyn? You know that scene where her manager pulls aside Eddie Redmayne's character and warns him not to get involved because she'll just break his heart like she did to him? I've always wondered if something like this happened. Marilyn and her manager reminded me a lot of Lana and Ben. Rather than her appearance and image, it's Marilyn's relationships and insecurities and so forth that remind me of Lana. Yep. She flew back home a lot, but spent most of her time from May 2010 until "Video Games" blew up recording in the UK. This makes me feel ashamed of this entire fanbase tbh.
  2. It's not techno, but maybe you're thinking of "True Love on the Side"?
  3. Rod Stewart - "Twistin' the Night Away"
  4. That's not actually what I said. What I said is that I find it hard to believe that they all contributed to the lyrics. I also said I find it suspicious that on all the listings, every person credited is credited for both lyrics and music. I find it hard to believe that there was never anyone in the room on any of those songs that only contributed one or the other. Those are very logical reasons to doubt the literal accuracy of the way people are credited on those listings which is the only evidence you've provided so far to back up your claims. You know, if you read many of my posts here I think you'll find I'm very open to the idea that Lana lies about stuff, but not without evidence or a logical reason. I'm genuinely curious to see what other evidence you might be basing your claims on. I'd find that very interesting if it's actually as strong as you claim it is. But it's not my job to back up your claims. That's your job. Again:
  5. I don't think I've really been "touchy" about the subject. Maybe a little touchy about the fact that you got rather touchy just because people don't accept your novel claims without evidence. It's really lazy to make a claim that contradicts conventional wisdom and then tell people to search for it when questioned on it. Google it yourself and come back when you can support your claims with evidence.
  6. I'm asking for links. I wasn't questioning her being in development, just asking for evidence that she doesn't write the bulk of her lyrics or melodies.
  7. Can you provide the receipts for this claim? I wouldn't be surprised if Lana is exaggerating somewhat when she says she wrote every word on BTD except one line from DMD, but I would be surprised if she doesn't write 90% of her lyrics and the majority of her melodies. What you're saying flies in the face of the understanding of some of the most knowledgeable and skeptical fans, not to mention the consistency of repeated themes and lines in her lyrics.
  8. Yeah, she only meant the assassin thing metaphorically. She replied "Better a bore than an assassin" when the interviewer apologized for "going on a bit". (A lot of the questions were really pretentious and long-winded.) http://thequietus.com/articles/07106-lana-del-rey-interview I'm no copyright lawyer, but yeah, I think you guys are making too much of these copyright listings. Every person credited is credited exactly the same way (for both music and lyrics) on every song. I mean, do you really think Penny Foster, Justin Parker, James Bauer-Mein, and David Sneddon all had a hand in the lyrics for "National Anthem"? I suspect that this just has something to do with the way the paperwork gets filled out. That said, going back to the original point, you can't assume the same thing doesn't happen with other female artists' co-writes unless you have specific knowledge about their writing process like we do with Lana. Yeah, sometimes she puts melodies to their chords, and sometimes they put music to her melodies, but that's basically my understanding of how this generally works.
  9. Here are a bunch more interviews including some 2011 ones I don't think we have yet: http://lanadelreyfan.com/gallery/index.php?cat=9
  10. The Beatles - "You Really Got a Hold on Me"
  11. Yep: source Presumably this show. Also, Ben ran an indie label called Gold Dust with an associated club night usually held at Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen in London that Princess Superstar performed at. Lana performed at a Gold Dust showcase at the Great Escape Festival 2010 in Brighton. More details here.
  12. She is not a WASP by any measure. She's not even of the order HYMENOPTERA. WHY AM I SHOUTING?
  13. Birth certificates of living persons are usually not publicly available... but some voter records and Copyright Office filings are. I think you'd be surprised how often publications simply reprint what artists say about themselves without fact-checking and how reluctant they are to correct the record. At least I was. I have a response from a BBC News planning editor that essentially admits that's what they do. To believe Lana was born in 1986, one would have to believe that she looked unusually old at 18 months, that she began school a year early or skipped a grade, that she (intentionally or not) committed voter fraud in the state of NY, that her listing 1985 as her DOB on her Copyright Office filings and personal Facebook account were just accidents, that various public record searches are wrong as well as every article stating her age before her rise to fame, including a local paper and an article clearly stating that June 21, 2008 was "Lizzy's 23rd birthday" written by a Grant family friend who had done entire cover stories on two men present for the occasion, one of which was her father. One would also have to read nothing into a few early post-recognition articles implying she was yet another year younger (i.e. born in 1987) or her Complex magazine interviewer asking her about her age twice. Or you can just believe that she and her current management team have been lying about her age. I believe there's a feedback loop problem here: Several early articles parroted fictitious information given by Lana or her management, Wikipedia based it's DOB on them, tons of later articles repeated the information from Wikipedia, and now Wikipedia won't change their DOB because of the glut of erroneous sources out there. And on and on it goes.
  14. I found a bunch of old Lake Placid News (LPN), Adirondack Daily Express (ADE), Plattsburgh Press-Rebulican (PPR) articles archived as black and white PDF scans that mention Lizzy, some with photos of her: Here's a rundown of the rest of the references: Involvement in Sports Skiing. "Lately, the students of St. Agnes School have accomplished a lot out of school. Many SAS students particpated recently in some exciting ski races: NYSEF World Cup race for JV (ages 7-10). Placings are as follows... Elizabeth Grant 20th". January 25, 1995 LPN Sports page box score showing her run time and placing ("8. Elizabeth Grant 44.33") in the Ed Damp Junior V World Cup. March 12, 1996 PPR "The New York Ski Educational Foundation (NYSEF) held its annual family race and picnic for participants in the.series last Saturday, at which time the final standings were released... Elizabeth Grant (259)... Completed the top 10." March 23, 1996 ADE Skating. "The following scholarships have been awarded by the Skating Club of Lake Placid to the skaters named below... $50 scholarships for ice or lessons... Elizabeth Grant." March 27, 1997 ADE Softball. She played center fielder for her middle school team. "Elizabeth grant [sic] OF-C". April 10, 1998 LPN Involvement in Other Extra-curricular Activities Choir. "The Lake Placid High School (LPHS) concert started off with the chorus singing 'Psallite'. They song many traditional Christmas Carols [sic]. The chorus personnel are... Elizabeth Grant". March 7, 2000 LPN "After the Women's Ensemble it was the high school chorus' time to shine... Medley from 'Les Miserables' had many soloists, such as... Elizabeth Grant". June 23, 2000 LPN What song do you think she sang? Performed in a variety show (as well as Chuck and Charlie). June 23, 2000 LPN Secretary of the high school Key Club. "On Tuesday May 9, the Key Club members welcomed new leadership... Congratulations also go to the new secretary. Elizabeth Grant". June 23, 2000 LPN Staff of the Blue Times Bomber, the school newspaper which appears to have been an insert in the Lake Placid News. January 28, 2000 March 17, 2000 LPN June 23, 2000 LPN Confirmation. "On Sunday afternoon. May 21, at 4:30 p.m.. Bishop Gerald Barbarito, bishop of Ogdensburg, came to Lake Placid and confirmed more than 50 people from area Roman Catholic churches, including St Agnes... It was a beautiful and solemn ceremony, with the church's altars and pillars decked in red, the bishop in his red chasuble (robe), wearing his miter on his head and holding his staff in hand. On the altar, dozens of red roses arranged in large vases added to the festive atmosphere. The 17 Lake Placid young people, all dressed in white robes, who received the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the sacrament of confirmation included... Elizabeth Grant". May 26, 2000 LPN Honor Roll There are also many articles that list her on the honor roll: Grade 7, High Honors. January 9, 1998 LPN February 13, 1998 LPN March 27, 1998 LPN March 27, 1998 ADE March 30, 1998 PPR May 29, 1998 ADE June 9, 1998 ADE June 19, 1998 LPN July 31, 1998 PPR Grade 8, Honors. March 5, 1999 LPN March 8, 1999 ADE March 12, 1999 LPN May 7, 1999 LPN Grade 8, High Honors. June 18, 1999 LPN July 20, 1999 July 23, 1999 LPN Grade 9, Honors. December 24, 1999 LPN December 31, 1999 LPN January 28, 2000 LPN This establishes pretty well that she started 9th grade in the fall of 1999. Unless you skip a grade, kids are 14 or 15 when they begin 9th grade (or at least turn 14 shortly after it begins). If Lizzy was really born in 1986 as she claims, she would have just turned 13 the summer before. Family Members There's also a lot of articles mentioning other members of her family. I didn't spend a ton of time looking at those, but they appear to be mostly about her parents' efforts to organize opposition to a development project (Lake Placid does really remind me of Twin Peaks sometimes) for classic NIMBY reasons, her dad's real estate listings, and Chuck and Charlie's sports exploits (including a huge fish she caught). However, this article describes in greater detail her dad's furniture company mentioned in that Domain Name Journal profile on him and this article gives more background on her family's ownership of "God Bless America" singer Kate Smith's home-- which Lizzy mentioned in this article and was the inspiration for the original title of AKA-- and their attempts to sell it at a large profit rather than an affordable price for the Kate Smith/God Bless America Foundation who wanted to turn it into a museum. Note: Please let me know if any of my links appear wrong. That's a lot of links to copy and paste!
  15. ~Santa Baby~ Ha, no, I'd bet cake she actually said 'S.' in the interview. The German word for Santa Claus used in the original article is 'Weihnachtsmann'.
  16. Were you not there for that tinychat? I also sort of answered that on the forum already. Ok, my turn: @@Madrigal Where's that voice recording you promised? We're still waiting. #WorseThanTropico Are we limited to only one question? I've got questions for lots of you.
  17. Sometimes LanaBoards makes me feel like a school bus driver driving a bus full of whiny, hyperactive schoolchildren asking every five seconds, "Are we there yet?"
  18. You can see what songs she had on Soundcloud at one point here: http://web.archive.org/web/20100530082249/http://soundcloud.com/lanadelrey Also, I've got a pretty good rundown of songs known for sure to have been originally posted by her producers or management on Soundcloud or elsewhere in the "Keep an Eye on the 'Industry Players'" section of my "Sleuthing Tips and Tricks" OP.
  19. Fantastic work. What did you use? I have some other search terms I'd like to try. Yeah, he captioned two of his photos of her on Flickr "She's so hot" and "Good chickie, that one." You can see the blog post here. Apparently Trendrr bought Wiredset. If you search my Early Shows subsection for "Ghuneim" you'll get several hits. One of Ghuneim's Twitter accounts is @mediaeater. A user account called "mdg" (likely Ghuneim's initials) that links to mediaeater.com posted info about her December 2, 2008 National Underground show on BrooklynVegan. Also, those shitty cell phone videos of her Mercury Lounge show were originally posted on Qik by a user named "mediaeater". So that's all Mark Ghuneim. Hmm... I don't have any early show dates around this time. Nah, Chuck got there first: Or maybe that crazy-sounding girl that made accusations about Lana and Shiny Toy Guns. Is there any significance to the people who wrote the last two tweets I quoted or are they just random people that saw her? Are we even sure they're about the right Lizzy Grant? As I mentioned, I don't know of any gigs Lana had right before the first tweet, and Lana was still in the UK when the "hater"-- who's a comedian from Detroit-- wrote the second tweet.
  20. Or the "Random Conversation" thread.
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