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  1. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    i do wonder where dear old ben mawson is in all this. is he just idly watching this media shitstorm? has he been advising lana but she's just going against what he says? he must know that antagonising the media isn't good for her image.
  2. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by lafleursauvage in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I feel like my emotions were played with and I don't know who to put the blame on. I listened to the short audio snippet of the "i wish i was dead already" part and, yes, she seems pretty non-chalant about it in the interview, but I've had friends with depression and when I ask them similar questions, I receive the same kind of passivity. It's really quite strange and I'm not exaggerating. Listening to it felt so....weird for me. It was like listening to one of my friends talk to me and all the feelings came back.
    So, part of me believes that she really is suffering. Another part of me believes that the journalist might have twisted her words or misunderstood them in some way. But there's also a deeper part in me that hopes Lana isn't just saying these things as a part of some PR stunt, I don't think she would really do something like that. 
    It would really hurt me if indeed this was all for publicity and she really isn't suicidal/depressed,etc. I've recently lost someone to suicide so I don't take things like this lightly. I don't take things with a grain of salt anymore, my eyes have been wide open for a while now. 
    And when I first read the interview, like the very first time, it really, genuinely shook me. I was very concerned for her, guys. So now I'm reading the "aftermath" and almost believing that maybe she isn't really suicidal and that this may be some kind of stunt (I don't believe it but it's been thrown out there), The mere possibility of this makes me squirm in my seat. I care about her deeply and I really do admire her creativity and her talent, but... if really she is glamorizing premature death, it would hurt me. Even in the BTD and Paradise eras, I didn't believe or feel like she was glamorizing premature death, I only believed she had a fascination with the lives those artists (kurt, Amy, etc) led. She has a fascination more with their personalities than anything else imo. 
    I just hope that she's smarter next time, I just hope that she isn't truly suffering, and I just hope that she isn't glamorizing early death/suicide as they say she is... 
    I'm feeling hurt by all of this and I'm not sure why.
    Note: I do recall in other interviews wherein she discussed depression (or at least the interviewer validated that she did) So, as I've said in the past, I do believe she has struggled or is still struggling with depression...  
  3. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    God I hope a lot of you aren't actually dealing with depressed friends and family IRL 
  4. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by violentest in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    I honestly feel sorry for everyone who don't get how great Mark is for Lana's videos. He was the perfect choice especially for SoC, the way he seems so cool but at the same time so vulnerable, his eyes and the way he looks at Lana with such admiration and sadness. I was very touched by him in this video.
    Mark honestly seems like a very nice guy in interviews and stuff. I'm sort of secretly hoping that Lana is or will be dating him in the future......
  5. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Lirazel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I would say that it's as dark as Paradise.
  6. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Lirazel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I like Ultraviolence (and maybe in time I will love it! I'm not disappointed, just haven't listened to it enough), but how the fuck is it so dark that's almost unlistenable?
    I mean, it's not like I've expected suicide/death/doom/whatever metal level of darkness and I still came out disappointed.
    It's a lovely and moody record, but that's it.
  7. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Jazzmin in Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)   
    It's my favorite Lana song and I'll tell you why. It's just so... Touching to me. Although my life is completely different from Lana's, it's always been "sweet like cinamone" since I was born, I often feel I share the same soul with her. So, particularly about my feelings about "Gramma": the thing about "wanting to be whole world's girl", trying to pleasure everyone, feeling you are not good enough... This is just the way I am. And at the same time you hear "Honey, don't you know, you have everything" and you feel guilty about being unhappy because you should be fucking happy and grateful for everything. Well, maybe at least "somewhere out there is a good man waiting for me"...
  8. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by TheKingofHorror in Tell Me You're Joking   
    I changed my profile pic just now. Lol ok, new friends are always cool, nice to meet you.
    Also everyone sorry for my stupidity I really am. I knew the song was hers but, I guess I don't know all of Lana's styles of singing etc yet.
  9. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    So ashamed for my reaction and for believing she was suicidal. Fucking hack!
    Still wish she feels happier though.
  10. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by GodBlessMe in Livestream: Lana at "Pour la Fête de la Musique"   
    What do you mean this cola performance was flawless!!!
  11. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Livestream: Lana at "Pour la Fête de la Musique"   
    Finally, we have a good quality recording of Cola
    Life is complete
  12. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Bekim in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Str8 ppl on tumblr 
  13. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by tiffanydale in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    1. Can I come with you on every tour you go on
    2. Can I listen to Roses
    3. Can I have sex with you
  14. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Agnese13 in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    Hmmm, weeeelll....
    Question I always have wanted to ask her is about God, like where does her faith in God come from and why is she such a strong believer?
    What does heaven mean to her?
    I actually can't think of anything else, but that question about God is smth I seriously want to know
  15. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    WHY would Jamie bash Lana, guys? It makes no sense. Those fans are looking for a fight. We all should lighten up and try to be less drama queens (which I often am as well)...
  16. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I retweeted them and they still appear on my timeline on there.
    The guy says now Lana fans are worse than Morrissey fans.
    I'm double trouble coz I adore both Moz and LDR.

  17. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Livestream: Lana at "Pour la Fête de la Musique"   
    Performance (Audio).
    She performed Cola, Blue Jeans, West Coast, Born To Die, Ultraviolence & Video Games.

  18. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by summertimesadness_x in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    Yeah ok... It's a personal opinion - doesn't mean its exactly right or right at all. I just see Lana as a sensitive person and she obviously was seriously angry with the slant the reporter took because she very rarely tweets about things that piss her off. I don't want to imply that Lana is thick or not brainy, I actually think she is one of the most intelligent and creative artists around which are the exact reasons I love her- I just meant that I don't think she necessarily wants to give interviews- I'm probably wrong but I'm only speaking about my views. 
  19. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I would never say she's not authentic or an art project, but even if we all love Lana as the sensitive person she is, we should not underestimate her. She sells an image too, indeed. And i think she is someone who act very thoughtful towards the media in order to make the appearance she wants too. That said, I guess she really hasn#t said this line in the way it's presented, because this "thoughtful" dealing with the media will make her upset if her words are twisted in a way she did not intended them to be.
  20. Divisive Princess liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I love you already. Moz and Lana are the reason I believe there's still hope for pop music.

  21. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by CherryGalore in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    Well, didn't someone once say that all publicity is good publicity?
    It's weird, even when I read the interview for the very first time - before the hype explosion - I just thought, well, I know where you're coming from. I didn't worry that she was about to take her own life or any of that and didn't really think twice about it... I imagined it kinda like she said it (having just listened to the audio.) But I guess the reason is, that I feel like I really relate to that kind of underlying blues where you don't take life for granted. You kinda question whether you want to be here or not, it's never just a given. But at the same time never ever wanting (truly) to take your own life, because the beauty of life isn't lost on you either.
    I find Jaime's tweets really weird. It's REALLY hard for me not to think that the first one was indeed aimed at Lana. Fits perfectly. And if they're still as close as they have been in the past, then why isn't she up to date with this media storm of BS surrounding Lana?
  22. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Arzi in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    i can't with these fucking twitter fans  now jamie will think lana's fanbase is full of 12 years old (might be true)
  23. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by smoledman in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I think it's that ongoing nervousness in the face of mega-stardom is what endears her so much to people. She doesn't seem to have the stinking air of superiority about her like a Kanye.
  24. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by viagra in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    audio: http://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2014/jun/20/lana-del-rey-problem-interview-but-why?view=desktop
    She said it with laughter after talking about dead icons. Definitely not suicidal.
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